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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Prague Post Survey: Tourists Have Weird Accidents

Survey: Vacationers have odd complaints, weird accidents

No mojitos. Photo illustration
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Driver hit a kangaroo in Bavaria; no mojitos at El Mojito; seal hogs beach; a sofa is not a bed

Prague, Aug 18 (ČTK) — Animal activists bothering tourists and a tremendously noisy rooster are among the curious complaints Czechs have addressed to travel agents this year, while insurers deal with cases such as a client's car damaged by a giraffe or a collision with a kangaroo in Bavaria, the Czech News Agency’s survey has shown.
“A rooster woke me up every morning, and the travel agency's official failed to secure a remedy,” a complaining client wrote and claimed financial compensation from the agency for his “spoiled” holiday.
A large portion of complaints concern meals and hotel services.
“Every day after the dinner, it was impossible to order mojito, the alcoholic beverage. As the reason they always said they did not have mint. On the top of it, the hotel's name was El Mojito!” another client wrote.
Another case involves a holidaying client who otherwise works as a construction expert. He claimed compensation for his hotel room being smaller than what he had paid for.
“After having measured it, I found out that the room's area was 16 square meters, including the bathroom, while...I had paid for a room of about 25 square meters. This is evidently a trick played on me as a client. I was deprived of 34 percent of the accommodation area I had paid for,” the client wrote.
Another tourist showed annoyance at the double bed in his hotel room being “an ordinary folding sofa.”
“During our holiday, we expected to enjoy something better than what we have at home,” the client wrote with disappointment.
Other Czech tourists complained about animal protectors bothering them on a beach.
First, the activists enclosed a seal that was lying on the beach with a safety tape.
 “We did not mind that. A problem arose, however, when the seal wanted to swim. All of a sudden, the activists chased all bathers out from the sea,” a client wrote.
“We enjoyed our holiday very much.… But we definitely would not recommend that resort to anyone unless they do something about the seal,” the client added.
Insurers have handled curious cases as well.
A Czech family experienced an incident on their safari tour north of Hannover, Germany.
When their stopped their car, a passing-by giraffe pushed its head into the car window to consume the apples lying on a seat. After spotting humans, the giraffe wanted to pull its head out, but it got stuck inside the car and managed to withdraw only after a few violent jerks that damaged the car door.
A client of the Allianz insurance company, while driving on a holiday in Norway, jerked the wheel to avert a collision with a moose, but the skidding car crashed into a bear that was standing nearby. Fortunately, neither the driver nor the animals got injured.
The insurer also dealt with the case of a collision of a car with a kangaroo, which did not happen in Australia but in Bavaria, not far behind the Czech border.
It was a kangaroo escaping from a pet shop. The animal survived the accident, causing a shock to the driver and a minor damage to his car. 

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