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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What Does Greek Leader Really Want?-- Die Welt




Enough waffling - what Varoufakis do now

Only brought Greece Finance Varoufakis fresh air into the debt negotiations. But now his tactics goes even many Greeks on my nerves. The man must finally deliver.
Jan Dams
Among his university colleagues was Greece's Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis as a wise man. Quick as a flash in the head, with their own ideas, articulate and very mighty. All properties that are not only in the academic life of advantage, but also decorate a government politicians.
When Janis Varoufakis However, two of these properties - like many successful people - particularly strong: He fights like and talks a lot - also because he believes much better to know. That does not make him unique in the ranks of the reigning European finance ministers. It just does not fit the expectations of a German Greek government politicians. For because who wants our money, he should please even docile as possible, its most humble.

What does the man want?

Humility is not one of Varoufakis' traits. The man from the better circles Athens plays in the European public the super smart Salon rocker who the idiots from the other euro-zone countries by explaining how economic and financial policies actually work. One wonders why a country that has so shrewd experts, economically successful than Germany or at least the Netherlands. At least Varoufakis conveys this impression.
In the beginning, his attitude was certainly refreshing. In the frozen tracks of European fiscal policy with their often so boring and sometimes unimaginative finance the wind brought fresh. Meanwhile, however annoying the man - and not only the Germans, but probably also the other euro partners. And even so many Greek rolls his eyes when the conversation turns to the finance ministers of the new left-right government.
Athens Reform list
  • Tax Policy
  • Administration and Justice
  • Financial stability
  • Privatization
Varoufakis' problem is that is that nobody knows what this minister really wants to agree which of his statements and which will soon be collected by his Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. A few days before Varoufakis asserted on his colleague's request for billions more from the second bailout package for Greece. Written he confessed to a substantial part of the agreements already concluded with the Europeans. The same minister is now back and shared with a broad chest with that does not interest him the money of Europeans, "if the price for a continuation of the previous recipe is that created the debt and deflation spiral".

Gee and hott in Athens

Gee and hott. First he wants the money. Then he does not want it, at least not to the terms of the Europeans. Varoufakis' statements are not consistent. And that makes it so hard to trust him. There are examples of some of them: First, the Minister said in an interview with the newspaper "Handelsblatt" that Athens could pay the tax due by the European Central Bank in the summer of 6.7 billion euros for the outstanding loan only if he get the money from somewhere.
Greece is known to be short of money. Well, one day later, claiming he said in an interview with a television station, but it was no problem to pay the overdue debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This does not necessarily contradict each other.But such fiscal sleight cause confusion among his counterparts in other European capitals.
In the same interview with StarTV Varoufakis also announces, it will submit six proposals for reform in Brussels until next Monday to get hold fast to the money. This is not wrong, even a good approach. Only the master of big words no longer believe many observers.
How often Varoufakis has now announced concrete proposals? How quickly he has delivered? And how exactly? Reliable figures in any case you have not seen the last of Athens. Especially with the voters in the Euro-partner countries causes for the annoyance, because they are to stand with their tax money for the policy of this man.

When supplies Varoufakis?

If Greece wants to remain a member of the euro zone - and at least most Greeks want this - then the Minister of Finance must change its policy finally there. He needs to stop giving interviews churning. He was - unlike any B-list celebrities - stop constantly move here cameras behind.
It should finally teach less and instead provide that for which he was taken to the Office: facts, figures, concrete reform proposals. Varoufakis must understand that it is the popular professor at any university is no more, but a politician with a heavy burden.
The fact that some of his reform proposals might fundamentally different from the European and German ideas differ: given. Really successful reform programs were not yet in Greece. So there can be some adjusting. Only one must finally consider concrete actions speak their costs and benefits. And it is the task of Janis Varoufakis to present these proposals now. So far, he has some surprisingly little delivered.
One can only hope that this will change now. Otherwise Athens tumbles in the not too distant future, more unintentionally as intended, as in a nasty accident from the euro-zone.
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