Sunday, May 31, 2015

Frankfuter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Fifa determined yet further against Beckenbauer

The Fifa determined by information from FAZ.NET yet further against Franz Beckenbauer and his role in the World Cup awarded to Russia and Qatar. Joseph Blatter, meanwhile, continues his attacks continue - and told piquant details from personal conversations More By MICHAEL ASHELM,ZURICH.  16  10

Summer startsoon it gets hot

Once wet, then comes the heat.The meteorological summer beginning on Monday begins with rain and only 15 to 18 degrees in the west and north. But the pool weather is not long in coming.More 

Party systems in EuropeMostly restless

There are a lot of movement in Europe party systems: Linksruck in Spain, shift to the right in France. Especially populist parties benefit from the unrest. The stability of the German electorate stands out. More  By KLAUS-DIETER FRANKENBERGER  16  5

Looking forlong-distance travelbus driver

The boom in long-distance bus fueled the business of bus manufacturers. And makes the driver in high demand. 2,000 of them could be stopped immediately. But where to get?More  From DYRK SCHERF  5 10

Difficult wine purchasedishwater or nectar

Many consumers are still convinced that it depends mainly on the vintage when buying wine.Stuart Pigott explains why that is not so easy - especially with the year 2014. More  By STUART PIGOTT  1

Fraud in cyclingand suddenly there are e-Doping

Is that the latest type of fraud?The Giro d'Italia cycling federation can examine the racing bikes of the participants hidden motors.Although mechanic waving from - but unsolvable task is no longer. By TOM MUSTROPH, ROME  1

Cup victory over BilbaoBarca scoring record on the way to Triple

The FC Barcelona is just one victory away from the Triple. In the Spanish Cup final opponents Bilbao has no chance. It turns the Super storm Barça a new scoring record in. More   7  4

After the voteis really still the same Ireland?

May 22, 2015: The day on which the people of Dublin smiled at each other happily. What is the referendum on gay marriage for us. A guest post. More  By JOHN BANVILLE  2

PublisherAlfred Neven DuMont died

Alfred Neven DuMont was perhaps the last major publisher after the war.Nationally he was known not as Springer or Augstein. But at its headquarters in Cologne, he was more than 60 years the great patriarch. More   1

Working in prisonright and proper

Ten euros earned a prisoner - a day.Exploitation, some say, the first step in a regular life, the other. Visit to the JVA Butzbach. More  FLORENTIN SCHUMACHER  1

TheIranbanned is somethingin transition,the easier it is to have

Those who travel these days after Iran, is experiencing a changing society. Is that the hoped-for thaw? Playful testing from the country what is allowed. Progress must be measured in centimeters free woman skin per season. More  By MICHAEL KLEEBERG  6 46

Tips for rail passengerstrain tickets at half price

Train abroad are difficult to book and often more expensive than necessary.Travel agency and ticket office costs in addition nerves. An app gives now but Remedy. More  From DYRK SCHERFF  8

German Cup finalThe sad farewell of Jürgen Klopp

It would have been too good: While Munich are in the forced leave, the Dortmund wanted to give three cheers for their favorite coach-bye with the trophy. Instead, Jürgen Klopp is not only titellos but also heartbroken. More  By MICHAEL HORENI, BERLIN  34  4
  • Merkel's British Formula
    Heike Göbel
    The Chancellor does not want the British withdrawal from the EU. Therefore, it signals to be open to reform their desires.This is an opportunity, and Germany should express wishes. More2854
  • The evil goes into extra time
    Evi Simeoni, Zürich
    The old man fell briefly shaken - but not rushed. Joseph Blatter enters his fifth term as FIFA President. There would have been only a message that would have been even worse than this. More5550
  • Cameron's premature Dating
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
    British Prime Minister Cameron is on a European tour to promote an EU reform. So far, he has hardly made ​​concrete proposals about which one could talk. More255
  • Rangnick with Rangnick
    Michael Horeni
  • Cloudy future of RWE
    Carsten Knop
  • Blatter System
    Peter Sturm
  • Lift Adventure
    Heike Göbel
  • Ibsengestöber
    Gerhard Stadelmaier
  • A Grexit is as close as away
    Holger Steltzner
  • The Greeks not think of anything more
    Rainer Hank
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The world through the eyes of an eagle

VfL Wolfsburg"We want to look towards Bavaria"

After the Championship 2009 Wolfsburg win his second title. In Berlin VfL brings the DFB Cup with the power of two hearts for the late Junior Malanda. Now waiting for new big goals in Wolfsburg. MoreBy ROLAND ZORN, BERLIN

Heptathlete Jessica EnnisThe steel Mama

Lightweight with big plans: The Briton Jessica Ennis gives her comeback in the heptathlon - and hopes in Rio on the next Olympic gold medal More By ACHIM DREIS, GÖTZIS.  2

