Translation from English

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

in the hands of drug gangs

After the death of a black man in police custody Baltimore is in chaos. The perpetrators of the night but have little in common with the protesters of the day. National Guard troops to maintain order. More of ANDREAS ROSS, WASHINGTON 11

Indonesiaexecuted Eight drug smugglers

Indonesia has ignored protests around the world and eight put to death for drug trafficking convicts.The shooting of a Filipina was reportedly postponed at the last minute. More 2

Nigeriafreed 200 girls from the camp of the Boko Haram

The army in Nigeria has almost 300 women and girls liberated by its own account of the violence of the Islamist terror group Boko Haram. Whether among which are also kidnapped a year ago, pupils, is still unclear. More 5

Strait of HormuzIranian patrol boat fired warning shots on freighters from

The Iranian navy has fired warning shots in the Persian Gulf on a cargo ship under flag of Marshall Islands and brought it under their control. American forces are alarmed. More3 9

Quarterly figures publishedTwitter shares suspended from trading

The quarterly figures of Twitter are worse than expected. The stock fell, but was suspended from trading. The numbers should have been actually published until after the market close. More 2

Forensic biologist Mark BeneckeThe leader had bad breath

70 years ago, Adolf Hitler shot. Or he took cyanide yet? On one trip the wrong forensic biologist Mark Benecke wanted to clarify this issue in Moscow. He found bones, which had passed through several hands - and evidence of Hitler's health problems More of ANDREAS NEFZGER 10 18.

Greek debt crisisAthens commitments are becoming less credible

Alexis Tsipras speaks of a compromise in the debt dispute to early May. The Greek Government is now seriously and embraces the reforms to the factory? Under the finance ministers of the euro zone continue to outweigh the doubt.More By WERNER MUSSLER, BRUSSELS 32 42

German Bank processFitschen defender attacked the prosecutors

Five hours to top managers at Deutsche Bank must listen by prosecutors familiar allegations. But then the defense goes to counter-attack. More By JOACHIM JAHN3 15

Billion project on the Baltic Sea,the tunneling of Fehmarn

Denmark wants to give a tunnel under the Baltic Sea Germany. The Danish parliament has cleared the way for today.But the Germans fear the noise and worry about the welfare of the dormouse. More By SEBASTIAN BALZTER 35 54

Assistant Stella Deetjen"The mountain villages in Nepal are my nightmare"

Stella Deetjen support a mountain village in Nepal with their project "Back to Life".Since the major quake she fears for the life of their local employees. More By AXEL WERMELSKIRCHEN 3

Football rights SendNever fourth league

The Bavarian amateur football and the Bavarian newspapers are in dispute: The Regional Football Federation wants to see money for moving pictures on the Internet. Each village-Kick will cost fees.Who does not pay, flying out of the stadium. More 2

Victory on penaltiesBayern slip out, the BVB travels to Berlin

With luck and morale Borussia Dortmund win at Bayern and feeds into the DFB Cup final. The Munich-based use up all Penalty: first slip Lahm and Alonso, then Götze fails to Langerak, finally hits the bar keeper Neuer More By PETER PENDERS, MÜNCHEN 9.
  • Nervous SPD
    Eckart Lohse
    The SPD succeeds indeed, to prevail in the grand coalition on issues such as the minimum wage, the women's quota or in the pension policy - the electorate but not honored that. Now the comrades go along with party chief Gabriel to attack the Union. More45 12
  • Full escalation plan
    Reinhard Veser
    The increase in fighting in eastern Ukraine recalled that only a few points have been met by the Minsk agreements.Apparently, the separatists do not want peace. More8 22
  • The digital Bank
    Holger Steltzner
    The verdict of the Exchange on the "new" Deutsche Bank's strategy is as bitter as authorized. Management and Supervisory Boards do not manage to give her back a compelling prospect. More25 32
  • Decision smacks
    Reinhard Veser
  • The only way out
    Heike Schmoll, Berlin
  • The growing child benefit
    Florentine Fritzen
  • New old German Bank
    Holger Steltzner
  • Boundless sip Culture
    Anno Hecker
  • Klopp's antidote
    Michael Wittershagen
  • Model for Winterkorn
    Henning Peitsmeier
See video
"Tschörmen Äksend": Development Minister Müller is for Youtube-screamer

Electoral reformpriority for the top dog

In Baden-Württemberg the Congruent suffrage hinders the renewal of the CDU. Therefore, the proportion of women remains very low in the state parliament in Stuttgart. One solution could be a "short list". More By RÜDIGER SOLDT, STUTTGART 1 1

