President Obama says ‪#‎Baltimore‬ was 1 burning building looped on TV. Which ‪#‎fire‬ is he referring to? ‪#‎StandwithBCFD‬
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  • Mary Trombley Carnago, Jon Harvey, Doug Spencer and 1,195 others like this.
  • Randy Jarrell Our primary mission as Firefighters is public safety and first response...with each passing day it seems to be less and less of a core value of Democratic Party.
  • Keith Young Thats correct another obama ignorance statement.
Watertown city manager looks to cut ‪#‎fire‬ department positions
WATERTOWN — Saying she has a different take on a recent fire department study, City Manager Sharon A. Addison said Thursday night she is ready to take on the firefighters union and cut fire department staff.
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  • Rick Graham, Egay Ross, Gidez Man and 74 others like this.
  • Pete Scarborough What is her background, public safety? Making cuts in your insurance will save you money, until you need it. Then it will cost you and hopefully not in peoples lives.
  • Laffiani Y. Boyd Is she Stupid why would you so such a thing
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan visits fire houses in Baltimore City today.
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  • Tim Brozo Brozoskie, S.j. Flynn, Michelle Hiteshew Lloyd and 442 others like this.
  • Bill Vaughan Thanks Governor.
    2 · 16 hrs
  • Joel Bush Outstanding. I don't like seeing any of this but I would never endanger someone's life just to riot and loot. Seems pretty juvenile. Maybe he can get some help and realize the whole world is not bad. I don't agree with a person dying when they should'v...See More
Department promotes 24 Providence ‪#‎firefighters‬
Mayor Jorge Elorza held a promotional ceremony Thursday afternoon at City Hall for 24 members of the department.
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Meet Ocala firefighters' new arson investigation dog
Gracie is a two-year-old Yellow Lab. Fire Captain Roseanne Moreland with the Ocala Fire Rescue Department said her personality and her nose is what makes her special.
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  • Syed Asif Shah Gillani, Brian Younger, Laura McEntire Hunter and 1,049 others like this.
  • Oscar Humberto Perez Good job.See Translation
  • Marlene Groennert Blessings to your wonderful beautiful Gracie, you are just amazing. St. Francis watch over this firefighter. Amen.
Firefighters Want to Phase Out Flame Retardants in Products
The Minnesota Professional Firefighters Association conducted a demonstration Thursday in St. Paul in support of a bill to phase out flame retardants in products....
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  • Jessie Huddleson, Daniel Nelson, Joe Bohnenkamp and 743 others like this.
  • Jason Wineland The retardants place far more carcinogens into the air than just the plain material.
    4 · 20 hrs
  • Jim Sannuto i guess they didn't do there homework to good ,, idiots
Huntington,WV ‪#‎Firefighter‬ Recovering From Aneurysm, ‪#‎Firefighters‬Rallying Behind Him
There were some terrifying moments when a Huntington firefighter collapsed while on the job. After having several surgeries, the husband and father of two is...
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Las Vegas, NV Local 1285 has joined Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada in a project to help a family refurbish their home, providing free home repairs and modifications to make it more accessible and user-friendly based on the occupants needs/disabilities to improve the resident’s quality of life.
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  • Gordon Thorpe, Benjie Penus, Carlton Brantley and 396 others like this.
  • Tony Srour Who are the guys who used to come to NY for 9/11??? They would know me from McSorleys!!!
  • Becky Jo Wiley Love love love that they helped my family! Mary so
    Happy they were able to help you!
Watch this video and see what a doofus Mount Vernon, New York Mayor Ernie Davis is!
Don’t let him continue to disrespect IAFF members in New York. Leave a comment to tell him to respect the work of professional fire fighters on the City of Mount Vernon’s Facebook page.
YONKERS, N.Y. (PIX11)-- A former Yonkers Fire Department commissioner described a situation that he says has been going on several years involving the...
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  • Devin Morgan, Gilberto Castro Duron, Bob Thomas and 338 others like this.
  • Paul Boyle The mayor is a proctologist's dream, first class a-hole
Highwood, IL may use private fire personnel
The City of Highwood may contract with a private firm for the services of some firefighters and paramedics to ensure the level of round-the-clock staffing required for fire-insurance rating purposes.
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  • John Hanson, Travis Thompson, Diane Haworth and 216 others like this.
  • Joalene Cummins Why not? Local government has enough to manage, and some competition might make more efficiency and better paid departments.
  • Michael Balnis ^^^Why not contract out the military while you're at it. Competition with whom by the way. Government wants cheaper not better. It's has nothing in common with the free market.
    1 · 12 hrs
Baltimore IAFF Official: 'It was a war zone'
Firefighters and rigs were pelted with debris, and three were hurt during the riots Monday night in Baltimore.
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