Aqua has a lot to answer for ... unless you've got a better explanation as to why this Danish-based artist dyed an Icelandic geyser pink.…/
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Another week and another sensible law change is on the way – this time one that will stop courts automatically granting custody to a parent if they have murdered the other parent. In some cases, grandparents were having to seek the permission of their child's killer to see their grandchildren.…/
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Muesli in a glass is one thing. Glass in muesli is another. Packets of Struer Vanilje Crunch have been withdrawn after a piece was found in one of the bags.
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Our columnist Mental Floss gives it to you straight, but can you handle the truth? "We just walk around with our phone in front of us, letting it dictate what we are thinking about. Almost as if the phone were a compass like the one Jack Sparrow has. But instead of going in the direction of what we want, we procrastinate and allow ourselves to become bombarded with visual garbage."
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Be warned: Experimentarium in Hellerup is on fire! And the nearby shopping centre has been evacuated.…/
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Would it surprise you to know that quite a few internationals have achieved worldwide fame AFTER moving to Copenhagen? For starters, there's Paul Gauguin, who lived here for a while in the 1880s. And don't forget the bloke who made 'The Act of Killing'. And now you can add Gregory Pardlo to that list, who earlier this week won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. Click on the link to read extracts of his poem about working in a Christiania restaurant.…/
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It's not too late to go down to Universitetsparken in Aarhus for today's naked running race, which will then be followed by the main event, the traditional boat race, in which teams are competing for a trophy that translates as the golden bedpan.…/
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A meteor shower AND the Northern Lights are in the offing tonight. The photo below shows you where to look for the Lyrid meteor shower radiant point, but make sure you do so from a vantage point away from the city lights.…/
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How come some of the most quintessentially English plays were written by Irishmen? Pygmalion might not sound immediately familiar, but what if we told you the main characters were Professor Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle ... by jove, you've got it, it's the (George) Bernard Shaw play that inspired 'My Fair Lady', and the CTC's version starts tomorrow for ten nights at the now world-famous Krudttønden theatre.…/
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Feeling poorly and you don't know why .... the experts were wrong about the birch pollen season starting at the end of April, as it's already here. Today's count in Copenhagen is 561!!!
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No more bus trips on the way back from IKEA trying not to poke small children in the face with a curtain rail! A new store will open just around the corner from Fisketorvet shopping centre in 2018.…/
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Every wondered why nuts are so expensive? It's because Denmark has been taxing them since 1922 – a state of affairs that campaigners want to change.
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The Danish queen will be taking to the balcony twice today, at Amalienborg and City Hall, to salute the crowds celebrating her 75th birthday. One fun fact we found out today is that her mother apparently postponed her labour by a week due to the arrival of the occupying Germans.…/
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