Thursday, April 2, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine


Latest news from politics, economy, sports and culture 


Reactions to nuclear compromiseObama praises historic step

The achieved after tough negotiations compromise in the nuclear dispute with Iran has been welcomed in many countries.Israel warns of a "historic mistake." More 3

Agreement in Lausannebreakthrough in negotiations over Iran's nuclear program

The five UN veto powers and Germany agree with Iran on key points for an end to the nuclear dispute. Tehran must submit to strict supervision. For 6 10 beckons the liberalization of many penalties. More By STEPHEN LOWENSTEIN, LAUSANNE

Crash victims flight 4U9525compensation could be very different

International law secures to nationals have a kind of basic compensation. But lawyers believe that decides on the amount ultimately citizenship. More1 1

Nameslike2014German "Sophie" and "Maximilian"

In the choice of name is German parents remain faithful. This tells the University of Leipzig. A hobby-name researchers from Schleswig-Holstein comes to a different conclusion. More 3

Space tourismvehicle must champion after dispute still fly into space

The exclusive flight into space will only take about an hour. A year argued for a car champion and a used car dealer on the question of who will undertake the flight. Now there is a decision. More

For 25 years, passeda cup of hot chocolate brings three children in hospital

Three children were in Italy for a cup of hot chocolate to the hospital. This was due to the grandmother. They had only meant well. More 6 17

New novel by Dave EggersI am the man with morals

In the new book by Dave Eggers reads a running amok moral crusader America the Levites.However, not only the title of "is Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live forever? "To boldly advised. More by JAN WIELE

German Wings CrashThe dream of flying in complete safety

The German Wings crash seems increasingly clear how a mass murder of the co-pilot. Is it possible to prevent a crime? And if so, how? An overview of recent security proposals. More By CHRISTOPH SCHÄFER 2 5

German Wings crashco-pilot was informed before crashing on Suicide options

Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz has informed prior to the crash of the German Wings machine on ways to suicide and the security mechanisms of cockpit doors. At the crash site salvage teams have now found the second flight data recorder. It is probably evaluable. More 133 33

Dispute over G36 assault riflemilitary officer takes Heckler & Koch in protection

Hellmut Royalty, military officer of the German Bundestag, puts the criticism of the G36 assault rifle. Reasons for the lack of precision were to be found in the Konstrukionswünschen the Bundeswehr. More 18 24

Nivea, Poodle and Pumabrands in court

The judge of the Federal Court had moved to its current Maundy Thursday in two disputes dealing with trademark law. The color blue brand Nivea and a parody of the sports goods manufacturer PumaMore 5

Football Talent Report (7)"The worst thing is the human beings'

Young stars have made ​​Germany a world champion. But the system that produces it, is merciless: The individual does not count. Lennart Hartmann was one of the top talents - and was screened More By MICHAEL HORENI1 15.

As I leftthe test?

What is still left today? "Some people think that Lechts and rinks can not velwechsern you" already knew the poet Ernst Jandl: "Verch a Illtum". If you want to know how you left, you make our test. More By RAINER HANK and JOCHEN LOTT 2
  • Hope for Nigeria
    Jochen Stahnke
    The peaceful transition of power Nigeria has taken another step towards a true democracy. Even though many more are needed: That gives a whole continent confidence.More4 10
  • Agitated
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
    The Arab Spring has lost its flowers. Terrorism, state failure and run with murderous intensity battle for supremacy in the Islamic world have buried the dreams of freedom and participation among themselves. More41 18
  • Concealment in Kiev
    Ann-Dorit Boy
    The government would have to win by educating the "Maidan-killings" citizens' confidence.The practice of cover-up is this more risk. More65
  • Finish with aplomb
    Berthold Kohler
  • Where is Mrs. Loew?
    Michael Horeni
  • Millionärsbau or training ground
    Tobias Rösmann
  • Fair remote bus
    Kerstin Schwenn
  • Evil spirits in Turkey
    Rainer Hermann
  • Help the doping victims!
    Anno Hecker
  • Lausanne Minuet
    Stephan Löwenstein
See video
Co-pilot was briefed on the Internet about suicide and cockpit doors

Americaallegations of corruption against influential Democrats

Private jets, luxury travel and campaign contributions: The allegations of bribery against Robert Menendez weigh heavily. US Senator nevertheless remains convinced that his career is never-ending. More 8 7

YemenHouthi rebels stormed the presidential palace

The Houthi rebels have stormed the Presidential Palace in Aden, although this is in Saudi Arabia Riyadh for days. Al Qaeda took advantage of the fighting in the country to free comrades from prison.More 7 2

