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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


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    Çin'de dolar yüzde 5 değer kazandı, kıyamet koptu... Bizde USD bir yılda yaklaşık yüzde 50 değer kazandı yani TL değer kaybetti; Dollar value gained 5 percent in China, all hell broke loose ... it has won about 50 percent a year worth USD per value that was lost; kaygılanacak durum yok... You do not have to worry about the situation ...
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  • 16 Reviews
    Böyle iki ayaklı canlılarda var makam sahibi yapmışlar. They did have such an authority in the two-legged creatures. Ya ben anlamadım kimden yana bu? Or since who I mean?
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    ne iğrençsiniz ya deden yaşındalan How disgusting or yourgrandfather's aged man
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  • 6 Reviews
    Yilmaz yaman kucuk futbolcunun kucuk yorumcusumu oluyosun Sen ? Yilmaz yorumcusu my little patchof small players you're goin '?
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  • 4 Reviews
    Ikinci fetva sulandirmak icin, birincisi onemli, orada AKP taraftarini gaza getirmek ve "namaz kildirmayan insanlar" yani Ce-Ha-Pe iftirasini koruklemek var. The second fatwa to irritate the, first, important, there AKP supporter of bringing the gas and "leads the prayers are not people" that had to Cee-Ha-Pa iftiras the bellows. Dincilerin bu CHP'ye attigi iftira deniz olsa bence dunyayi 10 kez doldururdu. Rally the CHP would fill the sea, though I think the world of slander attigi 10 times. Allah'tan korkmuyorsunuz bari coluk cocugunuzun haysiyetinden utanin. Ut the dignity of your peace of desert + kids do not fear Allah.
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  • 4 Reviews
    Bir memlekette herkes Hirsiz olurmu be kardesim. Burglar olurmu everyone in a country be my brother. Sporcusundan, Imamindan, Is adamindan, Ogrencisinden, Devletin en ustundeki burokratlarindan en assagidaki burokratlarina kadar, Doktoru, Hastanesi, polisi, sigorta sirketleri, Insaat sirketleri, Turizmcisi, ciftcisi, manavi. The athletes, the Imams, the businessmen, the students up to the top of the bureaucrats in the state's top one down here bureaucrats, doctor, hospital, police, insurance companies, construction companies, tourist managers, farmers, grocery store. Bir tane durust adam yokmu be kardesim memlekette. Do not have one honest man to be my brothers and sisters at home.
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