Thursday, April 30, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Election campaign in BritainMiliband issued Scottish nationalists clear rejection

No Labour government with the help of the Scottish nationalists.So clearly be Labour's lead candidate Ed Miliband has never previously expressed in this respect. More By JOCHEN BUCHSTEINER  1

Refugees in the UKLieber no compassion

On the continent, is hotly debated on refugees, but in the British election campaign they do not matter. If only about them is debated, it is only about how one can prevent them from immigration. More By JOCHEN BUCHSTEINER, LONDON 11

NSA affairAirbus will display for alleged spying

In response to the NSA affair Airbus has placed a complaint against unknown persons on suspicion of industrial espionage.From Berlin, the company expects an explanation. More   11

Labor dispute German railwayengine drivers reject offer and want to go on strike

An agreement in the wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn is again in sight. The train drivers' union GDL rejected the latest offer from the web as too little and announced new strikes ". This time it is really long" More   6

BerlinWalpurgisnacht Demo remains peaceful

The traditional Walpurgisnacht demonstration left groups in Berlin is run for the most part peaceful. It was, according to police reports only sporadic incidents. More   1

Crash on MercuryNasa probe has crashed

The mission of the NASA probe "Messenger" to Mercury has ended with a crash. Tonight at 21.26 clock our time crashed the spacecraft on the innermost planet of the solar system. There were no eyewitnesses. More  ByMANFRED LINDINGER  16

Reality show "Newtopia"Empty new world

The reality show "Newtopia" wants to build a new world in Brandenburg, but increasingly one wonders: with whom? Five candidates have left the show after a dispute. The spectators stay away. More 

Response to rejectiondefiant cyclists still want to go out on the track

After the terror-related cancellation of the May 1 Radklassikers accept both organizers and participants, the decision of the LKA. Cycling president Scharping keeps the rejection is inevitable. Some drivers plan anyway, to depart the track on Friday. More   21

Al-Qaeda hostageFBI helped pay ransom

The American FBI has helped the family of Al-Qaeda hostage Warren Weinstein in trying to buy him back. This does not contradict the proviso not to pay ransoms. More 

Power struggle with VWPiech rejects nieces for Supervisory successor from

Shortly after the nomination of his nieces for his successor on the Supervisory Board heralds Firmenpatriarch Ferdinand Piëch a new round in the struggle for power at Volkswagen. He now sends two own rival candidates in the race. More   10  11

Primera Divisioneven more money for Neymar and Messi?

Also in Spanish football television rights will soon be marketed centrally. Even top clubs such as Barcelona or Real are expected to benefit from the scheme. It's about revenue totaling approximately EUR 1.5 billion. More 

Chart of the DayHow do the scientists of tomorrow come

In China and India, the number of students is growing rapidly. And many study hard expertise as math, computer science, natural science and technology.This gives a controversial forecast derives. More   2

Sean Penn in an interview,"I'd prefer not to burn in the hellfire"

Sean Penn is still regarded with 54 years as a rebel - a label that is now embarrassing him. For his new film "The Gunman" he has trained hard. In this interview he talks about ambition, action movies and the other world. More  By CHRISTIAN AUST  8
  • L'anglais, non merci
    Christian Schubert, Paris
    The German language is in France a trump card on the labor market. Too bad that they have mastered less French than in the past. More1418
  • Turnaround in interest rates in the European bond market
    Gerald Braunberger
    A growing number of investors no longer seems willing to buy bonds at very low or even negative returns in the euro area. American hedge funds bet on rising interest rates already for Bunds. In the equity markets it might be uncomfortable soon. More16
  • The dilution of the Commerzbank
    Hanno Mußler
    This is tinder for the Annual General Meeting: Commerzbank managers want higher bonuses. But this demand is a slap in the face of the shareholders - who got no more dividends for years.More1637
  • Liar! Treason!Traitor!
    Jasper von Altenbockum
  • Riot
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
  • No discrimination
    Reinhard Müller
  • Captured Tsipras
    Rainer Hermann
  • Volkswagen's problems remain
    Carsten Germis, Hamburg
  • Lufthansa before a caesura
    Ulrich Friese
  • Without tact the Bonus
    Hanno Mußler
See video
Swiss breaks speed record Matterhorner Nordwand
© REUTERSEnlarge

Prevented terror attacksLandeskriminalamt cancels Frankfurt cycling race

After allegedly foiled terrorist attack on the 1st of May, the cycling classic LKA Hessen has canceled the planned event for Friday. At present, it is determined whether it is in the arrested couple are individual perpetrators. More By TIMO FRASCH,WIESBADEN  46  27

