
The coal lobby in the viewfinder
USA: Barack Obama presents his project to fight against climate change
At least six months of the COP 21, the major world climate conference to be held in Paris, Barack Obama has decided to reveal his great project ...
Aged 23 years
Toulouse discovery of a dismembered female body in a trunk
The dismembered body of a young woman was discovered Monday by firefighters in Toulouse, in his apartment. The body was in a trunk.
The nonsense recommence
"Babysitting-2": first trailer (VIDEO)
Following "Babysitting" a big success of French cinema last year, was released in theaters on December 2. A first band -...
It is a good pear
Asian pear: a miracle cure against hangovers
Australian scientists say they have discovered a miracle cure against hangovers: Asian pear.
A marginal increase
The stable unemployment figures, almost, in June
The number of Class A of unemployed slightly increased in June 2015 with "only" 1,300 additional registrants. If the Ministry of ...

P olicy

Many heartfelt reactions
François Kosciusko-Morizet, the father of NKM, died
François Kosciusko-Morizet, father of Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, died on the night of Monday to Tuesday at the age of 74 years at Sèvres Hospital, city ...
Regions: Franche-Comté a movement wishes to be included in Switzerland
Franche-Comté a regionalist party does not want his region attached to Burgundy. For this, it needs to be admitted to the Confederation ...


Doubtful family trip
Back to Disneyland Paris, a couple is arrested with 10 kilos of heroin
A couple was arrested last weekend on their return from Disneyland Paris with 10 kilograms of heroin and 1.5 kilo of cocaine in the trunk of their ...
Crash of Malaysia Airlines
Flight MH370: crustaceans could provide answers
German scientists say they can, using shellfish present on the wing of the plane found on the island of Reunion, ...

T rends eco

Good seed
Vilmorin, beautiful plant bicentennial (VIDEO)
Many of Vilmorin image of small packets of seeds placed at the end of the garden rows, on stakes. Founded there is more than two centuries ...
It carbide
BlaBlaCar riding the wave of holiday departures
The carpooling website BlaBlaCar carbide particularly during the summer. Indeed, on vacation in carpooling seems to settle in ...

The ifestyle

Fiat Lux
2015 "Year of Light": enlightened European funding for our daily
The UN General Assembly has declared 2015 "Year of Light". The European Union finances and supports several programs ...
Green light
Birth of the houses soon experienced in France
Birth centers, which allow women to give birth without hospitalization, will be an experiment in France by coming months ....
Looking for recognition
The fat could become the sixth basic taste
An American study published in the journal "Chemical Sense", fat has a unique taste and should therefore be considered as a separate flavor ...

C ulture

¡Ay, que calor!
Rihanna: Sexy pictures of carnival in Barbados (+ VIDEO SLIDESHOW)
On holiday in Barbados, his native island, Rihanna was at the local carnival. She posted pictures of her in lingerie on her Instagram account.
The director denounces "aberration"
Cinema: the film "Love" prohibited under 18 (VIDEO)
Seized by the Conservative Association Promoting the judge referred finally decided to prohibit under 18 the film "Love" ...