
Marianna Bertagnolli/Associated Press
Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe, bordering several neighboring countries to the north and consisting of the entire Italian peninsula to the south. It includes the Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia, and encompasses the sovereign states of San Marino and Vatican City. Rome, its capital, was the political and religious center of the Western World for centuries.
Italy emerged from a fascist dictatorship under Benito Mussolini to become a democracy after World War II, later helping to found both NATO and the European Union. Having enjoyed a prolonged economic boom beginning in the 1940s, Italy has since suffered from economic stagnation and political paralysis, as well as government malfeasance typified by the misdeeds of former Prime Min Silvio BerlusconiMatteo Renzi, who replaced Enrico Letta as prime minister in 2014, faces the challenge of shaking the country out of its economic malaise and rooting out corruption.
Learn more about Italy. Scroll below to view our archive of articles and chronology of latest news.


  1. APR. 25, 2015
    Italian authorities arrest nine people in investigation of Al Qaeda-linked terrorist cell based in Sardinia; say group once planned attack on Vatican but did not follow through with it; nine additional suspects remain at large.  MORE
  2. APR. 23, 2015
    Milan Journal; Expo Milano 2015, next world's fair, opens May 1, bringing worry and hope to city; fair is expected to generate about 10 billion euros, or $10.7 billion and create thousands of jobs, but delays, cost overruns and corruption charges have some concerned.  MORE
  3. APR. 22, 2015
    Italian authorities arrest Mohammed Ali Malek, captain of migrant ship that capsized off coast of Libya killing more than 800 people, on suspicion of multiple homicide; few survivors say he made 'wrong manuevers' and collided with rescue ship, causing tragedy.  MORE
  4. APR. 17, 2015
    Italy charges 15 Muslim migrants with homicide aggravated by religious hatred after survivors of migrant boat rescued at sea tell investigators that men threw dozen Christians overboard.  MORE
  5. APR. 15, 2015
    Luciano Faggiano's home repair project in Leece, Italy, uncovered subterranean world dating back before birth of Jesus, including tomb, granary, chapel and etchings from Knights Templar; his trattoria has become museum where relics continue to be unearthed; ancient discoveries can pose problem for urban planning.  MORE


World’s Fairs and Their Legacies

Sometimes the host cities get it right, but planners often have a myopic, short-term focus that causes sites to age poorly after the crowds leave.
May 4, 2015, Monday

At Milan World’s Fair, 164 Years of Food and Art

The Arts & Foods exhibition takes a historiographical approach, tracking how artists and designers have presented our eating rituals since the mid-1800s.
May 4, 2015, Monday

Nuns Intercede for Victims of Sex Trafficking in Italy

The nuns have opened their doors to African migrants who have found themselves caught up in the sex trade after arriving in Italy, vulnerable and penniless.
May 3, 2015, Sunday

Miuccia’s Museum Opens

The Fondazione Prada opens the doors to its first permanent exhibition space on May 9th.
May 2, 2015, Saturday

Displaced Again and Again, Some African Migrants Had No Plan to Land in Italy

As nearby conflicts have reshaped Europe’s migrant flows recently, the current state of Libya has created migrants who might have had no other choice.
May 2, 2015, Saturday

New Zealand’s Contribution to the Venice Biennale: A Library and an Airport, Transposed

The artist Simon Denny has repurposed imagery from the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Marco Polo International’s arrivals hall, and vice versa.
May 1, 2015, Friday

1915: Ship Is Sunk by Austrian Submarine

From the International Herald Tribune archives: The Léon-Gambetta is sunk in 1915, killing 600.
April 28, 2015, Tuesday

With Pope Francis’s Encyclical on Climate Change Done, Now a Vatican Sales Push – and Pushback

On Tuesday, the Vatican takes another step toward the release of Pope Francis’s encyclical on climate, energy, ecology and equity.
April 28, 2015, Tuesday

Italian American Museum Gives a Tenant More Time to Move

Adele Sarno, a longtime resident who is Italian-American, must leave her apartment in Manhattan’s Little Italy by June 30. Housing advocates say the eviction is betraying the museum’s cultural mission.
April 28, 2015, Tuesday

A Feast of Architectural Styles for Expo Milano 2015

The world’s fair, which is racing to meet its opening date on Friday, will feature 54 national pavilions devoted to the theme “Feeding the Planet.”
April 28, 2015, Tuesday


Video of Italian Terrorism Suspects
The Italian police released a video on Friday showing the arrest of several suspects in Sardinia officials said were thought to belong to a terrorist network.
Italian Leader Urges Action for Migrants
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy addressed the lower house of Parliament on Wednesday in Rome and said the European Union must change its path to tackle the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.
Europe’s Migrant Crisis
Humanitarian experts predict the number of migrants who die crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2015 could reach record levels.
Officials on Mediterranean Boat Disaster
Survivors and bodies from a ship that capsized off the Libyan coast while carrying hundreds of migrants arrived in Malta on Monday.