Dressage Grand Prix of AachenWerth accepts missed victory left

The Grand Prix Dressage is the highlight of the equestrian event in Aachen. Isabell Werth scars quite at goal victory and will have to defer to a Swedish mother. However, the German takes it easy. More

Kirchentag in StuttgartA very "clever" event

"End wise - all wise": That's the motto of the Protestant Church Congress, which begins in Stuttgart on Wednesday. At socially and politically controversial issues will not be wanting - thanks prominent speaker More By RÜDIGER SOLDT, STUTTGART.  3  5

EU treatiesCameron remains with requests for changes alone

With his desire to change the EU treaties, Britain is isolated. This was evident in a preparatory meeting for the EU summit in late June. More  4  10

South China Sea,China wants to protect reefs, do not build runways

China has justified its massive land fills in the South China Sea. The activities intended to protect the reefs and the improvement of living conditions of the people. America had accused Beijing to build a runway for military planes. More  28  4

Networked machinesData from the industry for billions of business

In industry 4.0 fall of data that did not exist before. Who knows how to use for new business, dominated the world of tomorrow. Suggestions from the electronics industry. More By GEORG GIERSBERG  4

Commenting onthe Greeks reminds me of nothing

After more than five years Greek bailout the debt burden, there is as high as ever. Our perplexity could be highly dangerous. The expiration of the legal and moral standards in Europe progresses.More of RAINER HANK  129  511

Secretary of Labor plans:Ex-Hartz IV recipients should be followed up in the job

Who has long been out of work, comes at work often deal not good. In order to cancel less affected and slip back in Hartz IV, the job center will last longer in touch. More  5  3
Financial markets

Mayers global economyThatcher's heirs

In the new British government of Margaret Thatcher spirit can be felt again. German policy has shifted in the years following the financial crisis on the other hand to the left. What are the consequences for Europe? More By THOMAS MAYER  11  44

Real estateis still the rate for building loans record low

The interest on loans have recently risen. In addition, real estate is always more expensive.Nevertheless, some experts expect an easing in the housing market. More By KERSTIN PAPON  2  10

Properties"Until the end of 2015 is going very well the market"

Draws the upswing in the German property market coming to an end? A discussion with a real estate expert Sven Bienert about threats to the real estate market and the inflow of foreign money. More  1  7

Censorship in GenevaNoah's Ark is sunk

What a "Genferei": Benjamin Britten's children's opera is not for children Geneva. You may use the Opera indeed hear but not himself sing, because it is a prayer. MoreBy JÜRG ALTWEGG  5  5

"Wayback Machine"network memory of humanity overlaid in a church

The organization "Internet Archive" will archive the entire Internet. Is the? Who benefits from the collection? And who can lead the rapidly growing digital library on time? More by ADRIAN LOBE  5  5

Artificial IntelligenceThe Turing Tamagotchi effect

Adults who incubate plastic eggs:? If we still the most primitive machinery insinuate human complex behavior - how shall we distinguish artificial intelligence of human More From MARCO WEHR  1

TraditionsgasthausWhere Münster comes to himself

70 years ago, Franz Feldhaus built the Stuhlmacher again - completely destroyed by the war. Now the legendary inn is celebrating its 125th birthday. More By REINER BURGER, MÜNSTER  9

America's vice president mournsson of Joe Biden dies at age 46

Not only Joe Biden had high hopes for his son who had brought it as a prosecutor already in high office. Beau Biden died of a brain tumor. More  11

Civil war as a gameThe Bayern want to lose like

The American Civil War ended 150 years ago. But still draw the events of that time a lot of people under its spell. Even in Germany -. Where the battles are re-enacted More By JOSEF SALLER  2 2

Filmmaker Andrew Morgan"My kids are just an ecological nightmare"

Secretive companies, large sales and inhumane working: Director Andrew Morgan has made ​​a film about the true price of fashion. In "The True Cost" the consequences of cheap fashion industry are shown. More From CHRISTIAN AUST  3  26

Nature on the roofall the green things come from above

More and more people on less and less space: in the cities of space is scarce - for parks. Hamburg now brings nature to the roof. More of RAINER MÜLLER  2  7

Pellets, coal or gasbarbecue To be unconscious

Summertime is barbecue time. Then the right grill can decide on the mercy of a successful evening.Whether with pellets, coal or gas - this test shows what the market will bear More By MONIKA SCHRAMM.  2  3

Test Drive: Porsche 911 GT3 RSawarded to the Elfer wings

The 911 realized many sports car fans their wildest dreams PS. In its latest version, it's more than race car therefore, the accelerates from 0 to 100 in only 3.3 seconds. More By BORIS SCHMIDT  21 11

Lichtspielhaus Earth (3)Radiant carpet on the sea

Part 3 of our series on the year of light: Today we show the great grape bright lights in the sea between Japan and South Korea. There are fishing boats that chase with powerful spotlights squid.More By GÜNTER PAUL  1

