Remembering the Granite Mountain Hotshots
On June 30, 2013, 19 Prescott, Arizona fire fighters died in the line of duty when they were overcome by a fast-moving wildfire near Yarnell Hill.

The fallen Granite Mountain Hotshots are: Robert Caldwell, Travis Carter, Eric Marsh, Jesse Steed, Travis Turbyfill, Clayton Whitted, Andrew Ashcraft, Dustin DeFord, Christopher MacKenzie, Grant McKee, Sean Misner, Scott Norris, Wade Parker, John Percin Jr., Anthony Rose, Joe Thurston, William Warneke, Kevin Woyjeck and Garret Zuppiger.
“It is hard to fathom that we lost this elite group of fire fighters two years ago,” says General President Harold Schaitberger. “But maybe it seems like only yesterday because we continue to think about our fallen brothers and the sacrifice they made. As we mark this anniversary, our thoughts and prayers will certainly be with the families, surviving fire fighter Brendan McDonough, their United Yavapai Local 3066 brothers and sisters and those who knew the 19 well.”
The 20-member Granite Mountain crew was working hard to contain the fire when the fast-moving fire overtook their position. McDonough survived the incident as he was on lookout duty in a separate location.
The loss of these 19 marks the greatest loss of fire fighter life in a single incident since September 11.