Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine


Latest news from politics, economy, sports and culture 

Late reformMerkellistshows clemency for Greece

Greece's new list of proposals for reform is long overdue, but Chancellor Merkel expresses indulgent. I agree with the result that the federal government would show flexibility. More 5

Greek oppositionfrom experience suspiciously

Greece's opposition attacked the SYRIZA government: she was inexperienced and could not cope with the crisis. A prominent opposition politician warns Athens donors not to accept only the list of announced reforms for more money payments. More By MICHAEL MARTENS, ATHENS 5

German Wings crashinsurers expect to pay $ 300 million

The insurer of the crashed German Wings machine put back an unusually high amount. You obviously expect lengthy and expensive compensation processes. More

DresdenPegida listed even less feed

Among the manifestations of Pegida come fewer and fewer people. In the stronghold of the critics of Islam, the number of protesters has gedrittelt within two weeks. More 1

Competition for SpotifySuper Star Alliance in the streaming business

Rapper Jay-Z has released a new music streaming service. Stars such as Alicia Keys, Madonna and Rihanna are also involved. They swarm: Not the commercialism, but the music stand in the foreground. Nevertheless, their offer is really expensive. More 1

Environmental PolicyGerman CO2 emissions are reduced significantly

First time in three years, emissions of carbon dioxide go back again. The positive development is likely to have a simple cause. More

Afghanistanshot at German checkpoint in Kabul

Fearing an attack Afghan security forces have shot dead a German.The man was apparently hurtling despite warnings to a checkpoint in Kabul. More 3

TV review: Tough but fairindeed in delusion and hatred World

Frank Plasbergs guests provide enlightening for German Wings crash: pilot flight medics not to trust in themselves.Even with more controls, the fact would not have been predicted. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH 3

German Wings crashNothing shall remain unburied

Israel sends salvage experts to the crash site in the Alps. The specialists help to recover the remains of a Jewish victim.How small they may be. More By HANS-CHRISTIAN ROESSLER, JERUSALEM 15

China'sstock bubbletaxi driver speculate in the stock market

Although the second-largest economy will grow more slowly, rising stock prices in Shanghai to new records. A study shows who is buying like crazy because: the common peopleMore By HENDRIK ANKE FIRE, SHANGHAI 1.

Arms manufacturerHeckler & Koch fights for his reputation

The Swabian weapons manufacturer loses support in Berlin. The company is due to high debt and internal disputes under pressure. Its flagship product, the G36 rifle should shoot much worse than the competition.Heckler & Koch sees things differently. More By OLIVER SCHMALE, STUTTGART 13 19

SPDWaiting for 2021

For the SPD, it is difficult to arrive to the popularity of the Chancellor. For the general election, it seems the Registrar chair hardly to target - and sober look at the post-Merkel-time More By MAJID SATTAR, BERLIN 6 4.

Successor to "Daily Show"Had you ever AIDS or something?

America's top satire show gets a new host. Trevor Noah comes from South Africa. Trevor who? People will get to know him quickly. He has a dangerous sense of humor. More By NINA REHFELD, LOS ANGELES 4
  • German thoroughness
    Berthold Kohler
    A Commission found after a year of testing that employed for twenty years assault rifle of the Bundeswehr is not always accurate. At the front in Afghanistan one already knew that long. More16 32
  • France in doubt
    Nikolas Busse
    President Hollande and Prime Minister Valls are struck, unsettled French voters - cooperation with Paris is not easier for the federal government. More4 7
  • New, old Arabia
    Rainer Hermann
    The summit of the Arab League has completed a long-lasting paralysis. Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia just then engaged in Yemen if negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, go into the decisive round? More2 8
  • Red is the color of hope
    Michael Wittershagen
  • Daimler before the revolution
    Susanne Preuß
  • More expensive labor peace
    Manfred Schäfers
  • Is over, the era of cheap oil?
    Christian Siedenbiedel
  • A test case
    Fridtjof Küchemann
  • Justice in life insurance
    Philipp Krohn
  • Dangerous "Klinsfrau"
    Daniel Meuren
See video
German provide spectacular scenes at the Freeride finals in Verbier

Department of ElectionsHollande in need

After its defeat in the elections department of the characters are under France's Socialists storm. For the UMP chairman Sarkozy transfer of power has begun. The FN jubilant. More By MICHAELA WIEGEL10 15

