Sunday, May 31, 2015

Australia ABC

  1. Myanmar navy blocks journalists

    Myanmar's navy briefly detains and turns back journalists near a migrant boat being held off the country's southern coast.
  2. Security summit lock down

    An Asia-Pacific security summit in Singapore is placed under lockdown after police shoot a man dead in a security breach.
  3. Joe Biden's son dies

    Joseph "Beau" Biden, son of US vice president Joe Biden and former state attorney general of Delaware, dies after battling brain cancer for several years.


  1. Rana Plaza murder charges

    Bangladesh police say they will press murder charges against the owner of a garment factory that collapsed and killed more than 1,100 people in 2013.
  2. Nepal schools reopen

    Thousands of children return to class as Nepal's schools formally reopen following April's devastating earthquake that claimed more than 8,600 lives.
  3. Beijing smokers fined

    Beijing smokers face tough new fines if they light up in restaurants, offices or on public transport.
  1. BBY money missing

    Two weeks after the collapse of broker BBY, clients have no idea of the state of their investments, with KPMG saying the broking firm may be missing money.
  2. Tobacco sale 'should be restricted'

    The lobby group representing adult retailers and the Australian Sex Party want the sale of tobacco to be restricted to adult-only premises.
  3. Pension hit to young

    Younger middle income earners are set to bear the brunt of changes to the aged pension assets test according to newly released modelling by Industry Super Australia.
  4. 'Chinese invasion' leaflets criticised

    The man behind a letterbox campaign warning Sydney's housing market is under threat from "Chinese invasion" is an idiot, New South Wales' Multiculturalism Minister says.
  1. The Health Quarter: recreational ice use

    ABC Medical reporter Sophie Scott looks at the methamphetamine users who describe their use as recreational; how antibiotics could help overcome phobias and osteoporosis awareness.
  1. Visa fraud crackdown

    The Federal Government is claiming its first scalps in the crackdown on the exploitation of foreign workers.
  2. Pilbara May rains

    Steady rainfall this week in WA's Pilbara has kept pastoral stations from mustering.
  3. Tas biosecurity boost

    Tasmanian Government boosts biosecurity funding in its budget, to cope with increasing number of visitors.


White Sand Dreaming

Award-winning musician Kahl Willis hopes to discover his Wuthathi heritage and record his first solo album in the process.
More - AWAYE

Inside North Korean cinema

Anna Broinoswki has experienced the surreal and often terrifying North Korean film industry firsthand.
More - Conversations

Kill all the bees

Paul Sutton suggests that killing literally every bee would raise the tax base and fix the unemployment rate.
More - Ockham's Razor

Women in power

Do we have different expectations of the way women should wield power?
More - Big Ideas

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