Cancer has struck home for the Renton, Washington Fire Family.
Brother Donovan Eckhardt was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma back in late 2013. After an amazing fight and undeterred will, it appeared that Donovan had beaten his cancer.
Unfortunately it returned in even greater numbers. Donovan began treatment again… and as before brought the will and strength of a large army to battle.
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This story is pretty awesome !
I love hearing when a citizen understands, thanks and appreciates those in the public service.
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This is SUCH a great story of a greasy political campaign idea / agenda that really flopped on the fire ground...
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Stephen Harper pulled a group of front-line firefighters out of the smoky hills near Kelowna for a photo op but they flatly refused to sing O Canada for him.
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  • Lawrence Kreger
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  • Paul McClure Politicians will denigrate and cut their fire departments and firefighters one day and the next, use us as a photo op to further their political carrier. Then they wonder why we look at them like the worms they are!
    Like · Reply · 10 · 11 hrs
  • Todd English ABOUT THE LAPINE

    The Lapine is Canada's Best Satirical Online Newspaper. It satirizes politics, life, media and the human condition, with a special focus on Canada. No Lapine content is intended to hurt even the most delicate of feelings…but it’s bound to happen. Get over it. But if you have concerns, let us know. Did we mention that The Lapine is satire?
    Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
Wildland fires,
Impressive and destructive...
Stay safe Brothers and Sisters out on the line.
VCFD is assisting the Sierra National Forest on the Willow Fire. Five wildland engines from Meiners Oaks, Saticoy, Lake Sherwood, Somis and Simi Valley left Sun...
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This is soooo sad and tragic !!!
22 year old Hinai was an EMT who was on her last shift, on essentially and probably her last call before hanging up her EMS career to start graduate school.
Her dreams were to become a physician or a physician assistant. Her passion was saving lives. 
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EMT Hinal Patel, 22, saved thousands but her own was taken on her last day as a car slammed into her ambulance at an intersection in East Brunswick, New Jersey on Saturday.
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Please give your heart, thoughts of well-wishes and prayers for this young firefighter who was badly burned at his first house fire.
Also, please don't jump to conclusions or makes judgments PLEASE wait for the formal investigation and post-incident analysis to provide facts.
Respect the time and difficulty accomplishing this task.
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Brotherhood surrounds family as investigation seeks answers about what happened Sunday morning in The Plains
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This is really good...
About to eat, sleep, or have a life? Tones drop.
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The team at "Fifth Gear" have pulled off the world’s fastest ever crash test — just how big are the forces involved and how much of a family car is left after it crashes at 120MPH?
Watch to see...
The world's fastest ever crash test -- just how big are the forces involved and how much of a family car is left after it crashes at a speed not uncommon on ...
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Anyone feel like cleaning, testing and rolling hose?
The Alaska Division of Forestry and BLM Alaska Fire Service have sent out more than 800 miles of fire hose to support this summer's firefighting efforts around ...
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