Dispute in the AfD"Rant of the permanent vacation"

In a new Volte of intra-party dispute AfD now MEP Marcus Pretzell has intervened in the dispute. He throws his colleague Hans-Olaf Henkel lack of work ethic ago. More 69 20

L-BankGerman development bank is suing the ECB

The L-Bank is the State Bank of Baden-Württemberg. In future they will be supervised by the European Central Bank. But you do not like. More 1 8

Chart of the DayFounder love GmbH

Since the federal government has invented specially a way to facilitate start-ups. And what are the founders? More

26-page listthereformwants Greece

Greece has submitted its most extensive reform list. Great hope is on the government to a sleeker control system, but also to pensions are increased. FAZ.NET explains the proposals. More By FRANZ NESTLER 76 25
Financial Markets

StarFund ReportManager Kaldemorgen falls from the top list

The fund DWS Concept Kaldemorgen has become badly developed a PvB funds, however, surpasses all other Funds. More By KERSTIN PAPON 6

Market ReportMarket rest of Easter - Lufthansa shares under pressure

Before the extended Easter weekend, the Dax has hardly moved. The expected on Good Friday jobs data from the United States already cast their shadows and provided for restraint. The Lufthansa shares were among the biggest losers. More

Companiesweather the low interest rates with hybrid bonds

Bayer did, VW also: Never before have so many hybrid bonds issued as at the moment. The niche market for German companies gaining more and more importance. More By MARK FRUEHAUF,FRANKFURT 1 2

Inspiration JapanThe Light of Asia seduced him

Japonisme does not imitate, but to create a new. The stranger, so familiar: Two exhibitions in Switzerland devoted to the models of classical modernism More By URSULA SCHEER 6.

"The Wrong Mans" ArteTwo peas and carrots as

British humor, slapstick, satire and a bit of "Bourne" movie clash: In the charming Action Comedy raid "The Wrong Mans" everything is just right, down to the GrammarMore From OLIVER 5 BOYS.

"The Blue Room" at the moviesThe phantoms of the tractor seller

Mathieu Amalric in new movie is played with only the madness, although history provides material for all kinds of precipices. In "The Blue Room" are the bed scenes almost the only thing working properly. More By ANDREAS KILB

Classic in Dortmundnow it pops at Bayern

With the game in Dortmund starts for Bayern this season, the hot phase. The goal is to triple.However right now plaguing the Munich worry. For the match at BVB falls to Robben and Alaba another star from. More 1 2

Doping scandal"Russia's Olympic athletics has not earned"

Four months ago, the couple Stepanov shook with revelations in an ARD documentation the World Athletics as a key witness against the Russian doping. What has happened since then? More By CHRISTOPH BECKER, BERLIN 2 6

DEL PlayoffsMannheim first finalist

Thanks impressive comeback qualities the Adler Mannheim made ​​prematurely reaching the final in the Deutsche Eishockey Liga perfect. About the Final Counterparty is the earliest decided on Saturday.More

Alexander Gerst talking"I've never wished the glory"

He was our man in space, now he's back on Earth - and has much to tell. Alexander Gerst about the men economy on the ISS, its many new fans down here and the spectacular views up there. More By ANDREAS NEFZGER 2 9

Wheretrafficjam threatened over Easter

Easter time is travel time, according to the ADAC expects much traffic over the holidays on German motorways. An overview of when and where it will go well especially slow. More 1

Broken highway bridgeSchiersteiner bridge is lifted by pressing

The definitive work began: The broken Schiersteiner bridge is lifted by hydraulic presses. After the Easter holidays the traffic is to roll again. More 3 3

Style Questionnaire: Asaf Avidan"The smell of the forest I Love"

The Reckoning Song of the musicians Asaf Avidan scored an international hit. It is a reminder not to let life pass in the subjunctive. Life and death are his favorite Smalltalk topics, such Avidan explained in style questionnaire. More

Outdoor FurnitureHard times are over

The thick cushion landscape dissolves, furniture is lighter and more mobile again. The pleasure of lounging but does not detract from - also because the main requirement has no furniture form MoreBy ANJA MARTIN 3 7.

