Translation from English

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

City mayor Mauricio Macri has assured leaders of the Argentine Transport Workers Confederation (CATT) that under his presidency collective salary bargaining would not be affected, while also promising to modify the income tax system and lower inflation.
After representing the state at Clarín's AGM the Economy minister will leave for the US city, where he will continue Argentina's unstinting stance against the holdout investors in international forums in an address to the UN.
During a rally she headed at noon in San Martín district in Buenos Aires province, president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner affirmed “Argentina returned to the capital markets at reasonable rates,” although a deal with vulture funds failed to be reached. 
Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman today submitted his “indeclinable” resignation as an AMIA affiliate in a letter sent to the Jewish centre.
Brazil's Supreme Court has ordered the release from jail of nine engineering executives charged in the corruption investigation at state-run oil firm Petroleo Brasileiro SA.
The Central Bank today purchased roughly 630 million dollars in market trading, the biggest operation of its kind to date and with US$500 million of funds coming from YPF's debt auction held last week. 
The bicameral committee investigating tax evasion and capital flight has reiterated its call for cable company Cablevisión to appear before the body, in order to explain why the enterprise possessed an account in the Swiss branch of HSBC bank.
The US dollar closed half a cent higher today at 8.91 pesos in banks and foreign exchange agencies, while the so called “blue” illegal rate rose two cents to 12.72 in underground exchange houses, after spending much of the day down.
US President Barack Obama has called on police departments across the country to do some "soul-searching" on how they handle African-American suspects after race-related rioting erupted.
As night fell on Baltimore, thousands of police and National Guard troops fanned out to enforce a new curfew and prevent further violence as the mayor fended off criticism that she responded sluggishly to a night of rioting, looting and fires.

The Indalo Media group yesterday said it had bought 81 percent of producing company Pensado Para Televisión (PPT), which broadcasts free-to-air TV programmes and is the owner of a hefty archive of 400,000 hours of audiovisual content.


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,860$ 8,910
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 12,63$ 12,73
EuroEURO$ 9,650$ 10,300
PoundPOUND$ 13,591$ 13,668
MervalMERVAL$ 12.137,850$ 0,70
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 18.110,140$ 0,40
BovespaBOVESPA$ 55.812,030$ 0,50
Full MARKET coverage HERE

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Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4472 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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