Prevented stop in HessenIn marriage radicalized

That it was just a couple who is said to have radicalized in Islamist circles, is not an isolated case.Particularly in Hessen there were similar cases recently. The suspicious couple in Oberursel was in the neighborhood, although a Muslim-conservative - plan an assassination attempt, would have them but none have expected more from KATHARINA ISKANDAR, FRANKFURT.  172  41

Raid on FrankfurtHessian Interior Minister: Terrorist attack prevented

A special task force of the police arrested a couple in Oberursel, near Frankfurt, and a ready-made bomb and an assault rifle ensured. This appears to be a motivated Islamist terrorist attack was prevented. More By BERNHARD BIENER, TIMO FRASCH and KATHARINA ISKANDAR  219  111

AGMFederation can accrue Commerzbank Supervisory Board

Commerzbank may not pay their investment bankers bonuses, which are twice as high as the annual salary. For now increase the basic salaries. Shareholders mock Reserve Chairman Blessing as uncrowned king of share dilution. More By HANNO MUSSLE  10  13

Digital InitiativeWhat French media use the Google money

A model for the future European Digital Initiative: Since 2013, the French newspaper companies benefit from the American company, which is to ensure the transition to the Internet Fund. But the money also provides much resentment. More By CHRISTIAN SCHUBERT, PARIS  2  2

Expansion into HellasFraport struggling to Greek airports

In the negotiations between Greece and the financiers is also about privatization. An important prospect is the German airport operator Fraport. More  1  2
Financial markets

Economic worriesJapan Fed paints a bleak picture

The Bank of Japan is to: an inflation rate of 2 percent they expected now until next year. In the short term stops their growth optimism, but already in 2017 it sees the coming collapse in growth. MoreBy PATRICK WELTER, TOKYO  4  9

Financial marketsThe end of the euro depreciation

The now significant appreciation of the euro against the dollar seems to be not a temporary phenomenon. Because the economic power structure between Europe and America has shifted again.More By MARTIN HOCK  30  16

Equity bull market ofthe incredible stock market boom in China

All gamble with the Chinese stock market. Go to the indices of the zeros. The Chinese are in the stock market fever. More By HENDRIK ANKENBRAND  9

Cookbook column "edible paper"vanguard of raw materials

Why he is one of the most important German cookbook authors, Heiko Antoniewicz shows in his new work: It is a wise guide for finishing supposedly simple ingredients More by JÜRGENDOLLASE.  2

Dispute "Tagesschau" appgets the ARD a problem?

The public were confident of victory. Those who believed already, the Federal'll follow the action of publishers against the "Tagesschau" app? In Karlsruhe there was a surprise. More  11 23

Blog | deus ex machinaApple and Google moldy fault

Digital passes mechanics is: The short life cycles of computer systems do not match the quality of modern technology - especially when it as not only high costs but also a matter of life and death when the self-propelled car More By DONALPHONSO.

VolleyballFriedrichshafen enforces the showdown

You have already seen how the safe German champions - but then the playful Berlin volleys in the fifth sentence of the fourth game for the German championship with VfB Friedrichshafen even a 13: 11 lead. Now it comes to the decisive encounter. More

Acquittal of René Schnitzlertax instead betting fraud

A conviction for betting fraud is not possible, the judge's opinion. Instead, the judgment against the former football player René Schnitzler and his manipulation commitments fails surprisingly mild.More

Table Tennis World Championships"The whole game was a cruelty"

After Patrick Franziska also the record European Champion is in the World Cup second round: Timo Boll is back in China at first, but decides the final pass for themselves more.  2

Process to dead babies"I feel despair, grief and guilt"

In the trial of a young mother's pleas have a detailed psychological profile of women drawn that froze her two lifeless baby. The PhD student should have been incapable of making their own decisions. More ByREINER BURGER, SIEGEN  4  3

Munichdrunk pelting passers-by with living mice

See that drunk white mice, may be a cliché - but in Munich a man has thrown the noise with white mice around. The police came and took him from the last one. More 5  11

Known killedlong prison sentence for young stabber

They met on the Internet to know, spent time together, then he killed them: A 21 year old man has been sentenced to a long prison sentence in court in Cottbus for the murder of malice more.  1  6

Writer Tim Parkshomesick he has not, at most to Milan

A ride on the English writer and election-Italians Tim Parks for Expo -. And the heart of the cosmopolitan city of Italy More of ANDREAS ROSSMANN, MILAN 1  2

Chanel fashion chief Pavlovsky"The customer needs to feel free"

Bruno Pavlovsky, managing director of Fashion division at the French tradition house Chanel, about the meaning of a look in the digital age, the size of flagship stores and the special business to the luxury. More By ALFONS KAISER  4

TheMicrosoftcan the new Windows 10

Microsoft has presented at the developer conference more details on Windows 10. The operating system is flexible, open and attractive. This change of course is desperately needed. More By MARCO DETTWEILER  18  6