So hardened-glassmade

With glass, you can screw a lot. It is not expensive, but versatile and with the right ingredients surprisingly robust. And the development continues.More By LUKAS WEBER 1 12

Cadillac EscaladeA ship will come

This car is better not to ask for the fuel consumption and sustainability. The new Cadillac Escalade is a strand-Full-Size. Nearly 5.20 meters long, 2.06 meters wide and 1.90 meters high. More By BORIS SCHMIDT 33 10

The triumph of the waste paperrecycling

Recycled paper is becoming increasingly popular. However, as will be produced? And the method is really environmentally friendly? More by JAN SCHWENKENBECHER 3

ChargedReport of EFSAlittle food with pesticides

In foods rarely find apparently pesticide residues. This emerges from a report by the European Food Safety Authority. Between individual fruits and vegetables but find differences. More By HILDEGARD KAULEN 11 4

Blogs | Animal LifeAncient Cat, Dog of demented

The cat wakes at night constantly their owners, the dog can no longer climb stairs: What to expect when pets age, many owners can not imagine. In America we already discussed about animal hospices. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH

Easter in Armeniain the shadow of Mount Ararat

Armenia has trouble: If no peak is in the way, blocking the passage to a limit difficult neighborhood. After all, the monasteries are after years of Soviet rule reopened. More By ULRIKE MARIA DOG 14

Astrid Lindgren SwedenA fantastic journey through Småland

Småland has become world famous by the stories of Astrid Lindgren and their film adaptations. In the southeast of Småland between Växjö and Kalmar the "Glass Factory", the famous Swedish Kingdom of Crystal. The glass tradition was founded in 1630, today there are still 13 glass factories receive.More 17

Fight against terrorismThe enemy in my office

The fight against terrorism does not stop at the company. Employers like Daimler same data of its employees with suspects lists. Possibility to innocent people being targeted? More By HELENE BUBROWSKI1 4

Work-life balanceGerman satisfied like no other nationin Europe

In no other European country workers are more satisfied in Germany - not even in Switzerland. Why is that? There are some concrete evidence. More By JULIA LÖHR 22 9

Exhaustedfrom bad to worseafter 30 minutesmanuscript of students

More than half an hour without pain write - for German children is less and less possible. Most lack the fine motor skills and practice. This will affect the learning performance. More By HEIKE SCHMOLL,BERLIN 96117

One will winamoebae in the race for the stages of evolution

In the game "primordial soup" Each player must bring his master amoebae in the development forward. Intelligence, you learn is useless, spores or tentacles, however, are beneficial. More1 5

Art scene in Hong Kong'sself-confidence continues to grow

Stars in the center, discoveries around the edges: A young art scene established in Hong Kong. The tour through their galleries confirms the positive development of the city. More By MAGDALENA KRÖNER, HONG KONG 2

Living in Mannheim-NeckarstadtSoho am Neckar

Since the Americans are gone, gushing out of ideas.The old military site Turley in Mannheim Neckarstadt could become a flagship project. Also, because it can accommodate many lifestyles. More By BERND FREYTAG 1 12

Shooting in Bonamesevening comes back the fear

Exactly one year ago a rocker was shot at Ben Gurion ring in Frankfurt. The alleged shooter is charged. But the fact is shaking the settlement still. More By KATHARINA ISKANDAR 1 6

Lifting successfullybagged Schiersteiner bridge is back in the original position

It was the most complicated step flottzukriegen the blocked highway bridge between Mainz and Wiesbaden again: Workers raise the bagged building. In future, heavy trucks are stopped by barriers. More

Frankfurt Green Saucehope for an end to the borage crisis

On Maundy Thursday, the Frankfurt Green Sauce gardeners sell more than in all the rest of the year. But then came the message that borage, an herb that contains much of a plant substance that can cause cancer. More By MECHTHILD HARTING,FRANKFURT 1 4
The negotiations in Geneva adjusted from time to time a French court dance. So tripped Amerianer Iranians and forth around each other. The result does not look bad. Whether the domestic political calculus rises on both sides to be seen. More 2

Tom Chapman talking"Mens Clothing must be comfortable"

Tom Chapman, founder and CEO of the online merchant "Matches Fashion", the latest fashion shows have always in view. He knows what and how men buy. More By JENNIFER WIEBKING

Movie DocumentaryHalf a century of high definition television

Rainer stooping dug ultra wide magnetic tapes, saved from scrapping and incorporated into a technology-retrospective. The result is a film documentary about a strong history of technology. More By WOLFGANG TUNZE 1

Column "My judgment"Did I after a relapse entitled to rehab?

Alcohol addiction is recognized as not caused disease. It is long gone dismissed as mere weakness of will. But how long must an employer support a dependent employee? More By REGINA STEINER 2

Britain's PrinceHarry is used to terminate in Australia

Prince Harry finished his career soldiers in Australia, Daniel Craig as James Bond angry Mexican retailers, and actor David Duchovny now also makes music - the Smalltalk More 6.
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