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Protests in Baltimore

Protests in Baltimore

CreditRobert Stolarik for The New York Times 
BALTIMORE — Armored vehicles lined this battered city’s main thoroughfares and thousands of law enforcement officers and National Guard troops worked to maintain order and enforce a citywide curfew Tuesday night, amid scattered reports of unrest after a day of largely peaceful protests.
As the curfew went into effect at 10 p.m., hundreds of people remained in the streets near the intersection of Pennsylvania and West North Avenues in blighted West Baltimore, where a CVS drugstore had been looted and burned during Monday night’s riots, after the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died after suffering a spinal cord injury in police custody this month. There were some reports of arrests, and police fired pepper-spray balls to disperse crowds, who had earlier stood their ground despite entreaties from religious leaders and community activists.
Shortly before midnight, Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said, “The curfew is in fact working.”
He added that 10 people were arrested after it went into effect. “Citizens are safe. The city is stable,” he said. “We hope to maintain it that way.”
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Voices From the Streets of Baltimore 

The day after chaos erupted across Baltimore, people who were assembled near a looted CVS drugstore discussed the violence. 
National Guard soldiers were set to be deployed in a two- or three-block radius of a northwest Baltimore neighborhood, Mr. Batts said, “to sustain that area, to stabilize it and make sure that everything is O.K.”
Earlier Tuesday night, nearly 1,000 people gathered at the Empowerment Temple A.M.E. Church, where about 500 religious leaders of different faiths called for healing. Members of the audience spoke about a litany of problems plaguing the city and called for better policing, policies to create jobs, and better schools.
But out in the streets, there were intermittent clashes with police, as some threw bottles at a line of officers behind riot shields.
The tense mood Tuesday night was a stark contrast to the almost upbeat feeling earlier in the day, as hundreds of people of all ages and races — many of them toting brooms and trash bags — worked to clear the neighborhood of rocks and debris.
In the late afternoon, peaceful demonstrators marched through the streets, chanting, “All night, all day, we’re gonna fight for Freddie Gray!”
“It’s sad, this don’t make no sense,” said Clarence Cobb, 48, one of many neighborhood residents who, describing themselves as brokenhearted, came out to survey the wreckage and clean up. “It comes to a point where you just got to take pride in your own neighborhood. This makes us look real bad as a city.”
As Gov. Larry Hogan and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake tried to assess the damage from the rioting, there was intense debate over whether the mayor had waited too long to ask the governor to send in the National Guard — and whether the city police, who confessed to being outnumbered and outflanked a day earlier, were underprepared.
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Timeline: Mapping the Clashes Between Baltimore Police and Protesters 

