Translation from English

Monday, August 3, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Asylum seekersintegration commissioner urges doubling of aid to refugees

In order to relieve the municipalities, the federal government would have to double its payments, requested integration commissioner Özuguz. Meanwhile, the reputation of the country by a flat rate per refugee is getting louder.However, the East rejects, in addition to take people for a fee.
© DPACamp for refugees near Chemnitz
The Integration Commissioner of the Federal Government, Aydan Özoguz (SPD), has called for the federal government to double the refugee assisting local communities to at least two billion euros per year. "Basically, the federal government must make available to a much higher aid the municipalities in the next year", said the Özoguz "Rheinische Post". "Doubling the previous billion it should at least be given the more than doubled the number of refugees", Özoguz added.

Countries make pressure

The provinces, meanwhile, are pushing more and more on a monthly fee. "Each refugee costs the country about 1,000 euros a month," said Berlin's Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen (SPD) of the newspaper. "The federal government should take over 50 percent of the cost per refugee."
Also NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger-affirmed the desire of countries for a flat rate. "That would relieve the local authorities immediately," the SPD politician said. As a further contribution of the Federation in dealing with the increasing numbers of refugees called the Interior Minister faster processing of asylum applications and facilities to make it easier to use the federal property such as barracks for accommodation.

Resistance from the East

From East Germany is resisting the proposal of Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann green, in addition to accept refugees for a fee."That's not so," said the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Erwin Selle ring (SPD), the "Bild" newspaper. All states should "take more refugees than foreseen" was. "This is also the eastern countries with major challenges," Sellering emphasized.
More on the subject
The Brandenburg Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) criticized Kretschmanns proposals in the "image" as "unrealistic". It mute to peculiar, especially when a green politician etikettiere refugees as a commodity. The local authorities in his State had "reached the limits of their capacity." At the same time the "great helpfulness and welcoming culture" of the Brandenburg municipalities was "extremely valuable". "We need to get this commitment and not to demotivate in the receiving places with unrealistic proposals, the people," Woidke said.
Source: SPO / AFP / dpa. 
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