Monday, August 31, 2015

Gizmodo Latest

Cute animation video explains how smart dolphins actually are

We always hear that dolphins are smart but how smart are they actually? Lori Marino explains for Ted-Ed in this cute animation and it’s almost stunning how intelligent they are. Their encephalization quotient (brain size to body size) is second only to us dumb humans and goes into detail how they can pass down… » Today 8:20pm

Daredevil kid rides a train while on top of the roof of the train

Taking the train is my favorite form of transportation because unlike a car, I don’t have to drive or get stuck in traffic and unlike an airplane, I don’t have to go through security and be crammed in impossibly tiny spaces. But I only like it when I’m inside the train. This kid, who’s completely nuts and probably has… » Today 8:00pm

Things Get Twisty in the Qualcomm #WhyWait Invent-Off

The #WhyWait Invent-Off teams have their work cut out for them. Just when they thought they’d gotten past all the major hurdles and could breathe a little easier, Episode 4 is here to make the competition, and their creations, more interesting. 
»8/17/15 12:00pm

Eras To Live In, Ranked

The past was awful. It was a time of choleric ignoramuses flopping around in their own shit and killing each other for entertainment. I feel bad for everyone who lived before today. » Today 7:40pm

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