Sunday, August 30, 2015

Le Monde- Science


Researchers invent the machine to vomit POST BLOG

La machine à vomir.
US biologists wanted to check if the vomiting could be suspended in air droplets containing the virus of gastroenteritis.
The British writer and neurologist Oliver Sacks in New York in June 2009. AFP / CHRIS MCGRATH

Oliver Sacks or romantic medicine  5

The neurologist Oliver Sacks, author of the worldwide hit "The man who took his wife for a hat," died Sunday at his home in New York.
Stephen Hawking, ici en 2010, propose une solution à un paradoxe concernant l'information absorbée par les trous noirs.

Stephen Hawking's advice to escape from a black hole  19

The eminent physicist says it is possible to output these huge entities where everything is supposed to disappear. But in a form a priori very different ...
Une grande partie des résultats obtenus dans la recherche en psychologie ne sont pas reproductibles.

The scientific selection of the week (number 185) BLOG POST

On the menu: the results of psychology studies on the spot, how the nails grow, the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the first astronomical observatory in Ethiopia, etc.
Les astronautes vont passer un an enfermés sous ce dôme, posé sur une des îles d'Hawaï.

Locked up for a year to simulate a trip to Mars  12

Six people, including a French, began a one-year mission to gather information for a trip to the Red Planet.
La galaxie d'Andromède, ici observée par le télescope Hubble le 6 janvier, est une galaxie de forme spirale.

The galaxies morph into aging  5

For the first time, scientists were able to say that the transformation of galaxies was part of the normal course of their evolution.
Un étudiant de Warwick (Angleterre) résout des équations mathématiques au tableau à la craie, le 12 octobre 2008.

The summer riddle: "self" POST BLOG

Note that it is not necessary to embark on long and tedious calculations to solve this puzzle! With the right approach, it can be done in minutes, by hand, on a corner table ...
Détail de l'Aphrodite du Capitole.

Who discovered the clitoris? BLOG POST

In the sixteenth century, two Italian anatomists have played the scoop of the discovery of the female organ ... that other scientists had spotted before them.
Pierre Barthélémy
See news Sciences
Une équipe japonaise est parvenue, à l'aide d'une sorte de mini-GPS connecté au cerveau de rats rendus aveugles, à rendre à ces animaux le sens de l'orientation.
Researchers make the sense of direction to the blind rats

Science Videos

Photo au microscope d'un disque de frein en carbone.
When science is combined with aesthetics: the heart of a carbon brake
Emballage plastique à bulles.
Overcoming plastic bags and packaging
Dione, une lune de Saturne.
NASA unveils new images of Dione, Saturn moon
See videos Sciences
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