Apple, IBM and Japan Post See Profit in the Old-Age Market

Tim Cook, Apple's chief, left, Taizo Nishimuro, chief of Japan Post, center, and Virginia Rometty, IBM’s chief, announced the initiative on Thursday.Credit John Simon, Feature Photo Service
Japan is an incubator of aging. More than other countries, it is a graying nation. Twenty-five percent of its population, or 33 million people, is age 65 or older, more than double the global average.
IBM, Apple and Japan Post Group, a giant postal service, bank and insurer, declared on Thursday that they were joining to deliver a new technology service to the fast-growing market of older Japanese adults. The service involves equipping Japan’s silver generation with iPads loaded with software apps to help them communicate with family and friends, monitor their health, and buy goods and services.
For IBM and Apple, the initiative is another step in the partnership they formed last year, mainly to create mobile apps for corporate workers. The project with Japan Post goes beyond the workplace into homes. 
Quality-of-life services for aging populations will certainly be a big, if broad and diverse, marketplace. And Japan is a prime test bed.
Citing the nation’s geriatric demographics, Taizo Nishimuro, chief executive of Japan Post, said, “Many countries will be facing the same issue soon.”
But what was most striking about the announcement was the ceremony itself, as the chief executives of all three companies appeared together in New York for a corporate collaboration that will only begin the pilot-project stage in the second half of the year. The news release said the goal was to have four million to five million customers using the iPad service by 2020. That would be a respectable number of iPads, but that projection is five years from now and that wouldn’t seem to loom too large for Apple, a company that has yearly revenue that now runs at the rate of $240 billion a year, based on the recent quarter.
Timothy D. Cook, chief executive of Apple, said the collaboration represented a “groundbreaking initiative” that would be “scalable around the globe.” 
Perhaps, but Japan is a fairly distinctive market. A video demonstration of the iPad-based offering underlined that fact. It showed one of Japan Post’s 400,000 workers presenting a boxed iPad to an older woman and helping show her how it works. This member of what would be a vast Japanese geek squad wore a company jacket and perfectly knotted necktie, bowing upon entering the woman’s home. The iPad and software apps will be offered as an add-on to Japan Post’s Watch Over service, which involves postal workers regularly visiting elderly customers.
Still, regardless of whether it succeeds in Japan and can be replicated abroad, the venture points to crucial strategic designs for all three companies. 
The chief executives spoke to those issues, even if they were not at the top of the day’s agenda.
Toward the end of the question-and-answer portion of the event, Mr. Cook said, “We want to change how people work and live. We don’t want to just sell stuff.”
Financially, Apple looks like an iPhone company. More iPad sales, which have flagged lately, would be nice, but what Apple really needs to do is expand its broader platform of hardware, software and services. That will help it become more of a subscription business, and less of a business known for its hardware hits. Besides, the software and services tend to lock customers into Apple hardware — that’s how things worked for IBM for decades, in the heyday of the mainframe business.
IBM is engaged in a footrace. It is trying to accelerate a strategic transition to depend more on new businesses like data analytics, cloud computing and specialized mobile apps, and the Japan Post project involves all those, as does its partnership with Apple. 
Virginia M. Rometty, IBM’s chief executive, observed that the joint work with Apple had so far created 22 enterprise apps in 11 industries, and the app count should reach 100 by the end of this year. The Japan Post project, she said, “builds on a remarkable partnership.” The message: The new stuff is going gangbusters.
Mr. Nishimuro was asked by a Japanese reporter if the corporate announcement was timed to coincide with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s state visit to the United States this week. No, Mr. Nishimuro replied. But the announcement, he said, meshed nicely with a spring tour of America that he had planned to speak to institutional investors. Japan Post, which was privatized in 2007, intends to make an initial public offering of shares this year.
Mr. Nishimuro, a former chairman of Toshiba, will have to persuade potential investors that a company named Japan Post is not a financial sinkhole, the plight of postal services in many Western nations. Japan Post is, in fact, solidly profitable these days. And the announcement with two American high-tech giants — Mr. Nishimuro flanked on the dais by the leaders of Apple and IBM — might well add an aura of innovation to the Japanese company. 