Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

betting against Germany

Wealthy speculators take Germany to target: They assume that it goes downhill with the German rates and thus their yield rises. The DAX fell today before by 3.2 percent. In America, the Fed no evidence 8 15 were on when the base rate is increased. More By GERALD BRAUNSBERGER

Faulty componentApple struggles with delivery delay in clock

Because of problems with a Chinese supplier delayed a report, the delivery of the new Apple Watch. The US technology company now uses a Japanese manufacturer. More

Newlabor dispute with the railservicefor the GDL

In the wage dispute between Deutsche Bahn and the GDL, the company's train drivers' union submitted a new offer. Including an 4.7 percent wage increase and a one-time payment More

Financing securedChernobyl gets a protective sheath

The destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine is getting a new sarcophagus. The financing is secured for the moment: At a donor conference in London 530 million euros were collectedMore 5 6.

Microsoft conferencethe successor of Internet Explorer's Edge

With Windows 10, Microsoft will open to other platforms and want to go on the mobile market in the offensive. Apps for Google's Android and Apple's iOS operating system will run on Windows 10.More 4

"Charlie Hebdo" Draughts- LuzMohammed is uninteresting

Renald Luzier, cartoonist of "Charlie Hebdo", will no longer draw Mohammed. The famous title page with the weeping prophet, which appeared on the editorial board for the mass murder, comes from "Luz". Why does it end? More 1 7

TV review: Anne WillNo one knows the specifics, but all for the better

Anne Wills program about the BND affair dealt much with lies and deceit, but was truth and reality then still remarkably close. That is to say when it comes to espionage in Germany a lot. More JASPER OF ALTENBOCKUM 2

Refugees on the Mediterranean SeaThe secure business model tractor

All agree: The Libyan tractor must be fought. But the traffickers are well organized. Why a crackdown on their business model is almost hopeless.More By MARKUS WEHNER, BERLIN 16

Riots in BaltimoreWake of Unheard

In Baltimore, the protests continue peacefully. Hardly any African dares more police here. But the real culprits they look elsewhere. More of ANDREAS ROSS, BALTIMORE 4

"The guilt to have survived"Auschwitz trial in Lüneburg

In the trial in Lüneburg descendants of Holocaust survivors tell of. Meanwhile, historians help the court to assess the role of the accused in Auschwitz. MoreBy ALEXANDER HANEKE, LÜNEBURG9 5

Interview with Juliette GrecoThe word is a serious matter

Juliette Greco, the great lady of French song, says goodbye to her German audience. A conversation about nostalgia, the youth and beyond. MoreBy LENA BOPP 5

4: 0 in BielefeldArminia Wolfsburg destroyed "Almtraum"

The hope of the sensation lasts only eight minutes against VfL Wolfsburg Arminia Bielefeld has not the slightest chance and loses deserve 0:. 4 The team of coach Hecking demands in the cup final in Berlin now BVB out. More By ROLAND ZORN,BIELEFELD 3
  • Riot
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
    From police brutality and riots can not be concluded that America is so racist as fifty years ago. That it is not. But there have been new segregated life and experience realities emerged. More2
  • No discrimination
    Reinhard Müller
    The legislature may treat different people certainly, if there are good reasons for it.Homosexual men may be excluded from blood donation.More33 34
  • Captured Tsipras
    Rainer Hermann
    The isolation of Greece in Riga Finance Ministers seems to have opened the eyes of Alexis Tsipras. Should the Greek Prime Minister in light of the threat of national bankruptcy gradually understand the drama of the situation? More60 27
  • Volkswagen's problems remain
    Carsten Germis, Hamburg
  • Lufthansa before a caesura
    Ulrich Friese
  • Big city, small town
    Matthias Alexander
  • Weber's choice
    Gerhard Stadelmaier
  • A decision for decades
    Rainer Hermann
  • Borussia Dortmund raises hopes
    Michael Horeni
  • Liar! Treason!Traitor!
    Jasper von Altenbockum
See video
Wife protected Giannis Varoufakis from attackers
© REUTERSEnlarge

BND affairsecret is no longer what it once was

Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière defends itself against attacks in the BND affair. He may, however, and does not want to publicly defend itself because it comes to secret documents. More By ECKART LOHSE, BERLIN 22 5

Nepal after the quake"We do not want garbage dump for aid are"

The leader of Nepal's civil protection authority warns of uncoordinated aid from abroad. The foreign minister of the country contradicts. In Kathmandu there is meanwhile due to lack of buses and supply shortages riots. More From TILL FÄHNDERS, KATHMANDU 2 3

