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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Prevented stop in Hessendetainee had contact with dangerous Islamists

With the arrest of Halil D. and his wife, the Hessian police foiled an attack likely. According to research of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, the Islamist had earlier contact with several returnees from Syria War.More  39  29

CommentGermany needs capable intelligence services

The arrest of alleged bombers in Frankfurt shows that the threat posed by Islamist fanatics is real. They plan to make decisions and act with intelligence methods and means. We need preventive monitoring in order to win against this danger can. More By VOLKER ZASTROW  50  24

New massacresIS-terrorist militia kills Yezidi prisoners

While the coalition forces in the fight against Islamic State confident of victory show perpetrated the radical Sunni terrorist militia further atrocities.More   4

Gay marriageEcclesiastical blessing for gay CDU politician and partners

For two years now the Stuttgart CDU MP Stefan Kaufmann and his partner are a pair before the law.Now both have had their partnership by churches seal -. But not by the Catholic ChurchMore   8  2

David Goldberg diedFacebook Manager Sheryl Sandberg mourns her husband

The Internet entrepreneur David Goldberg is dead. He died at the age of only 47 years. In the Spotlight he stood above all as husband of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg top manager. More 

The site how-old.netGive me kindly my age back

A new website is now prized the faces on their own or other photos by age and sex. Knew it was coming, but does not work for happiness always. More 

Ancient riddlesTelling us your name, Warrior

The two Riace Bronzes are considered masterpieces of antiquity - and as a big mystery: Who have they shown? Now there is a new theory of analysis. The trail leads to Athens. More  By MICHAEL SIEBLER  1  14

For families with childrenSPD leader thinks about major tax relief to

Power, the grand coalition now but from using the high tax revenues it to relieve the citizens? Economy Minister Gabriel makes more and more hints - under three conditions here. By HEIKE GÖBEL  20  7

Warren Buffett's anniversary"Seeking company that could lead even an idiot"

Warren Buffett is now more than 50 years at the head of the holding company Berkshire Hathaway. Investors heavens to him, he is popular as a generous philanthropist. And he is a staunch capitalist. A portrait. More   1  3

"Red Phone"NATO targeted a direct line to the Russian military

Tensions between NATO and Russia are not as large as many years. Now the Western defense alliance has reacted and re-established a regular service for emergencies. More   39  21

Looking fortop entrepreneursmanagers for the future

Excessively high salaries, exorbitant severance payments even with mistakes, lack of trust: CEOs must roll up their sleeves - and breaking into a new world of leadership more.  By CARSTEN KNOP  4  11

After 0: 2 in LeverkusenBayern speak strongly for Barcelona

With a better B-team of Bayern Leverkusen conceded his third defeat this season - but in my head haunted earlier only the semi-finals in the Champions League round. And coach Guardiola has even praise for his team. More   1

Boxing champion Mayweather,"I'll die a winner"

The victory of Floyd Mayweather Manny Pacquiao in the fight of the century turns out rather unspectacular. Nevertheless, the Americans declared after the fight modestly to the greatest boxers of the universe - and announces the end of his work on more.   1
  • Beyond Reality
    Jasper von Altenbockum
    The epidemic of conspiracy has reached the security policy.Contempt for security services is not based on a deeper knowledge of freedom, but on the ignorance of a confusing reality. A comment. More162101
  • BASF and bonuses
    Bernd Freytag
    Low oil prices, war in Ukraine and weak economy in Europe: BASF CEO Kurt Bock has so far led the chemical giant well through a difficult time. But he needs to some questions new answers. More7
  • Ran to the right to strike!
    Heike Göbel
    The demands of the train drivers' union GDL are completely covered and ruthless. Not even the grand coalition is to blame. More5771
  • Direction Plan B
    Werner Mussler, Brüssel
  • Moderation was yesterday
    Heike Göbel
  • Sport is more than just entertainment
    Anno Hecker
  • Without tact the Bonus
    Hanno Mußler
  • L'anglais, non merci
    Christian Schubert, Paris
  • Turnaround in interest rates in the European bond market
    Gerald Braunberger
  • Twitters crash
    Christian Siedenbiedel
See video
William and Kate present their daughter
© AP, AFPEnlarge

Basketball BundesligaAlba and the concept Underdog

For years, Alba Berlin was the fixed point in the German Basketball. But the teams from Bamberg and Munich are economically overtaken. Before the crunch match between Berliners and the Brose Baskets (17 clock) attract the best players to where the most money is. More By MICHAEL REINSCH,BERLIN

International Team SoccerJuventus celebrating the title - and is looking forward to Real

