Translation from English

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

Buenos Aires province Cabinet Chief Alberto Pérez has said presidential hopeful Sergio Massa will fight for the third place in the October elections against Margarita Stolbizer, while the Victory Front (FpV) and the PRO will compete for the presidency.
Cabinet Chief Aníbal Fernández has announced he will be deciding on his Buenos Aires governor candidacy next Wednesday. Fernández had previously said he would be running for president.
By James Neilson

There are few things Cristina likes more than connecting dots. Where others see only a confused jumble of events and trends that have little to do with one another, she sees a pattern that makes perfect sense. As she recently tweeted, in English, "Everything has to do with everything."
By Martín Gambarotta
Macri is pulling off an impressive political feat. It looks like Rodríguez Larreta is heading for victory. But Macri’s daring flying summersault is still in the middle of the air. Has Rodríguez Larreta, praised by Macri for his managerial skills, really won already?
By Mempo Giardinelli

After the PASO voting in Salta, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires City and the gubernatorial elections in Neuquén, it is clear that not only does the dance go on but that many of the dancers seem to be treading on live coals as in the nights of Saint John.
Federal Planning Minister Julio De Vido rejected media allegations that said the Río Turbio coal-fired power station was going to use gas to produce electricity, and highlighted an investment of 10 billion pesos “completely guaranteeing coal for the central.”
Over the last week, the Nigerian army has freed three sets of women and children, numbering over 500, who were being held in the Sambisa forest.
Juventus has landed a fourth successive Serie A crown, and their first under coach Massimiliano Allegri, with four games to spare by winning 1-0 at Sampdoria. It was their 31st league title triumph, making them Italy's most successful domestic team by far.
Luis Suárez scored a hat-trick and Lionel Messi bagged a brace as Barcelona thrashed bottom side Córdoba 8-0 on Saturday to move a step closer to their fifth La Liga title in seven years.
Bureaucracy at Kathmandu airport was holding up vital relief supplies for survivors of the earthquake in Nepal today as the death toll from the disaster passed 6,600. 
• US$2 billion needed for reconstruction
Demonstrations are expected to continue around the United States through the weekend, with a massive rally planned for Baltimore city hall with marchers leaving from the Gilmor Homes housing projects where the victim, Freddie Gray, was arrested.
• Who is Marilyn J. Mosby?• Prosecutor rules Gray's death a murder

Soccer — Domestic League

Almost everything ready for Boca 


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,870$ 8,920
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 12,60$ 12,70
EuroEURO$ 9,650$ 10,300
PoundPOUND$ 13,429$ 13,505
MervalMERVAL$ 12.050,190$ -1,10
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 18.024,060$ 1,03
BovespaBOVESPA$ 56.229,380$ 1,63
Full MARKET coverage HERE

The centre of the universe

James Neilson / As I See it

The centre of the universe

PROs and cons

Martín Gambarotta - News Editor

PROs and cons

Of PASOs, veeps  and tremors

Mempo Giardinelli

Of PASOs, veeps and tremors

Nothing really happening?

Marcelo J. García

Nothing really happening?

More debt, you bet!

Michael Soltys / Senior Editor / Economic Outlook

More debt, you bet!

The Turkish burden

Andrés Federman

The Turkish burden

As if coaches played on the field alone

Eric Weil / Sportsworld

As if coaches played on the field alone

Condescending blackout

Daniel Politi

Condescending blackout

Julia Pomares, Director of the Political Institutions Programme, CIPPEC

‘The parties are learning to play the primary game’ 

By Tomás Brockenshire
Fully immersed in election season as director of the Political Institutions Programme at the Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), Julia Pomares spoke to the Herald in her home about the primaries and how they have evolved since 2011 and the influence of money in electoral campaigns.

• World Trade

‘Accords with China a hallmark in Argentina's foreign relations history’

• On Sunday

War of Word

Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4476 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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