World War end in AustriaA commemoration than ever

The 70th anniversary of the end of World War II is celebrated in Austria as hardly a historic anniversary previously. In Vienna, an action lined up on the other. That goes until May, where already the next anniversary present. More By STEPHEN LOWENSTEIN, VIENNA 2

European UnionCommission wants counterterrorism center

In the European security agenda cooperation between the countries in the fight against terrorism should be improved. For this, a center for the fight against terrorism must be under the umbrella of the European Police Office Europol, the EU Commission wants. More By WERNER MUSSLER, BRUSSELS2 1

KfW study on SMEage going on future

Small and medium enterprises are the backbone of the German economy highly touted. But by the demographic development is this reputation at stake. After all, who is old, invested less. More By NORBERT WESSENDORF 4 4

Trial of German bankersindictment: Fitschen was fellow in scam

In Munich, the trial against current and former board members of Deutsche Bank has begun. The prosecution alleges that all deception. But one should be a little better than the others behave. More 21 7

Vegetarianismmeat companies discover their heart for vegetarians

Ironically, the meat company set suddenly on vegetarian schnitzel. The quick turnaround in the supermarket comes from the meat corporations themselves - they recognize so also the social trend More of JAN GROSSARTH 15 14.
Financial markets

Fund ReportBond funds still provide high returns

On average, brought worldwide berthing bond funds in the past six months, an increase of 11 percent. Focused mainly on dollar funds currently winning. More By KERSTIN PAPON

PollAlmost every second German still expects in D-Mark

Since 2002, the German daily pay with the euro. But old habits die hard. Even today, many German citizens expect their purchases in D-Mark to, especially the elderly and people with a lower education level. More 49 7

Swarm financingKickstarter comes to Germany

The crowdfunding platform Kickstarter comes to Germany. The CEO Yancey Strickler explains his company's philosophy - and defends itself against criticism of being too commercial More By ROLAND LINDNER, NEW YORK 3.

Nepal destroyed cultural treasuresEven the gods have been made ​​homeless

Permanent shocks one is used in Nepal, but the earthquake on Saturday has cost thousands of lives and destroyed the cultural heritage of the country. Three researchers take stock. More By NIELS GUTSCHOW, AXEL MICHAELS and MARCUS NÜSSER 2 10

Fifth season of "Homeland"America's agent in Berlin

Berlin gets interesting: The fifth season of the American series "Homeland" is filmed at Studio Babelsberg. Whether this also has consequences for the action?More By MICHAEL HANFELD 2

Web Series "Translantics"The promise of glittering bathmats

What happens when an art gallery is a Web series in order?The artist Britta Thie fails to comply with the rules of television. Your "Translantics" makes the ambiguity productive. More By HANNAH FEILER 1

Eintracht FrankfurtVeh as the third man

Executives sought: The former coach of Eintracht must compete not necessarily the legacy of CEO Bruchhagen. Also Metzelder arouses interest. MoreBy MARC HENRY 4 6

Hannover 96million dispute over the deal of alpha animal

Shoveling the President with the sale last shares the club the Dig? Or rather, it is the benefactor who is paving the way in the future? To Martin Kind is all about at Hannover 96. More By CHRISTIAN OTTO,HANNOVER 1 6

Football betting scandalprobation or acquittal

Former professional football player Rene Schnitzler should have received from the betting mafia around 100,000 euros for four rigged games. Schnitzler denies having taken effect on the outcome of the game. More

Against Mallorca150 people rescued from a burning ferry

A major fire has brought on a ferry en route from Mallorca to Valencia more than 140 passengers in great danger. They were rescued by two onrushing boats. More 2

Insulting police officers"FCK CPS" on the T-shirt is allowed

A libel print on a T-shirt is no insult. At least as long as it refers to the entire police force. This has the Federal Constitutional Court decided in Karlsruhe. More 53 8

Financialwealthwishesso, no effort

Many German want according to a survey like to be super rich - but do it as little as possible. It was mentioned not once only by honest work. Some might imagine to continue a bad relationship for money, however. More 7 6

ArchitectureLiving in the ball

The French designer, author and artist Joel Unal lives in a ball house in southeastern France. The house consists of several balls and a swimming pool.Joel Unal has been built completely alone -. For 36 years More 10

International Furniture FairThe best ideas of furniture designers

In by far the most important furniture fair in the world, the "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" show every April over 2,000 designers and manufacturers what they have to offer something new. We show the ten most beautiful designs. More By PETER-PHILIPP SCHMITT 2

Star in the classic car sceneA life under the car

In the classic car scene of engineering Mike Sander is a star. Being fat protects tens of thousands of elderly cars to be eaten away by rust. He thinks also of environmental protection. More By CLAUS REISSIG 8 25

2018car emergency eCall is mandatory for new cars

The EU parliament has now decided. The car is from 2018 eCall in all new car models duty. The number of fatalities could be reduced by ten percent. More 32 9

Offensive for "Open Access"The aggressive logic of opening

Creams scientific publishers from, the public budgets spendthrift? A Max Planck study calls the "comprehensive reconstruction" of industry and reckons: This pays for itself, and at once more by JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG 2 15.

