Thursday, April 30, 2015

Grist- Environmental

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When I eat honey, do I hurt bees?

A reader wonders if she should avoid using beeswax, royal jelly, and honey. Umbra's answer is sweet.

Break-up of the century: U.S. emissions and economic growth are really, finally separating

As the U.S. embraces energy efficiency and renewables, economic growth is now rising much faster than greenhouse gas emissions.

The most (and least) polluted cities in America

The American Lung Association ranked cities according to their air pollution. Here’s the good news, and the bad.

Emma Thompson, an ant biologist, and a bodega documentarian: It’s Woman Crush Wednesday!

Need a bit more pep in that step? Giving yourself a little break and check out our weekly roundup of badass women.

The future looks a lot hotter and wetter, says science

No duh, says us. 

Your wildest, tiniest house dreams could come true

SustainaFest is hosting an essay contest with a very pretty, very tiny house as the prize.

Watch Mark Ruffalo get in touch with his feminine side

In film promotion, female stars get a lot of interview questions that can only be described as "truly useless." 

Wake-up call from Baltimore: We can no longer ignore our inner cities

Watching the city blow up, we’re forced to recon with decades of racism and neglect. Now it’s time to get serious about solutions.

Tyson says: No more antibiotics for our chickens

The largest American chicken producer says it will stop using human antibiotics by 2017. Today the U.S., tomorrow the world? 

Can Obama fix Japan’s broken climate plan?

The Fukushima disaster screwed up Japan's climate strategy.

Can zippy startup ideas and code speed local food to urban plates?

San Francisco's Good Eggs is taking another run at the dream of using apps and the internet to change the way we buy food for the better. 

Hillary can’t believe we’re still fighting over this whole reproductive rights thing, either

It's 2015, some morons are still conflating reproductive healthcare with baby-killing sprees, and Hillary Clinton's fed up -- as are we all.

John Kerry knows cities hold the key to fighting climate change

As world leaders prepare for climate talks in Paris, the secretary of state says the real leadership is coming from the local level.

The EPA has a plan to protect vulnerable communities. Will it work?

The agency spent years cooking up its environmental justice master plan. Now it's time for action.

This is why you’re seeing Mason jars everywhere

If only down-home images could make food healthier and more sustainable, all our food system's problems would vanish.

6 problems we’d solve by drawing dicks on them

There’s a new hero in town, and his name is Wanksy.

Bees are addicted to pesticide-laden junk food, too

It turns out bees may prefer nectar when it's laced with common pesticides, says a new study. 

Right-wing think tank wants to convince the pope he’s wrong about climate change

The notorious climate-denying Heartland Institute is sending a team of climate "scientists" to Rome to show Pope Francis the errors of his ways.

How the Bay Area’s last slaughterhouse dodged the axe

You want local meat? You're gonna need a local slaughterhouse. It took a tanking economy and a massive beef recall to save the last such outfit in the Bay Area.

California’s drought isn’t doomsday, but yes, it will change the state

The most nightmarish scenarios of California's dry future are unlikely to happen. Still, the state must use the crisis as a wakeup call to use water more smartly. 

Is climate change killing my California dream?

A reader wonders if Cali is going to dry up and blow away. Umbra sprinkles a little wisdom on the subject.

Watch Obama get really angry — and really funny — when he rants about climate change

In a joke-packed speech to the White House Correspondents' Association, Obama got so "angry" at climate deniers that he scared off his "anger translator."

Hubble just turned 25. Here’s what it was like to grow up with it.

The Hubble Space Telescope shows us the far reaches of our universe -- and that tells us a lot about us, too.

Congratulations, Yellowstone! You’re having giant magma twins

A pocket of magma larger than the one we already knew about has appeared unannounced, like a surprise birthday dessert at Chili's.

What happened to America’s black farmers?

In 1920, black farmers represented 14 percent of U.S. farmers; today, they make up less than 2 percent. 

We are so good at causing earthquakes that the government is starting to forecast them

Thanks, oil and gas industry.

Pope Francis forces the issue on climate change

Here's what Catholics think about the pope's big climate push.

Louis C.K. admits his generation is the worst

Louie comes face-to-face with a Young Person who -- surprise, surprise! -- hates baby boomers because of the mess they've left for everyone.

Emma Thompson wrote an Oscar-worthy open letter to save the Arctic

Like everything Emma Thompson touches, the letter will leave you either laugh-crying or slow-clapping.

Who should profit from solar energy?

More and more utilities are competing for solar power dollars -- but what will that mean for smaller companies and consumers?

New rules cutting farm emissions are kind of a big deal

The Department of Agriculture's new voluntary plan to cut U.S. carbon emissions shouldn't cause a ruckus -- and that just might make it work. 

Finally, a climate change game you’d actually want to play

Climate change is not a game -- but this game is way more fun than just wringing your hands about it.

Of course YouTube started with a silly video about elephants

Ten years ago, the internet was forever changed. It's been pretty much all downhill since.

Are marijuana regulations weeding out family farmers?

As marijuana becomes a legitimate business, safety regulations and bureaucracy could make life tough for small "craft" growers.

Should I kill my weeds by peeing on them?

A reader wonders if urine will get rid of unwanted weeds. Umbra says, sadly, it's piss poor.

Should climate hawks push Elizabeth Warren to run for president?

Warren aggressively opposes Keystone XL, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and corporate power. That’s quite a contrast with Clinton’s views.

This is exactly why we need more women in tech

Who run the world? Girls ... who make reproductive healthcare video games.

The 8 most clueless Earth Day tweets from Corporate America

The World's Most Unloved Holiday barely beat out Paris Hilton's dead chihuahua for Facebook's No. 1 trending news story, but a win is a win!

Earth Day is dead. Long live the soul of Earth Day

The organizers of the original Earth Day set out to unite progressive causes. Can the climate movement succeed where Earth Day failed?

Meet the scientists making new climate discoveries (and fudge) at the South Pole

T.J. Fudge (yes, he makes a mean fudge) and the other researchers are looking at ice cores at the South Pole, for new clues about regional climate change. 

Obama burns Florida’s climate deniers on their home turf

The president uses his Earth Day message to call for climate action -- and throw a few jabs at Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.

Can cheaper corn change the way we farm?

Corn prices are low and corn planting is, too. Will farmers diversify crops or put land aside as a result?

3 delicious cocktails to help you drink away Earth Day

We’re here to help you celebrate Earth Day in a way that is actually fun and acknowledges the current state of Earth-affairs: With climate-change cocktails.

Why Earth Day doesn’t matter anymore

The only green that gets shit done is money.

Earth Day doesn’t suck this year, thanks to Woman Crush Wednesday

This week's roundup comes alongside two green holidays, depending on what (or how) you like to celebra

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