HungaryOrbán wants to retain the death penalty "on the agenda"

The far-right Jobbik has developed in Hungary the strongest challenger to the ruling party. Therefore, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán strikes a tough law-and-order language. And calls for the reintroduction of the death penalty. More By STEPHEN LOWENSTEIN, WIEN 9 4

Ex-Fed chiefBernanke advises investment company Pimco

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke takes another job in the financial industry. In future, he advises one of the largest investment companies in the world. Allianz subsidiary PIMCOMore 1

Former Arcandor CEOThomas Middelhoff is free

The former Arcandor CEO Thomas Middelhoff has been released from custody. The review requested by the Essen District Court bail of 900,000 euros has been deposited. More By JOACHIM JAHN19 1

Diedat the age of 88 yearsPatriarch François Michelin tires

François Michelin is dead. The decades of Chef of the eponymous tire manufacturer in the French Clermont-Ferrand has died at the age of 88 years, as the company announced. More By CHRISTIAN SCHUBERT, PARIS 1 4
Financial markets

Despite poor figuresTwitter disaster no beacon for tech stocks

After the quarterly results were publicly, it went to the Twitter course downhill. Investors can not imagine how the company wants to make a profit - this is even the industry Primus Facebook issued at the beginning so More By FRANZ NESTLER, ROLAND LINDNER, FRANKFURT / NEW YORK 1.

BGH judgmentNo rent reduction due to noise from the soccer field

A spectacular process to rent reduction because of noisy young people on a football field have to be reopened. This has the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) decided on Wednesday. More 10 6

Debtdecreases The payment behavior of many seniors

A great burden plaguing overindebted German over 65 years. Falling rents weaken the bill loyalty further future, fears the debt collection industry. More By THOMAS KLEMM 31 14

"The Wire" author to BaltimoreTurn around, go home!

David Simon wrote "The Wire", the television series, which now reads like a screenplay of riots in Baltimore. In his blog, he castigates the blind violence and says where reforms must start.More 8 11

Video-Film Review: "The Voices"Voices concert Wordless

A man comes out of psychiatry and relapses: The director Marjane Satrapi ventures with the movie "The Voices" on the border between horror and satire Moreof ANDREAS PLATTHAUS 1.

Occupation Youtubervideos from the shared flat

From Youtube hope for many young people to earn with fun money without much effort. Marti Fischer seems to have made ​​it. As "The Clavinover" he does with talent music and nonsense on the internet. More By STEFAN NIGGEMEIER 6

International TeamChelsea plans to Meisterfeier

In the Premier League, Chelsea is after away win over Leicester City immediately before the championship. Juventus has in Italy the title celebration contrast, move one more time - not least because a former national team strikes More

German hockey teamA successful dress rehearsal

Good news after the flood of cancellations: Three days before the first appearance at the World Championships in the Czech Republic defeated the German national ice hockey team Slovenia 4: 3 after penalty shootout. But there are still many problems for the DEB team. More

VolleyballDresdner champions

Three games, three wins: Sovereign have the volleyball players of Dresdner SC defends her title and decided for each batch in the final against alliance MTV Stuttgart. In the last meeting of Club for but had to come from behind. More

Organ Donation ProcessThe system is the problem

Next Wednesday the verdict is due in the organ donation process to scandal of Göttingen. The lawyers of the accused Aiman ​​O. calling his acquittal, relying on the Basic Law. More of ANDREAS NEFZGER,GÖTTINGEN 2

S-Bahn blockedA wall runs through Hamburg

Darn bricked: Unidentified have built over an S-Bahn-door with Ytong blocks in Hamburg. The train takes's unfortunately not funny. More 11 18

Contact lostRussian space freighter out of control

The unmanned "Progress" -Frachter rushes uncontrollably to the ground. The contact with the transporter was lost the day before, shortly after taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. More by FRIEDRICH SCHMIDT, MOSCOW21 14

FoodcooksBlogwoman ZIII

Blogs with recipes, anecdotes and appealing photos are very popular. Susanne Zimmel alias "Mrs. ZIII" writes about cooking, from their garden and their family herbs -. And thousands of people follow itmore 3

Weekenderluggage for real men

When man goes on a journey, he does not draw. He shoulders - at least if he holds on to. We provide the only serious piece of luggage for him before: the Weekender More From JENNIFER WIEBKING19 11.

Mercedes-Benz G-ClassNot even silicone-damped grab handles

Mercedes-Benz sold the G-Class still like hot cakes.The G built since 1979 is neither quiet nor silent, yet very comfortable, yet he uses the space out well.How could it come to this? More By HOLGER APPEL28 25

New researchscratch the smartphone free on the ear!