Attention Deficit Disorder ADHDMethylphenidate is prescribed less

Consumption of methylphenidate, the classical means for the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in children has declined significantly in the past two years - after decades of increase more 5.

Risk of Alzheimer's diseasesuch as depression and diabetes ravage the brain

Depression and diabetes appear to significantly increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.But the role also plays the lifestyle? He forced the downward spiral? More By NICOLA OF LUTTEROTTI13 23

If thechange of universityprofessor goes, the trouble begins

If the boss the university changed, graduate students and research assistants often suffer much from it. Either they go with their research or takes some getting gone. Does it have to be? More By MARVIN MILATZ 12 13

Retirementwork until you drop?

Many of the present professionals do not expect to be able to go with 63 retire. Most also believe that retirement is a private matter. In other European countries it thinks differently. More 8 8

Phenomenologyfinger counting

Who travels the world communicates often with hands and feet - the function of the fingers is to enjoy but with caution when negotiating More By PIA PEOPLE 1 5

Paris in the spring,full of clichés - but so beautiful!

City of love, city of fashion, city of art - Paris has many nicknames and a long list of world-famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Notre Dame. But a trip includes a boat ride on the Seine River and a visit to one of the famous brasseries. More 15

One will winthe army out of the pan

Officers with Degen, kneeling grenadiers who believes, tin soldiers would be found only in the attic? The molds can have fun. Or his hands full.More By TILMAN SPRECKELSEN 3

Kita-strikemore staff rather than more money!

In now impending indefinite Kita-strike the unions are demanding ten percent wage increase for educators. But the discerning professional is not underpaid. More staff for the care of young children is more important than higher salaries. More By UTA RASCHE 47

LetAdonis at Azzedine AlaïaHands free rein

In font and color: The graphic works of the Arab poet Adonis can be seen at the Paris gallery of fashion designer Azzedine Alaïa - a versatile connection More By BETTINA WOHLFARTH, PARIS 3.

Plot RoofBuilding in the roofscape

On and under our roofs slumber enormous land reserves. Resourceful architects and builders, they know how to use. More By NADINE OBERHUBER2 13

Administrative CourtNoise opponent: close NordWestBahn partially

The city Florsheim sees in the wake of airplanes a danger to its citizens and calls for a partial flight ban at Frankfurt Airport. The state of Hesse defends itself. The court has not yet decided. More3 1

Frankfurt Branch operatingmold and rats: bakery closed

Mouse droppings on the floor and rats in the production halls: That was food inspectors in Frankfurt too much of the bad. They closed without further ado a bakery, the goods must be destroyed. More3 11

Schools bottleneck in Frankfurt"not just listen to the loudest parents"

Nearly 3,000 children will go in the coming school year to a school that can not offer all Frankfurt. Now also comprehensive schools turn in the debate and are opposed to the construction of additional schools. More By MATTHIAS TRAUTSCH, FRANKFURT
It is not so long ago, there was Daimler as a crisis. But the group has a successful formula found: Lower costs, more rest. It would be the blueprint for VW CEO Winterkorn. More 3

Weekenderluggage for real men

When man goes on a journey, he does not draw.He shoulders - at least if he holds on to. We provide the only serious piece of luggage for him before: the Weekender More From JENNIFER WIEBKING 12 8.

Motor lock with remote controlwith Bluetooth and GPS front of a locked door

The motorized door lock Danalock opens and closes as if by magic. Using Bluetooth, the smartphone becomes the key. Does it really all so effortlessly? More By WOLFGANG TUNZE2 1

Column "Nine to Five"fight the Office Hump

After a few years in office chair usually announces the back with a certain sense of failure. Who can not come up with this disease of civilization, must, however, only do one thing: go to the doctor More By EVA HEIDENFELDER1 6.

Drew Barrymore on baby weight"It's crazy to are worried"

The actress Drew Barrymore is more relaxed, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was once again spotted with a new look, and a royal Swedish visit sets the protocol at the Vatican incapacitated -. The Smalltalk More

Chart of the DayGreek entrepreneurs get difficult credit

Not only the Greek government has made ​​it difficult to raise funds. The entrepreneurs of the bankrupt threatened country there is no alternative. More 1
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