Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Born/Died Today with Quotes-

"'Ex ovo omnia.' Everything from an egg."
William Harvey
(04/01/1578 – 06/03/1657)
English physician 
John Wilmot"Before I was married, I had a hundred theories about raising children and no children. Now, I have three children and no theories."
John Wilmot
(04/01/1647 – 07/26/1680)
English writer 
"It is one of man's curious idiosyncrasies to create difficulties for the pleasure of resolving them."
Joseph Marie de Maistre
(04/01/1753 – 02/26/1821)
French diplomat 
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
(04/01/1755 – 02/02/1826)
French gastronome 
Otto von Bismarck"Never believe in anything until it has been officially denied."
Otto von Bismarck
(04/01/1815 – 07/30/1898)
German Chancellor 
Agnes Repplier"There are few nudities so objectionable as the naked truth."
Agnes Repplier
(04/01/1858 – 12/15/1950)
US writer 
"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong."
Charles Wadsworth
(05/08/1814 – 04/01/1882)
US clergy 
Lon Chaney"Between pictures, there is no Lon Chaney."
Lon Chaney
(04/01/1883 – 08/26/1930)
US actor 
Albert Hunter"The musicians that didn't know music could play the best blues. I know that I don't want no musicians who know all about music playin' for me."
Alberta Hunter
(04/01/1895 – 10/17/1984)
US singer 
Abraham Maslow"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow
(04/01/1908 – 06/08/1970)
US psychologist 
Scott Joplin"When I'm dead twenty-five years, people are going to begin to recognize me."
Scott Joplin
(11/24/1868 – 04/01/1917)
US composer 
"Actors who have tried to play Churchill and MacArthur have failed abysmally because each of those men was a great actor playing himself."
William Manchester
(04/01/1922 – 06/01/2004)
US historian 
Suzanne Lorraine Burce"I didn't quit movies. They quit me."
Jane Powell
(04/01/1929 – )
US actor 
Milan Kundera"Let us consider the critic, therefore, as a discoverer of discoveries."
Milan Kundera
(04/01/1929 – )
Czech writer 
Debbie Reynolds"I stopped making movies because I don't like taking my clothes off. Maybe it's realism, but in my opinion, it's utter filth."
Debbie Reynolds
(04/01/1932 – )
US actor (mother [with Eddie Fisher] of Carrie Fisher) 
Annette Toole (no O)"I don't want this big stardom thing. I just want a good script."
Annette O'Toole
(04/01/1952 – )
US actor (married to Michael McKean)
"I've been to the Academy Awards and it's boring. Painfully boring."
Barry Sonenfeld
(04/01/1953 – )
US director
(hasn't won) 
Chaja Rubinstein"There are no ugly women, only lazy ones."
Helena Rubinstein
(12/25/1870 – 04/01/1965)
Polish-US cosmetician 
Flann O'Brien"Some savage faculty for observation told him that most respectable and estimable people usually had a lot of books in their houses."
Flann O'Brien
(10/05/1911 – 04/01/1966)
Irish writer 
Marvin Gaye"Music is one of the closest link-ups with God that we can probably experience. I think it's a common vibrating tone of the musical notes that holds all life together."
Marvin Gaye
(04/02/1939 – 04/01/1984)
US singer, songwriter (died near his birthday) 
Martha Graham"No artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it is just that others are behind the times."
Martha Graham
(05/11/1894 – 04/01/1991)
US choreographer 
Caroline Snodgress"When I came back [to Hollywood], the industry didn't trust me. Rock 'n' roll carries a heavy stigma. They didn't want to fool around with a dropout.""
Carrie Snodgress
(10/27/1946 – 04/01/2004)
US actor , LTR and son Zeke with Neil Young 

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