InternetBerlin and Paris for European copyright

In a joint statement, Germany and France announce to fight for European rules on copyright. Creative to "earn their living" with their works can. Disagreement in the EU there are at geoblocking. More1 2

Steinmeier seesIrannuclear talks in a critical phase

Approaching the end of the period, but the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov leaves the round of foreign ministers in Lausanne. Germany's foreign minister wants to prevent Iran's access to nuclear weapons. He expects a long night of negotiations. More By STEPHEN LOWENSTEIN, LAUSANNE 3

American Federal Reserve ChairmanBernanke, the Fed leaves behind and blogs

Lange has withdrawn himself, but now he does not seem to be able to keep still: Ben Bernanke operates a year after his departure from the Fed now a blog. He wants to share his knowledge of monetary policy. More By WINAND OF PETERSDORFF 2

Heckler & Kochweapons Bauer contradict allegations

Heckler & Koch rejects the recent criticism of the G36 assault rifle. The assessment of the Ministry of Defence disagree "diametrically" testing of the weapon. More 11

Windsor Castle,the Queen threatens strike

Low wages and unpaid extra layers - a union retrieves employees of the British Queen to strike on theMore By MARCUS THEURER, LONDON 5.
Financial Markets

Risk of deflationis driving China's central bank share prices

Beijing is afraid of deflation and sluggish growth and plans countermeasures. The stock traders hoping for cheap money and celebrate in Hong Kong and Shanghai rally. More By HENDRIK ANKE FIRE,SHANGHAI

Hopefully Allianzlife insurancepolicy?

The Alliance has a new blockbuster: a life insurance policy called "perspective", which has no guaranteed interest rate. We do not recommend. More By DENNIS KREMER 3 8

Petrol price levelsin the evening after work is fueling the cheapest

The price of oil has fallen by 50 percent since mid-2014. Drivers can benefit since at gas stations of lower fuel prices - but only if they pull up at the right time. A new study shows when that is exactly.More 9 9

"Its good law" in ZDFTwo dancing together into oblivion

"Its good law" is about the disenfranchisement of people with dementia - with überfrachteter symbolism, bold messages and admonishing finger lifting. This movie does not believe in mature audience. More By OLIVER BOY 2

Album of the weekThree Sisters

As one might establish themselves once a folk band and sing to end of life Eisblumenlieder in huts. The English sister trio The Staves has been found in Wisconsin to himself more by JAN WIELE 11

Alice Goffman's "On the Run"No mercy in the land of the unfree

Who is in the system, it does not escape: Alice Goffman says in its award-winning study "On The Run" from the lives of the poor North Americans in a world of permanent state of warMore By MICHAEL HOCHGESCHWENDER 6.

Football Talent Report (6)Great Bussi by God

At Bayern the way from the junior section to the professionals through a needle's eye. One, two exceptional players per year are the goal - and the school principal a real dilemma More By CHRISTIAN EICHLER, MUNICH 1 6.

Tennis star of the crisisThe Confession of Rafael Nadal

After losing to compatriot Fernando Verdasco Spanish tennis star in Miami talks about his self-doubt and the great fear of the next beat. More By DORIS HENKEL, MIAMI 4

2: 3 against EnglandU21 botched test for EM

It is the first defeat for over a year. When the eternal rival team Hrubesch subject. In the final sprint.More

German Wings crashco-pilot was due to suicide risk in treatment

The co-pilot of the crashed in the Alps German Wings machine was suicidal, according to investigators a few years ago and therefore in therapy. Until recently had medical visits took place - but without any risk of suicide was attested More 89 20.

Robberycaughtontwo KaDeWe, a known two wanted

Shortly before Christmas Eve of last year, five men stormed the jewelry department of the KaDeWe and captured expensive jewelry. Two suspects the police had gone into the net, now she grabbed a third. More By MECHTHILD KÜPPER, BERLIN 8

Women enslave women,the mothers of trafficking

They promise jobs and a better future: A significant proportion of traffickers in the world are women. Often they do to others what has happened to them yourself. More By ALEXANDRA ROJKOV 12 32

"Boxes" of Auer MountainSpring Case

The product laboratory Auer Berg brings back the good old tool box. Meanwhile, there have nine designers their own interpretation of the theme "boxes" on - crates against the clock for any occasion More From PETER PHILIPP SCHMITT4 2.

