SCAPULA"The Phantom" veils the Flora-Site

A hamburger artist leaves the Rote Flora disappear behind the installation "The Phantom". Behind is diligently restored. more
U Bahn Osterstrasse

HAMBURGER HOCHBAHNpassenger growth in buses and subways loses momentum

438 million passengers used transport in 2014 the elevated railway - as many as never before. However growth rate is reduced significantly. more

HSV-ACCESSBochum in the money TRAP:Gregoritsch poker before decision

Indebted Bochum are in urgent need of money.Decision Gregoritsch exchange for HSV should be imminent. more

Symbolbild: Ecstasy

LÜNEBURG17-year-old dies after use of ecstasy tablets

Ambulance tried the teenagers still be saved - in vain. Police determined and warns of contaminated ecstasy tablets. more

UPDATEDGREXIT TICKERJuncker feels "betrayed" by the Greek Government

EU Commission chief Juncker addressed directly to the Greek population. And saves with allegations against Premier Tsipras. more

YOUTH NATIONALHrubesch defies U21 debacle - and relies on Tah

The U21 is after bitter EM-end, a radical change for the great goal of Olympia. Successor to Horst Hrubesch is already clear. more

UPDATEDMR.HAPPY SOUNDJames Last buried in Ohlsdorf cemetery

The bandleader was buried in the inner circle in Ohlsdorfer family grave. Public funeral service on July 8 at the Hamburger Michel. more

SOUGHT WITNESSESunknown to beat 32-year-olds and rob him

The perpetrators beat and kicked in Hamburg on their victim and then robbed him of cash and his phone. The police are looking for ... more
Ben Affleck & Matt Damon

FOOTBALL & FILMBen Affleck and Matt Damon film FIFA scandal

The Hollywood colleague Matt Damon and Ben Affleck want to bring the FIFA scandal to the big screen. more
Alsterfontäne in Hamburg

JUNGFERNSTIEGAgain man is taken out of the Inner Alster

Is Baden allowed in the Alster? A 32-year-old has triggered a rescue operation on Monday. He wanted to swim to the Alster fountain. more

Flugtauglich? Dem Luftfahrtbundesamt fehlen Ärzte, um die Gesundheit von Piloten zu prüfen

FLIGHT 4U 9525Interim Report: The lessons of the German Wings Crash

Interim Report of the Expert Working Group to crash the German Wings machine with 150 deaths will be presented in Berlin. more

ENTREPRENEURSHSV-investor Klaus-Michael Kuehne is honored by the Senate

Senate breakfast and entry into the Golden Book.Kühne is controversial among HSV fans, for the Senate, but a hamburger thoroughly. more

VATICAN CITYHamburg Archbishop's first meeting Pope Francis

The Pope gave Stefan Hesse and 45 other archbishops the decoration of the new official dignity.In his homily, he urged to ... more

AIRHamburg Weather researcher warns of "extreme heatwave"

Tomorrow's already going on: the temperatures are up to the end of the week to rise in Germany to up to 40 degrees in the shade. more

INDIAchildren's bodies found - Mob thrashes headmaster dead

The bodies of two school children were found in a canal - the multitude bare their teachers blame. more
Bernd Saxe

? ARSONattack on refugee camp - Lübeck sentenced fact

COASTALtourismCOUNTRIESin the North hopes to Olympia in Hamburg

WILHELMSBURGHarburg director turns on the Elbe island

Unknown loot cash and an Audi A3

Harburg has a new king

POLITICSCDU Chair: It remains in Family Law in Norderstedt

7500 spectators experience grandiose Karl May Premiere

TenneT is citizens answer questions

WEDELhouses evacuated because of fire in underground garage

School secretary for embezzlement under suspicion

Pinneberg Rosengarten is a crowd puller

GLINDEGlinder worry about the future of Suckschen Kate

Criminologist: "The arsonists want power"

