
Hoover firefighters hot over misdemeanor plea for man who fired on them

Carol Robinson | crobinson@al.comBy Carol Robinson | crobinson@al.com 
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on May 27, 2015 at 3:02 PM, updated May 27, 2015 at 3:16 PM
Phillip Earl Jones.jpgPhillip Earl Jones Jr. 
Hoover firefighters are fired up that a man who shot at them when they responded to a medical call at his Lake Cyrus home has been allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge.
Phillip Jones Jr., 47, was initially charged with attempted murder following the 2012 incident at his home on Lake Cyrus Club Drive. He was indicted last year on the same attempted murder charge.
Court records, however, show Jones earlier this month pleaded guilty in the Bessemer Cutoff to the misdemeanor charge of reckless endangerment. He received a six-month suspended sentence and is on probation.
"How could this happen?'' said Lee Kilgore, vice present of the Hoover Firefighter's Association, and one of the firefighters who responded to Jones' home that December morning. "We thought we would get a felony conviction of sorts, and that way he couldn't get his firearms back. He had like 200 in his house."
Firefighters were dispatched about 4:30 a.m. to Jones' home on a call for medical assistance. When they arrived, they said, he fired on them. The firefighters retreated to a position of safety outside of the home. "It was shocking how it all went,'' Kilgore told AL.com. "He unloaded a firearm. He fired multiple shots and there were holes in the wall adjacent to where the firemen were standing."
"It's one of those things that stick with you,'' Kilgore said. "We still had to treat him after it happened. We had to treat him as the victim, even though we had been victimized."
Jones was taken into custody and then taken to Shelby Baptist Hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. He was then taken to the Hoover City Jail on the attempted murder charge, and later released on $30,000 bond.
At the time of the incident, firefighters already were on edge because of a high-profile incident just three days prior. Two firefighters were fatally shot and two others wounded when responding to a fire in Webster, N.Y. Authorities there say an ex-con gunned down those firefighters after luring them to his neighborhood by setting a car and a house ablaze early Monday. They say he then took shots at police and committed suicide while several homes burned. "It really opened my eyes that it could happen anywhere, anytime,'' Kilgore said.
Jones entered into his plea deal with prosecutors on May 12, 2015. Under the agreement, Jones is on a six-month suspended sentence and one year probation. After six months, he will be allowed to take possession of his guns seized by law enforcement.
Bessemer Cutoff Chief Assistant District Attorney Bill Vietch said he wasn't involved with the case, but said it's his understanding the firefighters were aware of the agreed deal. "Everything was a go,'' he said. "They understood completely that it was reckless endangerment."
Vietch said the attempted murder charge was reduced to reckless endangerment because there was no intent for him to kill anyone. "He was having a medical emergency and told the policemen he saw dark shadows coming at him,'' Vietch said. "He didn't just decide he was going to shoot the firemen."
Kilgore said he and other firefighters will now fight to get a state law passed that would make it an automatic felony to shoot at police officers and firefighters. "We don't want this to happen to anyone else,'' Kilgore said.
Steve Pegues, president of the Professional Firefighters of Alabama statewide union, agreed.
"Since the case has been settled in the last two or three weeks, I have done a little bit of research on state statute and we're going to look at the possibility of trying to strengthen that law,'' he said. "It's really mind-boggling that this was pleaded down to a misdemeanor."
"It sends the wrong message,'' Pegues said. "Firefighters are unarmed. We are there to provide a service whether it be fighting fire or emergency medical service. We don't care about your political views or social status, if you need us we're going to respond and we're going to respond in a timely manner."
"For our guys to be shot at and have to seek whatever cover possible is ludicrous,'' he said. "It's ridiculous."

Just goes to show you that with a little lake Cyrus money and a good lawyer, you can beat an attempted murder all the way down to a missy. $30,000 bond? My buddy got a $250,000 bond for knocking a guy off his bicycle with his car. Guy was not hurt. Yep, in Hoover.
Another mind boggler. How can there not already be a law that protects the firefighters? If nothing else, voluntary surrender of the guns should have been a condition of the plea.
Where's the wisdom in returning firearms (even if after six months) to a person who is documented as having an episode of violent mental instability. Hasn't our society suffered enough pain in cases of armed people with mental health issues?
You can thank Brandon Falls for another plea deal... Ya'll firefighters better vote for someone else next time... even if the other person is democrat !!!...Brandon Falls' record for locking up people like this is poor.. Brandon loves a plea deal !!!
Actually, if you read the article, it clearly states this was handles by the Bessemer cutoff office, which has its own DA. Falls' office had nothing to do with this case.
Never have been a fan of Veitch, but he and now his wife, wield a lot of power in Hoover.  

That being said, the law needs to be strengthened, but that won't stop a DA from pleading something down.  It happens every day.
Wow. Hoover Fire under a lot of fire from criminals lately. First a convict walks off the job at a fire station and now this.
I would keep track of where he lives and refuse to respond until LEO's secured the scene.
Southern born, Bama proud
Southern born, Bama proud
The NRA probably bankrolled his lawyer. 

Whatever.... You clearly know ZERO about the NRA and lap up the leftist talking points without any fact checking. YOU are what is referenced as a LOW INFORMATION voter. Now THAT is scary.
@Southern born, Bama proud  An asinine response from some unenlightened  ( I did not say dumb) misinformed , unthinking person. 
As a 40 year endowment member of the National Rifle Assoc, let me assure you SbBp that the NRA strongly supports strong laws and swift sentencing against idiots who misuse firearms. PUNISH the criminal , SUPPORT  the legal, law abiding gun owners.
He "saw dark shadows coming at him" - back lit by the flashing red lights?  That's ridiculous.