Sunday, March 29, 2015

Washington Post- Fiorina's Hat in the Ring

Carly Fiorina says ‘higher than 90 percent’ chance she’ll run for GOP presidential nomination

 March 29 at 10:37 AM  
Carly Fiorina, a former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, said her chances of running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 are “very high.”
Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” the 2010 California gubernatorial candidate said she is “higher than 90 percent” likely to enter the race, with an announcement coming in late April or early May.
Fiorina said she could appeal to voters with a “deep understanding of how the economy actually works, having started as a secretary and become the chief executive of the largest technology company in the world.”
She added that she has relationships with “many of the world leaders on the stage today” and that she understands executive decision-making, as well as how to change large bureaucracies for the better.
Discussing the economy, Fiorina said the government has “tangled people up from a web of dependence from which they can’t escape.” She also said the government is “crushing small businesses now.”
In a nod to the populist, anti-Wall Street themes of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Fiorina said big banks are thriving while community banks go out of business.
“If we want mainstream and the middle class going and growing again, we’ve got to get small and family-owned businesses going and growing again,” she said.
Josh Hicks covers the federal government and anchors the Federal Eye blog. He reported for newspapers in the Detroit and Seattle suburbs before joining the Post as a contributor to Glenn Kessler’s Fact Checker blog in 2011.
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10:11 PM EDT
This will be fun. 
Unlike the rest of the GOP that's busy abandoning reason in favor of toeing a dogmatic line .. I'm sure she'll speak her mind. None of this reconsidering evolution as that dope Walker's been spouting off of late. Tear them apart Carly. 
10:02 PM EDT
Is this the same GOP climate-denying fascist, Carly Fiorina, who nearly killed Hewlett Packard and put 28,000 American employees on unemployment, then received a $21 million dollar golden parachute package when she got fired and left in disgrace? Yep. 
“The granddaughter of one of Hewlett-Packard’s founders, Arianna Packard, said, “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded. So, allow me to disillusion you of a few of your stated reasons for supporting her,” Packard wrote. “Most business commentators consider Fiorina's tenure at HP to be a disaster,” Packard continued. “The stock price dropped by 50% only to rally 10% on the announcement of her firing. She fired 28,000 people before she herself was fired, departing with the 21 million dollar golden parachute that [was] financing her [2010 Senate] campaign.” Fiorini ran a horrid campaign and was soundly defeated. -- Politico 
10:01 PM EDT
First, Fiorina has to explain why she was summarily fired from H-P.  
Second, she will definitely make it to the White House as soon as she buys White House tour tickets, just like Cruz and all the other crazy "God, Guns, and no gays" Republicans. 
9:46 PM EDT
Yup -- Fiorina, Pence and Cruz. Glad to see that the loonies are ensuring a Democratic victory. 
9:57 PM EDT
Yup - clueless Obama, crazy man Biden and crooked Clinton (among many other real dem winners), will ensure Republicans have a decent chance of winning in 2016.
Sebastian Inlet On A North Swell
9:59 PM EDT
Have your forgotten that Obama is retiring with a 2-0 record?
10:02 PM EDT
3 - 0 , technically.
9:19 PM EDT
I like that she's running, maybe the GOP won't be 100% anti-woman?
9:22 PM EDT
...but it will be 100% anti-economy. She's the poster child for destroying companies and the jobs they provide. 
9:10 PM EDT
She's pro-abortion. She won't even get 1% in the Iowa caucus. Her campaign is an utter waste of time. This woman is delusional.
9:09 PM EDT
She is delusional if she thinks she has a chance of becoming President. (smh)
9:13 PM EDT
People run for President for a lot of reasons. I suspect hers is basically "why not?" Right now she'll never get a job in the corporate world again after overseeing the meltdown of HP. If she runs she gets on TV. That gives her a shot at the speaking circuit, some political appointment or perhaps even appointment to a business role if a Republican partisan happens to own enough stock.  
In essence, her career is over, so what does she have to lose?
Einstein Jr
9:19 PM EDT [Edited]
I'm sorry I thot you were talking about Palin. Sorry ok Fiorina, uh yes.

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