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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gizmodo- Flag Reality?

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  • TelMaddie Stone
    Lots of flags...for one state.....none of which are the “Stars and Bars” Confederate flag, or the “Rainbow” LGBT flag.
    There are better things to be doing in this world than caring about what should be non-issues. Half the people are happy the country took two steps towards growing up a bit more, and the other half are having screaming fits because they don’t wnat to.
    • the stars and bars are in the photo dumbass. bottom right. what people are freaking out over is the battle flag of the Confederate states of America. learn history
      • My apology I left off “Battle Flag” tried to do the edit when I first noticed but it wouldn’t let me.
        Irony right?
        Same flag in two forms, same point in history, same group, but the battle flag has become the symbol of prejudice while the civil flag is largly forgotten. History is facinating that way. 
        • History isn’t fascinating that way. There are thousands of racists running around waving the battle flag and spreading aggressively intolerant messages.
          No one is doing this with the Stars and Bars flag, to my knowledge.
          That’s not history. It’s today.
          • I can see a “southerner” waving the confederate flag around, but when people up north do it....they’re just plain racist. 

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