The authorities said that 15 buildings and 144 cars had been set on fire during Monday night’s chaos, which began in Northwest Baltimore’s Mondawmin neighborhood and spread to other pockets of the city after morning funeral services for Mr. Gray, who was eulogized with soaring gospel music and impassioned calls for justice and peace. The police made 235 arrests. Nineteen police officers were injured, but by Tuesday, all had been treated and released.
With schools closed and camouflage-clad National Guard members patrolling the streets, Baltimore struggled to find some sense of normalcy. The Baltimore Orioles, forced by the unrest to postpone games Monday and Tuesday against the Chicago White Sox, announced that the teams would play Wednesday at Camden Yards — but without fans, because the ballpark would be closed to the public.
In Washington, President Obama, making his first public remarks on the crisis here, denounced the rioters as “criminals and thugs” and said there was “no excuse” for the violence. He sought to distinguish it from the largely peaceful demonstrations that have unfolded since Mr. Gray died on April 19. Speaking in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama said that he understood people “want answers,” and that the Justice Department was working with local law enforcement to find out what happened to Mr. Gray.
But, he said, “when individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they’re not protesting, they’re not making a statement — they’re stealing. When they burn down a building, they’re committing arson.”
The police had begun gearing up for the violence Monday afternoon after word spread across social media of a call for high school students to “purge” — an apparent reference to the 2013 action horror movie “The Purge,” whose plot revolves around one night a year when, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., crime is legal and police, fire and medical emergency services are unavailable.
The police said Tuesday that what they expected to be a demonstration by high school students had quickly evolved; of the 235 arrests, they said, just 31 were juveniles. They also said that the number of young people had swelled because the area is a hub for eight schools, and students had emerged from buses.
“When we deployed our officers yesterday, we were deploying for a high school event,” Capt. J. Eric Kowalcyzk, the Baltimore police spokesman, told reporters here. “I don’t think there’s anyone that would expect us to deploy with automatic weapons and armored vehicles for 13-, 14- and 15-year olds.”
Residents cleaned Baltimore’s battered streets Tuesday as law enforcement officers stood guard. CreditMatt Rourke/Associated Press 
Most Baltimore officials, including Mayor Rawlings-Blake, had convened at the New Shiloh Baptist Church for Mr. Gray’s funeral, which let out shortly before the violence began. The mayor, saying the city had reacted “very swiftly,” defended herself.
“There’s always going to be armchair quarterbacks,” she said Tuesday, adding that she faced a “very delicate balancing act” and had to be careful about “not escalating and increasing the problem” by creating a militarized atmosphere that could further inflame tensions. That was the case in Ferguson, Mo., after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in August.
In death, Mr. Gray has taken his place along with Mr. Brown as a national symbol of police mistreatment of black men. His death set off a string of largely peaceful protests, although a march downtown did lead to scattered violence on Saturday night. But it renewed long-simmering tensions between residents of this majority black city and a police force with a history of aggressive, sometimes brutal, behavior.
Six Baltimore officers have been suspended with pay, and the police are investigating Mr. Gray’s death. Mr. Batts, the police commissioner, has said the results of the inquiry will be presented on Friday to the city prosecutor, who will determine whether to bring charges.
Even as 2,000 National Guard troops and police from multiple states came in to secure the streets, more protests were planned; college students calling themselves City Bloc said they would march to City Hall on Wednesday “to make young people’s voices heard over the many people characterizing the riots as the only way people are responding to the death of Freddie Gray.”
The crisis in Baltimore is as much a test for Mr. Hogan, a Republican whose election in this heavily Democratic state in November was a surprise, as for Ms. Rawlings-Blake, and there appeared to be some tension between them. The governor said as early as Saturday that he was prepared to declare a state of emergency, allowing him to call in the National Guard, when a march through downtown set off scattered nighttime violence.
But he had to wait for the mayor to ask; she did so at about 6 p.m. Monday, roughly two hours after the rioting began.
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Cleaning Up Baltimore

Cleaning Up Baltimore

After a night of violent clashes with the police, protests, vandalism and arson, Baltimore residents aim to put their city back together.
 By A.J. Chavar on  Publish Date April 28, 2015. 
“You could say: ‘Should she have called us a couple of hours earlier? Should we have made the call without her?’ ” the governor said on Tuesday. “But it wasn’t an issue on Saturday.”
Some said the police had exacerbated tensions by sending 200 to 300 officers to the Mondawmin Mall as school let out. “Having the cops showing up in riot gear just inflamed the situation,” said Melech Thomas, 27, a minister who works with youth in West Baltimore.
Policing experts said Ms. Rawlings-Blake was walking a delicate line, and some said they would much rather see a city take Baltimore’s cautious approach than react with the kind of militarized police presence used by Ferguson. Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, a research group based in Washington, said, “It’s better to go in low key and build up if necessary.”
Norman H. Stamper, the Seattle police chief who oversaw a harsh response to vandalism and demonstrations when the World Trade Organization met in that city in 1999, and who later disavowed those tactics, agreed.
“There is a sense of damned if you do, damned if you don’t,” he said. “I’m not saying Baltimore did everything right, but generally, when you get criticized for exercising restraint, that’s preferable to sort of a wanton, aggressive response.”
Throughout Tuesday, state troopers in riot gear and National Guards members patrolled the Inner Harbor tourist district and around downtown Baltimore hotels.
Three hundred law enforcement officers from states including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as the District of Columbia, arrived by nightfall. Governor Hogan said he had been in touch with the state’s insurance commissioner and the Small Business Administration about financial assistance to business owners who incurred losses.
As the city seeks to rebuild, some in Baltimore say the problems here run much deeper than Mr. Gray’s death and the conduct of the police.
Near the burned-out CVS, Robert Wilson, a college student who went to high school in Baltimore, said: “With the riots, we’re not trying to act like animals or thugs. We’re just angry at the surroundings, like this is all that is given to us, and we’re tired of this, like nobody wants to wake up and see broken-down buildings. They take away the community centers, they take away our fathers, and now we have traffic lights that don’t work, we have houses that are crumbling, falling down.”
Mr. Wilson said he had seen someone on television say, “This doesn’t feel like America.”
“And I’m like, ‘This is America!’ ” he said. “ ‘They just don’t want you to know!’ ”
Correction: April 29, 2015 
An earlier version of this article misstated one of the terms of suspension for the six officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. They were suspended with pay, not without.