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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

Gizmodo Movie Night: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! The Best Australian TV And Movies Streaming Right Now

It’s almost the weekend, and that means you should book in another movie night. Kick back, relax, and enjoy some of the best pieces of Aussie cinema around.

All The Trailers You Need To See From Gamescom

Gamescom has been absolutely packed with brand new trailers. Want to save yourself some time searching, we’ve got all (most) of them right here! Happy watching!

The FDA Just Lost A Lawsuit That Could Change How Drugs Are Regulated

A small drug company has won an early fight in its case against the FDA, which will allow it to promote its fish-oil pill for treatments not explicitly approved by the agency. The federal case has huge implications for the future of prescription drugs in the US and could weaken the FDA’s power to regulate how drugs are marketed.

Elephants Discover Public Toilets Are Great Watering Holes

Video: Your dog isn’t the only one who likes drinking from the toilet. Clever elephants at the Elephant Sand Lodge campsite in Botswana have also wised up to the most refreshing water source around.

Frank Gehry Is The Wrong Architect To Revitalise The Los Angeles River

Last month Los Angeles was promised $US1.3 billion in US federal funding to transform its river from a cinematic cement chute to an honest-to-goodness urban waterway. That great news has been eclipsed by today’s puzzling announcement that the city has tapped architect Frank Gehry to lead the redevelopment. It’s a really bad idea.

A Giant Crane Lifting A Huge Crane Lifting A Big Crane Lifting A Crane

Video: This is my favourite thing. A few years ago Liebherr showed off the power and strength of its giant mobile cranes by lifting each other. That is the small crane (which is pretty damn big already) gets lifted by a bigger crane which gets lifted by an even bigger crane which gets lifted by the biggest crane (which is ridiculously big).

Plane Makes An Emergency Landing In The LA River

If you’re a small plane looking to make an emergency landing, there’s really no better place than the LA River. Mostly because large stretches of it aren’t so much a river, as it is a long concrete wasteland. Ever seen the movies Drive or T2? Then you know what I’m talking about.

Another Secular Blogger Was Brutally Murdered In Bangladesh 

Niloy Chatterjee is the fourth Bangladeshi blogger to be attacked and killed in the last six months. Chatterjee, 40, who wrote under the pseudonym Niloy Neel, had feared for his life following the horrific murders of fellow secular-minded bloggers.

Watch Extreme Weather Move Around Earth With This Animated Map

If you’re interested in data design, you’ll probably be very jealous of the developers and scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Visualisation Lab.

The Man Who Invented Corn Flakes Really Hated Masturbation

We know John H. Kellogg as the man who invented Corn Flakes and unleashed bran-filled diet fads on an unwary 19th century public. But he was also the author of an influential sex education book that was all about the dangers of self-pleasuring.

Your Kid Will Secretly Learn About Geology With This Colourful Bedding

Aside from “vegetables” and maybe “bathtime”, there is no word more universally despised by kids than “educational”. But since there’s no age too young to start prepping them to get into a good university, these bedsheets provide a valuable geology lesson every time your kid heads off to bed.

Mimas And Dione Beam Up At Saturn In A Stunning Portrait

The Moon feels like Earth’s kid brother, but Saturn’s moons are more like gnats on an elephant, as illustrated in this incredible image captured by the Cassini probe.

A Warm Ocean 'Blob' In The Pacific Is Feeding A Toxic Algae Bloom 

The Blob has been there for over a year — a cauldron of extra-warm ocean temperatures off the coast of the Pacific Northwest that just won’t budge. The Blob has already affected food availability and habitats for marine life, and now scientists are starting to see at least one dangerous side-effect of the Blob: A harmful algae bloom stretching from Alaska to California.

Retweets Kinda Are Endorsements If You're Retweeting ISIS

You can claim your retweets aren’t endorsements, but if you’re retweeting known terrorists on a regular basis, feds in the US may just use that as evidence to arrest you.

Some Genius Turned Fisher Price Cassette Player Into A Bluetooth Speaker

If you still own a Fisher Price cassette player, it’s probably buried deep in some ’80s nostalgia-filled corner of your closet. But where most of us see a beloved electronic fossil, Matt Gruskin saw a retro-styled Bluetooth speaker.

5 Places People Have Turned The Water A Crazy Unnatural Colour

On Thursday, a spill during an acid mine cleanup effort sent 3.78 megalitres of wastewater seeping down the Animas River. Overnight, the popular waterway was abandoned as its colour quickly changed from blue to an acrid, neon orange.

SA Opposition Leader Is Pushing The State For An UberX Trial

UberX is getting a price hike, thanks to the whole “GST on fares” thing, but at least those on Australia’s east coast can hire an UberX. South Australia’s not so fortunate, where the service is illegal, though the state’s opposition leader, Steven Marshall, believes it should at least be given a “trial”.

Russians Blamed For Cyberattack On Pentagon Email Systems 

Russia is the leading suspect behind a cyberattack that prompted the Pentagon to take an unclassified email system offline last month. According to NBC News, that the email system has been offline every since.