In Italy, Juventus celebrates his 31st title in Serie A only briefly and goes confidently into the Champions League semi-final with Real Madrid. The Spaniards take advantage again of their superstar. And in the Premier League Man Utd suffer a setback. More  1

Mainz 05home run against Hamburger poachers

A victory against Hamburger SV would for Mainz 05 (15.30 clock) after many trial of HSV to poach in the Mainz area, also a satisfaction. However, not out of arrogance More By UWE MARTIN and DANIEL MEUREN, MAINZ - In preparation for the 05ers play baseball.  3

Refugee crisis in the MediterraneanItalian navy rescues 3,400 people off the Libyan coast

The wave of refugees across the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe continues unabated. More than 3,000 people rescued by the Italian coastguard alone on a day of distress. More  4  1

Compensation for GreekGreens support Gauck foray

Green Party leader Hofreiter supports the proposal of the President, to consider further compensation for Greece. The German government must face up to the debate. More  137  21

Because BND affairJuso chief urges de Maizière's resignation

Member of the NSA committee of inquiry require the Keywords list, with the Federal Intelligence Serves allegedly spying for the Americans. Otherwise, you want to go to court. For the first time the resignation of Interior Minister de Maizière is required in the ranks of the coalition partner SPD. More 19  9

Walt DisneyAge of Ultron - also at the box office

Super hero movie must also import Super revenues. It's quite possible that the new film "Avengers: Age of Ultron" creates a record. And if not, that's not bad for Disney. More  1

British parliamentary electionin Europe is the "Brexit" -Gespenst order

The British general election on May 7 has enormous economic risks: You could lead to the withdrawal of the British from the EU and a spin-off of Scotland. A referendum on Europe is still the smallest problem. More of MARCUS THEURER, LONDON  48  26

VolkswagenSupervisory outraged by Piëch

This kind of interference from VW patriarch Ferdinand Piech against his nieces provides the supervisory board of the car manufacturer for major annoyance. The appointment of two women to the Supervisory Board "was voted" it says. And: "We have acted to honor and conscience." More  14  9
Financial markets

Stock market guruStar Investor Buffett wants to buy German companies

At the general meeting of its holding company Buffett has announced to buy into the next few years at least in a German company. German companies are currently attractively valued. More  7  3

Great50 years at the head ofWarren Buffett's long service awards

He is a living legend among investors: Warren Buffett once again invites to Omaha, to celebrate the "Woodstock for capitalists". This year is for him something very special. More  5

Greece crisisinvestors are betting on a solution in the debt dispute

On the financial markets the confidence increases that Greece with donors will agree. Experts discuss the whole weekend in Brussels. Euro group chief Dijsselbloem makes pressure. More  15  13

Ringier Groupmedia report: Wolfgang Büchner is head of the "look" group

According to a report of the "NZZ am Sonntag" is the former "Spiegel" boss Wolfgang Büchner future which belongs to the Ringier Group "view" group lead as publishing manager. More

Diedexcept dancerRussian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya

As a teenager she still experienced the Stalinist terror. As prima ballerina she became world famous. Now Maya Plisetskaya died with almost 90 years in Germany. The dance world mourns. More  1  4

Frankfurter AnthologieGünter Grass: "The Father"

In this poem is evil at work. All the senses are addressed: hearing, taste, smell. Masterfully begins Günter Grass in "Father" the latent menacing atmosphere of a fünziger years.More By LORENZ JÄGER  3

After earthquake in NepalMany foreigners are still missing

First rescuers leave the earthquake zone in Nepal because there is no hope of finding survivors under the rubble. The death toll has risen to more than 6800. Still many foreigners are missing. More  2 4

Baby Number TwoWelcome, Your Royal Highness

Growth for the Windsors: Kate and William got their second child. A girl. Time to appreciate it - and tell the little ones a few truths. Enjoy welcome amenities. More By ANKE SCHIPP  3  15

GelsenkirchenYouth Welfare Office is said to have housed children in care in Hungary

To the youth welfare office Gelsenkirchen paves a scandal: Two conductors are sent home children to Hungary and thus make money more.  19  18

Donatella VersaceAn Icon celebrates its birthday

Donatella Versace made ​​in their lives always stir - be it with their collections or with their appearance.A look back on an eventful career. More  3

Milan's designer (1)Patricia Urquiola, born to be wild

This Friday begins in Milan the Expo. The designers of the city are the best advertisement for the city.Visiting nine studios. In the first episode: Patricia Urquiola More By PETER-PHILIPP SCHMITT.  2

Software for video conferencingmeeting always and everywhere

The final breakthrough of videoconferences was announced 25 years ago. But now it's really easy. A comparison of the most common solutions: from Skype to BlackBerry Meetings More By MICHAEL SPEHR.  10