The finger is no longer enough: Researchers at Yahoo have developed a method to unlock an Android smartphone with the ear or his fist. But why actually? More 1

Offensive for "Open Access"The aggressive logic of opening

Creams scientific publishers from, the public budgets spendthrift? A Max Planck study calls the "comprehensive reconstruction" of industry and reckons: This pays for itself, and at once more by JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG10 25.

Attention Deficit Disorder ADHDMethylphenidate is prescribed less

Consumption of methylphenidate, the classical means for the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in children has declined significantly in the past two years - after decades of increase more 5.

Smartphone and TabletIf the baby scrolls

Some parents give already six months old baby taking a smartphone or tablet in hand - to wash dishes or shopping in peace. But the little ones see through this trick. That can be dangerous. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH 23

English private schoolsfrom the boarding school!

Tradition and iron discipline which apparently arrives at the foreign clientele: German students storm the British private schools. Behind this lies education panic. More of MARCUS THEURER 10 43

Column "Nine to Five"fight the Office Hump

After a few years in office chair usually announces the back with a certain sense of failure. Who can not come up with this disease of civilization, must, however, only do one thing: go to the doctorMore By EVA HEIDENFELDER 1 7.

Phenomenologyfinger counting

Who travels the world communicates often with hands and feet - the function of the fingers is to enjoy but with caution when negotiating More By PIA FOLK 1 10

Paris in the spring,full of clichés - but so beautiful!

City of love, city of fashion, city of art - Paris has many nicknames and a long list of world-famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Notre Dame. But a trip includes a boat ride on the Seine River and a visit to one of the famous brasseries. More 18

One will winthe army out of the pan

Officers with Degen, kneeling grenadiers who believes, tin soldiers would be found only in the attic? The molds can have fun. Or his hands full.More By TILMAN SPRECKELSEN 3

Kita-strikemore staff rather than more money!

In now impending indefinite Kita-strike the unions are demanding ten percent wage increase for educators. But the discerning professional is not underpaid. More staff for the care of young children is more important than higher salaries. More By UTA RASCHE 54

Modern auctions in New Yorkmoney as a haystack

With an evening only for large collectors breaks Christie's the dance of the New York spring auctions with Impressionism and Modernity. What can Sotheby's opposed the? More ROSE-MARIA GROPP

Plot RoofBuilding in the roofscape

On and under our roofs slumber enormous land reserves. Resourceful architects and builders, they know how to use. More By NADINE OBERHUBER2 17

Commentmetropolis, town

The huge space, form the Rathenau and Goethe place together with the Roßmarkt in Frankfurt, acting inhospitable.How fortunate that now preparing a architect initiative to show a makeshift building, which is possible at this location. More By MATTHIAS ALEXANDER 4

Railway tunnel for the Rhine Valley118 km under the earth

Freight trains could pass through in future parts of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate in a long tunnel. So will the noise-ridden Mittelrheintal bring more peace a civil Bonner. Tailwind he gets from traffic noise opponents. More20 8

Alternative fuelswith hydrogen at a walking pace ahead

What started with a lot of advance laurels, bobs to himself: Hardly a motorist controls the hydrogen filling station at its best at. Infraserv now seeking supporters. More By THORSTEN WINTER and RALF EULER, FRANKFURT 1 2
In the BND affair, the opposition must be careful that they do not degenerate into intra-parliamentary Pegida. More26 24

Chanel fashion chief Pavlovsky"The customer needs to feel free"

Bruno Pavlovsky, managing director of Fashion division at the French tradition house Chanel, about the meaning of a look in the digital age, the size of flagship stores and the special business to the luxury. More By ALFONS KAISER 3

Historical camerasas the carpenter built the camera

Long after the invention of photography cameras were extremely unwieldy equipment. But then came Rudolf Krügener and designed a compact camera. The occasion for this idea was an accident. More By HANS-HEINRICH PARDEY3 4

After high school reformstudents remain often sit

Shorter school days, longer school graduates: What should be achieved by the introduction of the controversial G8, has barely occurred, say two educational researchers. On the contrary, more students turning a lap of honor More 1

Pamela Andersondivorced Pretty

Pamela Anderson is now a bit richer, actress Drew Barrymore interested baby pounds and not Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg looks like Kai Diekmann - the Smalltalk More

Chart of the DayIn Western countries, one in two women working

France, Germany, United States: In many western countries, around half of women working. The situation looks more 4 in countries such as Turkey or Egypt.
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