Sunday, March 29, 2015

MY NEW VIDEO; Fhágann muid an gheimhridh taobh thiar- We Leave Winter Behind,--First Robin, even a Cardinal-- But No Daffodils!

Just like last year, Winter refused to leave on its weatherman appointed schedule...

At the risk of being foolhardy, I feel I can say we have (despite the chill in the air), finally left Winter behind...

People are back out on the tennis courts again...not in great numbers, but it is a sure harbinger of Spring..

And while watching the ducks I saw the first red bird of Spring, which at first I thought was the first robin--no, it was a Cardinal...

Otherwise, as they have been all winter, people were strolling about, running, taking selfies and shots of the scenery and the skyline from across the reservoir...

But I had the definite feeling that while Spring has not made its flower bedecked ( daffodils leading the way) entrance yet, we ARE saying a final farewell to Winter now...

It reminds me of an Irish song about leaving people and places behind..." I'm leavin' my Nancy-O"-- but while the singer wants a last embrace from his darling, we will take a soft handshake goodbye to Winter...

Leaving the first robin of the Spring to get about his business as we sing a soft farewell to what was a very trying time awaiting these days...


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