Tips on designing a health information technology system to support a community paramedic program.
Find out why health information technology is an essential structural component to any organization implementing a mobile integrated healthcare program.
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A different perspective on the hot-button issue of police brutality: What a responder should do
Providers must be assertive when we see a citizen in distress while in custody to ensure the medical well-being of the citizen.
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  • 19 people like this.
  • Lawrence Kreger
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  • Einar Bondemann I am assuming the lawyer writing will represent us in court when while standing up for our patients from misconduct on the part of law enforcement when we are arrested for interfering?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
  • Rusty Lee I had a paramedic partner that was assaulted by a state police sergeant when the patient attacked my partner. Turned out the kid was a family friend of the cop. Know what came of it? Nothing. Brushed under the rug. The company simply told us they took ...See More
    Like · Reply · 14 mins
Training on a budget? Here are some inexpensive, easy recipes for reusable moulage.
A do-it-yourself guide to inexpensive, reusable simulation manikin moulage.
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ICYMI: Bariatric patient slips and impales himself. He's down 12-24 hours before EMS arrives, and is already in a fib.
EMS providers are in an interesting position and have an obligation to report suspected child abuse.
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ICYMI: No more excuses not to work out. Here are 5 simple exercises you can do at the station with no equipment.
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EMS providers are in an interesting position and have an obligation to report suspected child abuse.
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Now Hiring: Manager MedStar Communications…/manager-medstar-communicat…
MedStar Washington Hospital Center - Manager MedStar Communications - Washington - YOU WANT EXCELLENCETHAT ATTRACTS THE BEST TALENT.I - Pennwell -
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Video shows scene of collapse and destruction in Troy.
Roof collapse injured at least six people during storm in Troy.
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The goal of the study was to compare survival for patients treated within the golden hour to those with > 60 minutes of prehospital time.
Is time running out on the "golden hour"?
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