Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Foreign NGO Being Kicked Out of Russia- Le Figaro

A foreign NGO "undesirable" in Russia

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The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an American organization whose stated purpose is the promotion of democracy in the world, became the first foreign NGO to be described by the authorities as "junk" in Russia. By virtue of a law passed in May by President Vladimir Putin , active foreign organizations in Russia reported as "undesirable" can be banned on Russian territory, whether NGOs or companies.The Prosecutor's decision must be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Justice, which must now declare the prohibition of the NED activities on Russian territory.

"This law, like those preceding it contradicts the Russian Constitution and many laws and many international treaties," protested the NED in a statement. "The real purpose of these laws is to intimidate and isolate the Russian citizens." The US State Department also expressed "deeply troubled" by the decision, as a sign of Washington "the growing repression of the Russian government against independent voices." "We urge the Russian government to keep its international obligations regarding freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association and the rule of law," warned US diplomacy in a statement.

Russian NGO ceases trading

Founded in 1983, the NED is aimed at "the development and strengthening of democratic institutions in the world" and derives most of its funding from the US Congress, according to its website. Its headquarters is in Washington. But the prosecution believes that the NED "a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, for its defense and for its security." Russian senators had already registered the NED early July on a list of 12 foreign organizations, American, Ukrainian and Polish, they demanded the ban.

On this list of NGOs "undesirable", also included the American MacArthur Foundation, which announced last Wednesday to end its activities in Russia since 1992 when it financed scholarships in areas such as education and human rights . Like the MacArthur Foundation, the Russian Committee against Torture , one of the last defense organizations active human rights in Chechnya, announced preferred stop work rather than being labeled "agent of abroad. " 
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  • Avatar
    I find it normal that Russia put an end to the activity of American NGOs on its soil.
    As if the United States was a country of freedom. We must not forget the existence of the Patriot Act, which limits individual freedoms in this country. While the Americans stay home. The rest of the world will be the better.
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    NED, an NGO ??
    There is no shortage of humor in the State Department.
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    It's a good thing the interference by the acronym NGO pompous remains of the interference.
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