You Can Get A OnePlus 2 Shipped To Australia Right Now

The OnePlus One sure made splash when it popped up last year. The only problem? Actually getting the thing, thanks to its unique invite system. That’s no longer an issue now that the OnePlus 2 is out, with one online store not only having stock, but happy to ship to Australia without demanding an organ as payment.

Some Sexually-Transmitted Microbes Could Make You Healthier

One risk of sexual behaviour is catching a disease from a partner. But sex partners trade a lot of other micro-organisms as well, and some of them might actually have beneficial effects.

How To Make Bread Like They Did 2000 Years Ago

Video: Way, way back in 79 AD, a baker put a loaf of bread into his oven and then Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the city. The oven was found and opened in 1930 during excavations and the recipe has been recreated by chef Giorgio Locatelli. He uses buckwheat flour, which was more readily available then, and re-creates the quirks of the bread.

This Material Could Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel

In the energy world, carbon capture technology is often seen as the Holy Grail: Imagine if we could just suck all pesky climate-changing CO² out of the atmosphere. Scientists at the DOE are hot on the problem. They have just identified a new material that not only captures CO², it helps convert the greenhouse gas into fuel.

Watch The World Switch From Internet Explorer To Chrome

Somewhere deep in the cobweb-filled recesses of your brain, you might remember a time when checking your email meant booting up Internet Explorer. But as this infographic shows, it wasn’t long ago that the world was filled with Internet Explorers. Then, a couple years back, nearly every country switched to Chrome.

These Glasses Block Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition software is cropping up everywhere, so it was only a matter of time before anti facial recognition tech started to catch up. Naturally, Japan is leading the way. That’s right: Japan’s National Institute of Informatics is now developing ‘privacy glasses’ that make human faces unreadable to machines.

Explore The Surface Of Mars With NASA's Latest Web Tools

Most of us will never set foot on Mars, but thanks to NASA’s unceasing public outreach campaign, we can all imagine what that would be like. To commemorate the three year anniversary of the Curiosity rover’s Martian landing, NASA has unveiled two new web tools that allow you to explore the Red Planet’s surface and ride alongside the much-anthropomorphised rover.

Would You Eat This Space Lettuce?

It may look unnatural, but this is part of a series of experiments aboard the International Space Station that sees astronauts growing lettuce in space.

'Yolk And Shell' Nanoparticles Could Make Batteries Last Longer

As batteries go through repeated charge-and-discharge cycles, their electrodes expand and contract — and the physical damage that causes leads to gradual battery degradation. Now, a team of researchers from MIT has a new kind of nanoparticle that may ease the problem.

You'll Want These Star Wars Dog And Cat Toys More Than Your Pets Do

With a new Star Wars movie on the horizon, do you really think that Disney and Lucasfilm would limit their marketing efforts to just humans? Of course not. Dogs and cats are also in both company’s promotional crosshairs with this massive collection of costumes and toys designed just for pets from Petco.

Stunning Video Of Mars From Orbit

Video: What a hypnotising look at the red planet. We get to see the view that ESA’s Mars Express see as it explores Mars, specifically a stunning look from orbit. I just love seeing it spin and twirl and then zoom in and then repeat the beautiful process all over again. I can see this in my dreams.

Tim Cook's $US700,000 Security Spending Is Small Compared To Other Major CEOs

The Apple nerd community is buzzing about how much the company pays for Tim Cook’s security. $US700,000 to protect just one guy! The thing no one seems to be mentioning? Other tech companies spend a lot more on CEO security.

'Tidal Fence' Will Harness The Power Of The Surf

The ocean could be a boundless source of cheap energy, if only we could figure out how to tap it. A British startup has just announced an intriguing new idea: A long fence of shallow water turbines that would soak up the power of tides as they roll toward the beach.

A Tactical Can Koozie Keeps You Prepared For Grilling Emergencies

When you get a late-night craving for BBQ, the last thing you want to do is ignore it. So when you find yourself standing next to the grill long after the sun has set with a drink in hand, you’ll be glad this tactical koozie with a built-in torch is at your side.

There's Going To Be An Opera About Steve Jobs 

Since Steve Jobs’s 2011 death, there’s been a glut of movies, books, documentaries and parodies about the Apple founder’s dramatic life. If you’ve been longing for a more highbrow interpretation of the story of a successful entrepreneur who loved orange foods, good news: Steve Jobs is the focus of an upcoming opera.

Oops, Toys 'R' Us Is Selling Star Wars: The Force Awakens Toys Early

The Emperors at Disney and Lucasfilm have declared that all Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys are only to be revealed during ‘Force Friday’ events on September 4. But apparently the stock people at a British Columbia Toys “R” Us didn’t get that memo.

New Anglerfish Proves Deep Sea Life Is Just As Hideous As Ever

The deep ocean is home to some of the ugliest creatures imaginable, so this newly discovered anglerfish, which looks like a radioactive turkey leg with a spiny mouth face, is fitting in just swimmingly.

