“FREAK” Security Flaw Discovered Lurking In Many Computers For Decades, Apple Promises Fix Next Week

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Ugh — another week, another nasty widespread security bug to worry about. The twist this time: this one has apparently been around since the 90s.
Dubbed “FREAK” by the researchers who discovered it, the exploit allowed researchers (and potentially hackers) to sniff traffic going to and from many otherwise encrypted websites — including some government sites — thanks to some stuff left behind from the 90s.
Here’s the issue, as I understand it:
  • Up until 1999 or so, the US government forbade companies from shipping any products overseas that contained strong encryption. “Export-grade” (that is, weak and breakable) encryption was okay, though.
  • In the 90s, this encryption was more than enough to evade anyone who didn’t have access to a supercomputer. Nowadays, as Ed Felten points out, that’s anyone who knows their way around Amazon’s EC2.
  • These restrictions were lifted around 1999 — but somehow these weaker “export-grade” encryption modes were left in “many Google and Apple” devices (and other devices that use unpatched OpenSSL), unused and mostly forgotten… until now
  • With a cleverly executed man-in-the-middle attack, researchers were able to force a victim’s connection to use this now quite-crackable weaker encryption cipher.
  • Once the connection is on that weaker cipher, any “encrypted” communication the attacker can sniff out — passwords, messages, etc. — can be decrypted in a matter of hours.
The short version: hackers force a victim’s connection to use long-forgotten encryption ciphers left behind in popular products (Android, Apple’s Safari) instead of today’s stronger stuff, then decrypt the data.
As of this morning at 1 a.m., researchers were able to coax a good chunk of the web’s most popular sites into accepting the now-obsolete encryption request.
They’ve put up a list of some of the sites here, and it’s a doozy. Banking sites, quite a few retail sites, and even a few U.S. government sites make an appearance.
Named by the researchers as one of the larger parties at risk here, Apple was quick to respond with a promise to fix things on their end. Writes an Apple spokesperson: “We have a fix in iOS and OS X that will be available in software updates next week.”
We’ve reached out to other companies involved for comment.