Saturday, May 30, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

Here's What The iPhone Would Have Looked Like In 1985 

Some of my fondest childhood memories involve booting up my parents’ Macintosh Plus to play Super Munchers or make pixelated masterpieces in MacPaint. Alas, Apple hadn’t gotten into mobile devices just yet, but that didn’t stop Pierre Cerveau from imagining what the tech giant’s very first smartphone might have looked like if it were made in the 80s, too. 

Woolies Email Blunder Results In 1000s Of Leaked Names, Email Addresses And Gift Vouchers 

Ah, the accidental group email. Perhaps it was a joke in poor taste, or something meant for select individuals, but more than likely, you’ve never sent anything too important to the wrong people. Certainly not anything on the scale of Woolworths’ recent gaffe, where it fired off an email to over a thousand people containing a spreadsheet with personal details and gift voucher links. 

Scientists Are Spinning Spider Silk Without The Spiders 

Spider silk is often touted as a wonder material that will soon weave its way into everything from body armour to replacement hearts. But we can only squeeze so much of the stuff out of our eight-legged friends, which is why scientists and entrepreneurs are working hard to reproduce it artificially. 

An Inside Look At The Construction Of NASA's Next Mission To Mars 

Preparations for NASA’s next mission to Mars are kicking into high gear. And the technology the space agency is building for the Martian lander slated to launch in 2016 is enough to make science fiction fans foam at the mouth. 

US Tried To Attack North Korea's Nukes With A Computer Virus And Failed 

Sometimes being an intensely secretive regime trading in relentless obscurity has its perks: The US tried to secretly attack North Korea’s nuclear program with a computer virus, but failed because it couldn’t find the information necessary to infect the North Korean system with a virus. 

Open-Source Cyborg Hand Is Making Prosthetics More Accessible Than Ever 

A generation ago, getting a prosthetic limb fitted usually amounted to a having a heavy, nearly useless hunk of plastic and metal tacked onto your body. But bionic hands such as this one illustrate just how quickly that’s all changing. 

Stunning Footage Captures Never Before Seen Deep Ocean Creatures 

In the Internet age, it’s easy to tell yourself you’ve seen it all. But while you’ve probably consumed a lifetime’s worth of cat videos, explosion GIFs and Hitler-vs-dinosaur action sequences at this point, the natural world’s still got plenty of surprises in store. 

Google's Skynet Drone Crash-Landed In The Desert And Nobody Noticed 

While everybody’s eyes were on Google I/O this week, another little bit of Google news nearly managed to slip under the radar: The tech giant’s high-flying, solar-powered Solara 50 drone apparently crashed landed in the sands east of Albuquerque weeks ago. Whoopsie. 

Visualisation Shows The Sad Truth On How Many Lives Were Lost In WWII 

Video: The numbers are truly saddening and absolutely staggering. If you have time on your hands, sit through this illuminating data visualisation video that details how many lives were cut short from World War II. It’s a lot. It’s not all bad though, Neil Hailoran, the maker of the video, shows how we’ve grown since then.

Watch 300 Rockets Get Fired Off All At The Same Time 

Video: If you ever dared to wonder what it looks like when 300 rockets fire off all at once, don’t worry, mad genius Colin Furze has brought that ridiculous imagination to real life. This is what every child’s dreams are made of.

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