10 things we didn't know last week

  • 24 April 2015
Vintage wine bottle - generic
1. Shipwrecked 170-year-old champagne tastes "grilled, spicy, smoky, and leathery".
2. The first sports bra was made from two jock straps.
3. Your body odour genes may make you tastier to mosquitoes.
4. You can make perfume from rain.
5. Nearly half of Americans - 150 million people - live in earthquake risk zones.
6. The ocean economy is valued at $24tn, the seventh largest in the world.
7. Chewing something can partially excise "earworms".
8. Alex Salmond changed his signature after being told off by the Queen for having messy writing.
9. Vultures surf on the heat of power plants.
10. "Roadman" is northern slang for someone who thoroughly knows his area.
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