Models: Berlin exhibitionwas when the world was simulated artfully

Model making, whether in the workshop or on the computer, is part of the valuable handicrafts of researchers and educators. In Berlin the history of the models to life. More By CHRISTIAN SCHWÄGERL 1

Research travelpalm wine from Ganymede hand

As a researcher, Ernst Haeckel sat for a Darwinian evolution. As a traveler, he allowed himself to taste monkey meat in Sri Lanka. And did the island with skin and hair. More of BERND BRUNNER  5

Current surveyworking parents are plagued by remorse

The Kita-strike shows all currently: children and career under one roof to get remains difficult. And often leads to remorse, as now, a study shows.Whether as part-time really helps? More  1  6

Laborshortagegapchildren endangered the location

That this country is threatening a labor gap, is known. But a number of new studies underpinned now again the problem: In the meantime, Germany is the country with the fewest births around the world.Is that still capture? More  197  26

Peru culinaryThe secret of cucumber melon

Pisco and ceviche everyone knows. But the cuisine of Peru really exhausted in grape brandy and raw fish? We ate sample and exclaim: foodies of all countries, come here! Because between the Andes and the Pacific you eat now better than anywhere else in Latin America. More By JACOB STROBEL Y SERRA  2  6

Understanding when travelingwith their hands and feet

Ten travel anecdotes about the art to be misunderstand More  2  1

How do I explain it to my child?Why are some people against gay marriage

Unnatural, somehow not normal, and the Pope also do not like: Some people can not deal with homosexuality. Why, we are trying today to explain.More By ANDREA SERVANT  375  85

Ingeborg StadelmannThe midwife of the nation

Irresponsible herbalist or champion of a good thing? Ingeborg Stadelmann fights for forty years for home births and herbalism. Your remedies they sold around the world. More By SEBASTIAN BALZTER  8  6

Spring Auction at GrisebachUnder potato eaters and birds of prey

The house has been upgraded properly: With new dividing the Villa Grisebach auction starts the year.The extended range from the art of the 19th century modernism to the present. More By ROSE-MARIA GROPP  1

LuxuryNeverland Ranch from Michael Jackson is available for purchase

She has a movie theater, two lakes and even its own railway station: the former Neverland Ranch from Michael Jackson. Now is the luxury property for sale.More  2  5

Frankfurt's Education Deputy Mayor"The plan is a great success"

The school development plan recently adopted provides for ten new schools in Frankfurt. Sarah Sorge (The Greens) talks in an interview about why the concept in their view, improves the quality of education in Frankfurt. More  2

General Liang Jianquan"Skyline, Goethe House and Stock Exchange are well received in China"

Every day thousands of Chinese to Frankfurt. Most of them are tourists. But many also live here and work for the Chinese enterprises in the region. General Jianquan Liang hopes that it will be a lot more. More  3

Despite stringent requirementsPaternoster continue to turn

For the use of endless elevators will in future be necessary a driver's license, which requires a new regulation from Berlin. Such a discussion is familiar with the University of Frankfurt. However, the university has an ace up his sleeve. More By SASCHA ZOSKE  2  4
31. Mai 2015. Chinesische Frauen tanzen in Peking gegen das Rauchen.  Am diesjährigen Weltnichtrauchertag warnt die Weltgesundheitsorganisation, die den Tag 1987 ins Leben gerufen hat, vor E-Zigaretten und E-Shishas.© DPAEnlargeMay 31, 2015. Chinese women dance in Beijing against smoking.At this year's World No Tobacco Day, the World Health Organization warns that in 1987 created the day to life, from e-cigarettes and e-shishas.
After more than five years Greek bailout the debt burden, there is as high as ever. Our perplexity could be highly dangerous. The expiration of the legal and moral standards in Europe progresses.More  129  511

Architecture andsimply intoxicatingwine

Wine is enjoyment and should be presented in a suitable setting. What have failed long many winemakers, bring to now: You want to offer their audience not only a taste experience, but also a new room experience more.  By BIRGIT OCHS  2  1

The best of the webKnuffig cubed

Oh, how cute: We have a few animals images, you are guaranteed to bring purr here. More 

Citroëngoddesses in the city of love

700 Citroën DS celebrate birthday in Paris. The audience applauds and asks: Why there is no longer such cars today More  By HOLGER APPEL  10  29

Generation YCareer?Yes but ...!

As the graduates of the vintage 2015 painting of her career? A consulting firm presented 600 students this question. With a surprising result.More   1  3

Silvio BerlusconiIncorrect hard

Silvio Berlusconi goes to the election meeting of the competition, Paul McCartney has his grandchildren stopped smoking pot sake and Heiner Geissler transported hazardous cargo - the Smalltalk more.   7
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