An Acid-Spilling Mine Turned This River Bright Orange

This time of year kayaks and inner tubes crowd the crystal-clear waters of the Animas River, which flows through the western Colorado city of Durango. Last night, the river was quickly abandoned as millions of litres of wastewater seeping from a local mine slowly trickled downstream, eventually colouring the entire river an eerie electric orange.

Thermos' New Smart Bottle Tells You When Your Water's Warm And Gross

There’s no shortage of smart water bottles on crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. But when a brand like Thermos enters the game with a new smart lid for its bottles that tracks hydration and even monitors the temperature of your water, you better pay attention.

The Same Principle That Lifts Wings Inflates This Therm-A-Rest 

This new Therm-A-Rest Camper SV is 8cm thick and 196cm long, but requires just a couple breathes to inflate. How? It’s the same reason aeroplanes fly and curve balls result in strikes.

NFL Replays Are Going To Be Packed With Juicy Player Data This Year

This season, every NFL player will wear a motion tracking chip — and we’re now getting a look at how the data these chips collect will be shown to fans in instant replays. This is the beginning of something beautiful.

How Crappy Infrastructure Led To NYC's Deadly Legionnaire's Outbreak

The South Bronx is dealing with an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease, with at least 86 known cases and seven deaths. It’s a medical emergency, but also an infrastructure crisis: The reason this outbreak occurred is a failure to care for the buildings we live and work in.

Write And Draw On Web Pages With Microsoft Edge

Windows 10 brings with it a brand new browser called Microsoft Edge (though Internet Explorer is still hanging around like an awkward kid in the background). Here’s how to get started with one of its most interesting features — annotating websites.

This Tiny Town Is Building A Groundbreaking Tsunami Shelter

On the coast of Washington, a small fishing town is working on a tsunami shelter that could protect more than half its population during a wall-of-water scenario. Hakai magazine explains why it works, while other communities have shut down efforts to fund shelters.

iTunes Is Dead To Me

Consider this an obituary for iTunes. The death comes just weeks after the arrival of Apple Music, its apparent heir, which was not well received by the typically loyal public. iTunes was just 14 years old.

Your Windows 10 Upgrade May Be Using More Space Than It Should

When it comes to upgrading my operating system, I’ve always been a fan of the clean slate. That way you can be sure nothing remains of the previous installation, providing some protection against future hiccups. However, if you were running the Technical Preview of Windows 10 and just took the plunge to the final release, you might be missing a few gigabytes of drive space.

New Study Reveals Just How Sick Families With Kids Get

If you have kids, you invariably get sick more often — but how often, exactly? A new study by scientists at the University of Utah School of Medicine reveals that big families have viral infections for an amazing 87 per cent of the year.

How To Use Your Phone To Get Started Painting With Light

Light painting can be loads of fun and it’s actually super easy to get started – no DSLR needed. With just a smartphone, an app or two and a dark room you can start experimenting with the art-form. So, how do you get started?

The Science Of Hiding Secret Messages Inside Regular Images

It’s been said that hiding something in plain sight is the best way to keep said thing a secret… as long it’s not an elephant in the middle of Federation Square. Yeah, you still have to put a little bit of effort in. For instance, did you know you can stash the entire works of Shakespeare in a (sufficiently-sized) JPEG and no one would be the wiser by simply looking at the image?

How To Drive On Snow And Ice

There’s an awful lot of bad information floating around about driving in winter weather. In fact, you’re probably doing it wrong. Here’s how to drive on snow or ice without crashing your car or wasting money on unnecessary stuff.

'FacePlant' Exploit Lets Hackers Hijack An Electric Skateboard

At this point, it feels like everything that can be hacked, will be hacked: Computers, phones, industrial systems, cars, baby monitors and now… electric skateboards.

Look Forward To A 10% Hike On UberX Fares

It was only a matter of time before the Australian Taxation Office caught up with Uber (or more accurately, its drivers). With the department now demanding GST be applied to the ride-sharing service’s fares, Uber has acquiesced somewhat by upping the price on its UberX trips by 10 per cent.

Venomous Frogs Use Deadly Face Spines To Slay Their Enemies

It’s common sense that you shouldn’t try to eat a poison dart frog. But you probably don’t want to go anywhere near one of these adorable little suckers, which use the tiny, bony spines on their faces to jab threatening animals with a venom more potent than that of a deadly pit viper.

How To Stay Warm When It's Cold Outside

I’m constantly shocked by how many people don’t know the basics of dressing for warmth in the outdoors. Even more people aren’t equipped with the basics for sleeping warmly on a cold night. It’s all simple and cheap, read this and make no more excuses.

New Software Lets You See The World Through Animal Eyes

If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to see the world as a lizard or a bumble bee or some other animal, you’re in luck: a new piece of open access software allows you to see how other creatures see the world.

A Human Master Gives This Robot Perfect Balance And Lightning Reflexes

Creating a humanoid robot that’s as agile and fast as an adult human — not a toddler — is a huge challenge as the recent DARPA challengeillustrated. So researchers at MIT have designed a robot that acts more like a puppet, relying on a human operator for dexterity, speed and balance.

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