Bubblerfor constipation help these beads

Drill holes for drinking water wells must be supported against the surrounding soil. So far to go about it with a ring of gravel. But there are better. More By LUKAS WEBER  2  8

From Klonpionier to Genheiler?"In a year you go hopefully"

The American Klonpionier Shoukhrat Mitalipov will revolutionize medicine. Produce embryos with genetically modified "healthy" mitochondria is his first big goal. We met him in Bonn and questioned.More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG  2  16

Search cause bee deathsThe Big pesticides

What caused the mass death of bees? In the provisionally banned neonicotinoids now fall new, dark shadows. The controversy goes on. More By REINHARD WANDTNER  1  7

Contact lostRussian space freighter out of control

The unmanned "Progress" -Frachter rushes uncontrollably to the ground. The contact with the transporter was lost the day before, shortly after taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. More byFRIEDRICH SCHMIDT, MOSCOW  29  18

Uncertain ProspectsWho wants in science?

Many part-time contracts, temporary jobs and uncertain prospects: Who wants to make career as a scientist who is taking a big risk. Tips from climbers and dropouts. More ISA HOFFINGER  9  9

After high school reformstudents remain often sit

Shorter school days, longer school graduates: What should be achieved by the introduction of the controversial G8, has barely occurred, say two educational researchers. On the contrary, more students turning a lap of honor more.  22  2

Nepalbut in the end the man is only an insect

Once there was a wonderland with the most beautiful mountains, the most magnificent temples and the friendliest people in the world. A reminder of Nepal. More By FREDDY LANGER  2  9

Phenomenologyfinger counting

Who travels the world communicates often with hands and feet - the function of the fingers is to enjoy but with caution when negotiating More By PIA PEOPLE  1  13

"Germany's Next Top Model"Klum candidates are absolute exceptions

Maya Götz has been studied in a study the relationship between eating disorders and television shows such as "Germany's Next Top Model". A conversation about distorted self-perception among young people - and possible solutions More ByHANNAH FEILER.  9  6

BGH judgmentNo rent reduction due to noise from the soccer field

A spectacular process to rent reduction because of noisy young people on a football field have to be reopened. This was decided on Wednesday the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH). More  23  10

Modern auctions in New Yorkmoney as a haystack

With an evening only for large collectors breaks Christie's the dance of the New York spring auctions with Impressionism and Modernity. What can Sotheby's opposed the? More ROSE-MARIA GROPP 3

Large real estate companiesMieterbund expects further mergers in the housing market

Recently, the German Annington has partnered with the competitors Gagfah to Germany's largest real estate companies. That was certainly not the last big merger in the real estate market, expects the German Tenants' Association. More  1  1

Operation with hygiene defectsBakery Mayer has been going through second bankruptcy

Due to serious lack of hygiene in the production the Frankfurt Ordnungsamt has the bakery chain Mayer closed. However, the company was already weeks before the closure of bankrupt.More By MANFRED KÖHLER  1  1

Mayor not in courtEschborn is former secretary to pay 70,000 euros

In the dispute between Eschborn and the former secretary of the current mayor Geiger, a settlement was approved. The will not support the coalition but. And Geiger did not attend the hearing.More By HEIKE LATTKA  3  5

Frankfurt timberedLooking for disguised treasures

Soon there will be even more half-timbered in Frankfurt. In this respect, Mikael Horstmann has a business with a future: it is frischdiplomierter timbered leader More By EVA-MARIAMAGEL.  3
The plan, with double bonuses to oblige service providers to the bank loyalty is not to judge per se. But this initiative can only Commerzbank cart if you again pay a dividend to shareholders.More  5

Exhibition in LondonWhat is luxury?

Yachts, caviar and diamonds? Or Leisure, organic products and wellness? Luxurious much can be - depending on individual circumstances and requirements. The London Victoria and Albert Museum in a new exhibition tries to make the concept of arrest. More   4

Fahrbericht Honda CB 125 Ftriumphal procession to pump

The Leichtkraftrad Honda CB125 F is now available in an easily modulated design. She is still economical and reasonable. The low cost of ownership fits the popular price. More  REINHOLD WAGNER  12

Column "My judgment"May I emphasize the Home Office of the Chief?

The Home Office is not a work like everyone else. Therefore, an employee may not be ordered back to the desk in the company at will even if he does not want. Or? More  By ANJA MENGEL  1

Merkel at the zooThe Affenflüstererin

Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of the penguins and lemurs, Pamela Anderson is now a bit richer, and actress Drew Barrymore interested baby weight not -. The Smalltalk More   1

Chart of the DayIn Western countries, one in two women working

France, Germany, United States: In many western countries, around half of women working. The situation looks in countries such as Turkey or Egypt. More   7
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