Translation from English

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Le Monde= Planet


First recognition of a disability due to electrosensitivity in France  53

Une antenne-relais à Sizun, dans le Finistère, en 2009.
A complainant became entitled to an allowance for disabled adults and hopes that the court decision will set a precedent.
A Paris le 25 août.

Ban Ki-moon: "We have no time to lose" Climate

The Secretary General of the United Nations recognizes that climate negotiations are proceeding "at a snail's pace" but is optimistic about the outcome of COP21.
Une session plénière à la Knesset, le 13 mai 2015.

The Knesset wants to become the greenest World Parliament  11

Photovoltaic panels, waste sorting: the project "Green Knesset" aims to transform the office of Israeli MPs 100% ecological building.
Des logos de l'entreprise EDF à Flamanville. AFP PHOTO KENZO TRIBOUILLARD

Release of white smoke into the night at the Flamanville nuclear power plant  31

The emergency plan was activated, and the alert was lifted at 6 am 10. EDF claims that there was "no release to the environment."
Une plantation de thé à Nandi Hills (Kenya) en novembre 2014.

Kenyan Agriculture takes the path of GMOs

In this country where maize is the staple food, the Government intends to lift the moratorium banning the importation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in order to exclude the presence of a virus ravaging crops. Farmers are very concerned.


Les Etats-Unis restent largement en tête des pays producteurs d'OGM, avec 73,1 millions d'hectares dédiés à ce type de plantations.

Want to GMOs in Europe?

The twenty-eight member states of the European Union gave their green light Thursday, June 12, during a council of environment ministers in Luxembourg, to legislation offering states discretion to ban GMOs in their territory .
Sur le site nucléaire du Tricastin, dans le sud-ouest de la France, en mai 2012.

Should we close or extend the old nuclear power plants?

While 29 Greenpeace activists who were introduced at Tricastin (Drôme) in 2013 are judged Thursday, March 6, EDF decided to extend the lifespan of power plants up to 50 or 60 years. Do you fear an aging nuclear fleet?
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Une manifestation anti-OGM devant le centre de recherche de Rothamsted à Harpenden en Angleterre en 2012.

GMOs divisive UK

Scotland is preparing to ban genetically modified plants while London pushes their culture.
Eric Albert (London, correspondence)
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Quatrième éruption du piton de la Fournaise, sur l'île de la Réunion, lundi 24 août.
Fourth year of the eruption of Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island

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Quatrième éruption du piton de la Fournaise, sur l'île de la Réunion, lundi 24 août.
Fourth year of the eruption of Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island
Après avoir dévasté le nord des Philippines et fait une dizaine de morts, le typhon Goni se dirige vers le Japon, lundi 24 août.
Goni The typhoon is approaching the Japanese coast
Mei Xiang, la mère des deux pandas géants du zoo de Washington.
Birth of two giant pandas to the Washington zoo
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