Band gives concert for new museum in Grönwohld

Lukratives Fotomodell: Der dreimalige Weltfußballer Cristiano Ronaldo

UPDATEDFOOTBALL SCORESValencia owner secures rights to Cristiano Ronaldo

Breaking News, hot gossip, sharp quotes, injuries and Transfergeflüster. The football ticker keeps you up to date. more

ExcretedTENNISAnnika Beck at Wimbledon as the first German

With voltage the appearance of Kohlschreiber against Djokovic is expected. But the hamburger Haas and Zverev are in use. more

BUNDESLIGAStevens, sand and Büskens change the mood at Schalke

Schalke 04 brings the club idols Huub Stevens, Mike Büskens and Ebbe Sand back. Manager Horst Heldt gets one last chance. more
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    AIRHamburg Weather researcher warns of "extreme heatwave"

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    FC ST. PAULIHSV finds Sobiech and pays 500,000 euros to the BVB

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    HSV DEPARTUREMainz manager Heidel surprised with statement about Beister

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    JUBILEE65thBirthday of the Hamburger Abendblatt

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Autor Knut Pries ist Abendblatt-Korrespondent in Brüssel

EDITORIALspecial case Greece

Matthias Iken

COMMENTHarley Days are an unnecessary spectacle

Björn Jensen

TheSTOPPAGEEurope games remain questionable

Alexander Schuller

HECKLINGOmi will work it out somehow

UPDATEDTERRORISMEuropean ministers promise Tunisia Help

Merkel urgesPARTIESCDU to willingness to change

JUSTICEexperts: murder does not necessarily mean a lifetime

Ein rauer Lebensraum zwischen Wasser und Fels: Nicht immer zeigt sich die nördlichste Region der Provinz Nova Scotia so idyllisch wie hier

TCHIBOA pound of coffee, please - and to an island!

EXCHANGESDax loses because of Greece - crash remains off but

TARIFFSAt the post office will be negotiated again - going strike ...

UPDATEDMOVIEMatt Damon and Ben Affleck film FIFA scandal

MUSICYes co-founder Chris Squire died

MEDIAThe long shadow of the "bosses" - The Millowitschs

RESEARCHscientists looking baby's eyes

SPACEfreighter with ISS supply explodes after launch

GOTHENBURGmarine biology: Cloned starfish age more slowly

In Stapelfeld ist ein Carport in Flammen aufgegangen. Polizei und Feuerwehr waren vor Ort (Symbolbild)

SAXONY-ANHALTneighborhood dispute in Falkenstein ends with two dead

COSMETICSTo smell the summer perfumes

SPACE FREIGHTER "DRAGON"rocket with space cargo ship explodes - no supplies for ISS

WARRANTTrick theft Series: Hamburg police clears 19 cases on

NIEDERSACHSENman saves two swimmers from Elbe

BERGEDORFTwo injured in motorcycle accident at Zollenspieker

INTERNETBing search now always encrypted

INTERNETTwitter wants in Germany more entrepreneurs and politicians ...

INTERNETTwitter CEO Costolo: We have the right strategy

AUTO CLASSICis why love their hamburgers Oldtimer

TRAFFICNews of models are stronger and safer

RedTRAFFICis not the same red: When a traffic violation is expensive

LIVINGin a good mailbox should fit C4 envelope

Not exaggerate price -HOUSINGredemption agreement for furniture

CONSTRUCTIONGenerous living on one level - Comeback of Bungalows

TuiTOURISMrelies on long-distance trips: New holiday destinations and more hotels

TOURISMTheUPDATEDhard number: Many work to holiday start

TOURISMTUI's tourism chief: Greek crisis strikes vacationers hardly

Fleisch liegt auf einem Grill. In mehreren Grillprodukten sind gefährliche Keime gefunden worden.

ÖKO-TESTrotten meat and Germs: The Truth about BBQ meat

HAMBURGER ENCOUNTERS"In our profession you have to be a philanthropist"

WhyEATING MEATgrilling boys and men beefen


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