Fahrbericht Honda CB 125 Ftriumphal procession to pump

The Leichtkraftrad Honda CB125 F is now available in an easily modulated design. She is still economical and reasonable. The low cost of ownership fits the popular price. More By REINHOLD WAGNER  7  23

Lichtspielhaus Earth (2)oil rush in North Dakota

Part 2 of our series on the year of light: Today we show surroundings of the town of Williston in North Dakota, which has become the center of Frackings in the United States More By GÜNTER PAUL.  1

Earthquake in Nepalman's best friend and savior

Search in Nepal specially trained dogs in the rubble for survivors. What do their noses, borders on miraculous. More By GEORG RÜSCHEMEYER  2  19

Blogs | Plancktonastronomers fight lawnmower

What is light pollution for optical astronomy, these are the effects of wireless technology for radio astronomy. As the NRAO fighting lawnmower and why you should not open prematurely in microwave telescopes. More By SIBYLLE ANDERL

New coursesmainly, health

Who wants to continue what studying in Bochum with health, must have already gained professional experience. English but you should also be able to -. At least if you want to know what you studied there more from UWE MARX  1

Enjoy workingemployees would be pleased - there are not but

More money, more holidays, in good health: The working conditions are better than ever, says a study. Other analysis reports, many workers are dissatisfied with their job. How do they fit together?More By EVA HEIDENFELDER  29  9

Nepalbut in the end the man is only an insect

Once there was a wonderland with the most beautiful mountains, the most magnificent temples and the friendliest people in the world. A reminder of Nepal. More By FREDDY LANGER  2  28

Phenomenologyfinger counting

Who travels the world communicates often with hands and feet - the function of the fingers is to enjoy but with caution when negotiating More By PIA PEOPLE  1  15

How do I explain it to my child?Why are there earthquakes

In Nepal, the earth moved and brought suffering and destruction upon the inhabitants there. Can earthquakes not foresee and warn people? More By ULF VON RAUCHHAUPT  4

"Germany's Next Top Model"Klum candidates are absolute exceptions

Maya Götz has been studied in a study the relationship between eating disorders and television shows such as "Germany's Next Top Model". A conversation about distorted self-perception among young people - and possible solutions More By HANNAH FEILER.  26  16

Gallery Weekend Berlin 2015The reward of the long distances

For the eleventh time the Gallery Weekend will take place in Berlin. 47 galleries present themselves to an international clientele. The grand entrance appears to have succeeded - this art is not afraid of the reality more from ROSE-MARIA GROPP.  1  2

Large real estate companiesMieterbund expects further mergers in the housing market

Recently, the German Annington has partnered with the competitors Gagfah to Germany's largest real estate companies. That was certainly not the last big merger in the real estate market, expects the German Tenants' Association. More  5  2

Schiersteiner BridgeScholarship Edition takes impasse

Any difficulties with the open schierstein bridge are not yet solved: Up to six policemen driving ban for trucks monitor on Mainzer end Schiersteiner bridgeMore By SVEN EBBING, MAINZ.

Hesse Interior Minister Beuth"We must not be afraid, but vigilant"

After the arrest in Oberursel the Hessian Interior Minister Peter Beuth speaks to the danger of a terrorist attack in Hessen, the security of major events and strategies against Salafists. More 1  1

Project "reasons migrants"With courage and mentor

Fatou Fofana plans to open a day care center, Elke Häder directs a music school - "reasons migrants" has brought them together. The project was finally also "a form of integration policy". More By SAMUEL RIETH
A few bets on the stock market are as exciting as the on IT companies. The share prices of Google and Facebook show how significant for investors keeping.But what about Twitter? More 1

Milan's designer (2)With the same passion: Ludovica and Roberto Palomba

Ludovica and Roberto Palomba have known each other since graduation - and tried at first to avoid Milan. That did not work out. So they became the most famous designer duo of the city. The second part of our series on Milan furniture designer. More  By PETER-PHILIPP SCHMITT

Accurate predictionsWhere there's thunder and lightning

Severe weather is possible in principle to predict, but not their strength and accompaniments. That will change soon. In future it is possible both with a lead time of 30 to 60 minutes to predict.More  By WOLFGANG KEMPKENS  4

Popular employerswant graduates to build cars

Germany united Autoland: Not only the managers want to work at a preferred carmaker, also graduates. An industry on the other hand loses popularity. More 

Dial M PopeIf Francis rings three times

The Pope is rejected initially on the phone, Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of the penguins and lemurs and Pamela Anderson is now a bit richer - the Smalltalk more.   3
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