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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Innovative Italian Industrialist Found Shot Dead in Car- Corriere della Sera

Rifle shot in car: dead industrialist Guido Ghisolfi

Found dead in the Alessandria area vice president of the multinational M & G. Took care of biofuels and renewable. It was the premier funder Renzi

Editorial Online

Guido Ghisolfi (archivio)Guido Ghisolfi (archive)
The industrialist Guido Ghisolfi, vice president of the multinational M & G of Tortona, the second in the Italian chemical company and a global leader in the production of plastic packaging ,, was found dead Tuesday afternoon, killed by a bullet fired from close range. According to investigators, there would be no doubt: it was suicide. The body was found in his car, in Carbonara Scrivia in the Alessandria area. 
There would be no tickets
Ghisolfi, 58, took his own life in a Lexus, in a hilly road on the outskirts of Carbonara Scrivia. To give the alarm, a few hours before, had been the family: Ghisolfi had come from his home this morning at 8 and was expected at lunchtime. The entrepreneur, son of the founder of the group, Vittorio Ghisolfi, would not leave a note.
shadow carousel
 He died Guido Ghisolfi, the chemist of bioethanol and renewable sources

Funded by Renzi
Son of Vittorio, the "king" of the polymers that founded the company in '53, Guido Ghisolfi was the vice president. Degree in chemical engineering at the Politecnico di Torino began his career as a researcher becoming later, in 1984, head of research at the company. Last year he opened the new group's factory in Creswell, in the province of Vercelli. Immediately next to the premier Renzi, was among its major funders, both for the Foundation Bing Bang for the Leopolda.Registered with the Democratic Party, was regarded as an adviser to the prime minister on the subject of enterprise and employment. Ghisolfi had been part of the Monitoring Committee of Intesa San Paolo, succeeding in Elsa Fornero when he was appointed minister. 
The entrepreneur suicide was also known in sporting circles: as a young man had been manager of Derthona basketball, the basketball club of his city that had raised in the 80s.
Biofuels and renewable sources
Ghisolfi early 2007 had set up, and began directing the research group in the field of biofuels that sees Chemtex Italy (now Biochemtex), committed to developing the second generation bioethanol and chemicals from renewable sources. For this reason a man from October 2011 was also president and CEO of Beta Renewables. In 2013 Creswell, in the province of Vercelli, had opened the refinery biofuels from non-food cultures, a structure that has made ​​Italy pathfinder for the second generation of these fuels (with a production of 60 thousand tonnes per year). Uses agricultural waste or plants not to use food to create ethanol.
The condolences of Chiamparino
The President of Piedmont, Sergio Chiamparino, expressed his condolences with a note: "I just heard the news of the tragic death of Guido Ghisolfi: I lost a friend first of all, Italy and Piedmont lost a great entrepreneur, a great innovator, a man of great passion civil. "


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Passodiqui3 marzo 2015 | 16:00
Pover uomo... chissà cosa può far scattare una scelta simile ad una persona. RIP
Riddle3 marzo 2015 | 15:59
Puzza anche a me. 
GianA3 marzo 2015 | 15:52
La storia mi puzza. E non poco
babyelian773 marzo 2015 | 15:46
Come mi dispiace ! L' impianto di Crescentino, se non sbaglio, era il primo al mondo a produrre bio-etanolo non da biomasse alimentare

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