The man behind the search for an alien signal: An in-depth audio interview with The SETI Institute's Seth Shostak
The SETI Institute's Seth Shostak talks astrobiology, the sci-fi alien "look," UFOs, and what it would mean to detect a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.
Join Astronomy magazine on an epic eclipse adventure in March 2016 has we travel to beautiful Bali!
Tour Bali and witness totality with Astronomy magazine and TravelQuest International on March 2-11, 2016!
  • Virwindica Bella Hinggis, John Michael Strubhart, Jully Angelina and 197 others like this.
  • William Pacheco You will see what the LORD DO!!!
  • Luisa Mejia Hola como estas? Quiero conocer gente nueva, que te parece si me agregas y hablamos un poco heart emoticon
Subscriber Exclusive: No. 19 on Bob Berman's weird object list is the the most powerful explosion ever seen anywhere
Supernova 2006gy was the biggest stellar explosion of all time and likely represents the first example of a pair-instability supernova.
  • Andrea Hutchinson, Amit Kumar, Jeff Davis and 1,210 others like this.
  • Alexander Jendov do black holes explode, i think that the big bang that we believe have born the universe is just black hole explosion and this will be proved when we can observe more than just the tip of our noses
  • Lee Field Question IS "Why" are people so fascinated with "Blowing Things Up" and "killing Anything In Its Path", then claim they Love the Earth and anyone who would "Want To Destroy The World and End Mankind" is Evil ??? PEOPLE ARE EVIL, FOR THE GOD OF WAR IS THEIR IDEAL !!! You Want a "Fire Works To Remember" and go out in a "Bang" (Right)???
August 22 sky event: First Quarter Moon occurs at 19h31m UT (3:31 p.m. EDT)
August 22 sky event: The Moon passes 3° north of Saturn, 17h UT (1 p.m. EDT)
Researchers using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory have gathered powerful new evidence in support of 2013 observations confirming the existence of cosmic...
New images show a pockmarked icy landscape of Saturn’s moon.
The man behind the search for an alien signal: An in-depth audio interview with the SETI Institute's Seth Shostak
The SETI Institute's Seth Shostak talks astrobiology, the sci-fi alien "look," UFOs, and what it would mean to detect a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization.
With pebble accretion added to the planet formation model, scientists for the first time have been able to reproduce the structure of the outer solar system.
  • Paz Rodriguez Torres Jr., Sadday Flores, Satyajit Saikia and 2,054 others like this.
  • Derek Tweddell Many many moons ago the earlier alien life,decided instead of lookn amongst the billions of Stars for the same type of Sun&planet in the right spot to sustain life;they reverse ours thinking it would work but didn't go the way they planed,hence retrograde motion
  • Moz Boz Well i thought those planets are made of gas! Small ones are from rocks only! But im not a lincensed astronomer! A 4" deflector wont qualify me does it?
Curiosity investigated a geological contact zone and rocks that are unexpectedly high in silica and hydrogen content.
Editor Dave Eicher shares press release for Hawaiian Starscape Gallery is for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, the Big Bang, black...