Thursday, July 2, 2015

Terror of the Islamic State; Greece- Der Spiegel

Wanted: Great Ideas for School
Information for Whistleblowers

The Allure of the Islamic StateMoney and Status Attract Fighters

The Allure of the Islamic State: Money and Status Attract Fighters
A bricklayer got a $60 a month raise by trading his construction tools for a Kalashnikov and becoming a soldier for the Islamic State. Subsidies and other benefits appear to be part of the holy war's allure for some. By Katrin Kuntz in Erbil, Iraq more... Comment ]

The BillGermany Faces Billions in Losses If Greece Goes Bust

The Bill: Germany Faces Billions in Losses If Greece Goes Bust
Vast amounts of German money are at stake if Greece goes bankrupt -- with liabilities as high as €84 billion. Even though that figure is a large one, it would be paid over years and dangers to the Berlin budget are limited. By Florian Diekmann more... Comment ]

OpinionWe Are Living in the Anti-Europe

Opinion: We Are Living in the Anti-Europe
The Greek crisis has destroyed an old dream about the future of Europe. The only possibility for moving the EU in the direction we were promised is a radical solution -- either a Grexit or an expensive debt haircut. By Dirk Kurbjuweit more... Comment ]

Greece's ReferendumThe Price of Five Years of Cowardice

Greece's Referendum: The Price of Five Years of Cowardice
Much of Europe is outraged by Alexis Tsipras' decision to hold a referendum on reforms in Greece. But how did the euro zone allow an economically irrelevant country of 11 million to bring the common currency to the brink? Through cowardice. By Christian Rickens more...Comment ]

Confronting the PastAmerica Finally Turns Its Attention to Rampant Racism

Confronting the Past: America Finally Turns Its Attention to Rampant Racism
Why is America only now having an honest debate about racism? The dead from Charleston are also the dead of a nation that has long refused to work through its past mistakes. A Commentary by Markus Feldenkirchen more... Comment ]

The View from AthensGreece Peers Fearfully Over the Brink

The View from Athens: Greece Peers Fearfully Over the Brink
People in Greece have been looking to Brussels this week with a mixture of fear, hope and trepidation. The deadline for a deal is approaching, and nobody knows what might happen if one isn't reached. By Julia Amalia Heyer and Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

Migration CrisisThe EU's Shipwrecked Refugee Plan

Migration Crisis: The EU's Shipwrecked Refugee Plan
When 800 refugees drowned on their way to Europe this April, leaders promised to act. Just over two months later, the EU's attempts at real reform have all but failed -- and thrown up some dark moral questions. By Ullrich Fichtner, Maximilian Popp, Christoph Schult and Alexander Smoltczyk more... Comment ]

Lifting the VeilHow Working Women Are Remaking Saudi Arabia

Lifting the Veil: How Working Women Are Remaking Saudi Arabia
A growing number of women in Saudi Arabia are joining the workforce and chipping away at discriminations enshrined in its laws. But they face conservative opposition and -- even now -- a ban on driving.  By Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Samiha Shafy more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Female Emancipation in Saudi ArabiaLooking to Brussels from AthensA New Arms Race
State of Tyranny
New BeginningsGoing for GoldThe EU's Migration Quagmire

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