Specialty of Brittanycrepes with caramelized apples

Crepes are one of Europe's most popular sweet treats. The chef Jean-Marie Rolland from Nantes shows how he loves to eat -. And reveals tricks for cooking in the pan More 44

Exclusive Driver TrainingSafe in the SUV

The registration numbers of SUVs go up. Buyers appreciate the high seating position. But this requires a different driving behavior. On a safety training you learn about SUV better. More By BORIS SCHMIDT 6 5

New technology for IC and ECSoon the power cars on train

The Series 412, Working Title ICx will replace 2017 to today's Intercity and Euro-city trains. A true revolution: Instead of the "push-pull combination" drive cars are classified between the wagonsMore By PETER THOMAS 13 31.

Comment: EU project in needpower finally something from the brain

Now what visionaries? Europe billion heavy "Human Brain Project" is to someday simulate the brain. Provided it is now finally in motion. More By THOMAS THIEL 5 4

Lichtspielhaus Earth (1)Where the night in valleys dies

Start our series, the year of Light: We show distant places of the planet away from the cities, where the night is no longer what it once was. This time: snow-capped AlpsMore by GÜNTER PAUL 1 7.

Brain research, what can you do?Sleep can be a new beginning

Learning material is consolidated significantly in their sleep.The memory can be optimized in these periods of rest. And also a "reprogramming" risky behaviors seem possible, which provides opportunities for addicts. More By JAN BORN 10

Scotland's capital,Edinburgh Literary clues

The Scottish capital is like an open museum.Everywhere you can find traces of famous local poets and writers such as Robert Louis Stevenson or JK Rowling. Edinburgh 2004 was therefore a UNESCO the title "City of Literature". More 11

German snow (5)Do not Look names

The Great Arber is the king of the Bavarian Forest. You can give him, without making himself guilty of treason, quite wonderful slide down the hump - and much to the delight of a veritable prince MoreBy ALEX WESTHOFF 7.

Column "Nine to five"sovereignty over the armrest

Business travel is no picnic. At full speed is sitting next to provide a tight battle for the armrest. Who here is physically at a disadvantage, must resort to subtle means. More By URSULA KALS 2 9

ExchangeNew PerspectivesWall Street bankers to Silicon Valley

Not only young people are attracted by the technology industry. Even established Manager sweep New York back - especially one of the most powerful women on Wall Street More By ROLAND LINDNER1 2.

Animated filmHow we "Home" home lights

From America, an animated film is about a cute aliens, but it is only window dressing in over a long commercial music megastars. More By ANDREAS PLATTHAUS 1 13

Info-ethics Rafael Capurroswimming in digital chaos

What becomes of the educational ideal autonomy in a world of digital surveillance? An interview with the information ethicists Rafael Capurro about education in freedom in the age of control. More By FRIDTJOF KÜCHEMANN 8

Vintage fashion in ViennaOld Splendour

The charm of the Past: The Dorotheum will be auctioned on Wednesday vintage fashion. Capes are offered from the 19th century, stage outfits from the thirties and floral dresses seventies. More By NICOLE SCHEYERER, VIENNA 2

New online platform smmoveEbay for tenants and landlords

A new platform in the network brings together tenants and landlords. Without a broker. This works like a mixture of Ebay and online dating. More By NADINE OBERHUBER 8 18

Food stylist Grünewaldwork in world cherry hole

Why does he need 100 eggs for a photo, why the mass of cookbooks today look different than 20 years ago and what is a real vanilla flower. The food stylist Martin Grünewald through culinary fashions and her likeness in advertising More 3

Hessesqualls bend trees around and let capsize boats

Young people go under with their boats, flying branches damaging cars, fences flying through the air - squalls have Hesse durchgewirbelt tidy. And so fast should not be an end to the stormy weather. More 1

Eintracht FrankfurtBrav, other

Stefan Aigner is one of the few in the harmony that could be satisfied with the outcome of the second half. But is not it.The foreman wants more. And the manager more guys like him. More By MARC HENRY, FRANKFURT
To appoint Steffi Jones for national coach of the women's national team is the most convenient solution - and a big risk. The DFB sporting criteria should have taken more seriously. More 16

The consequences cheaper fashion"Buy, Buy, it costs nothing"

Primark, H & M, Kik: Cheap fashion is booming.An exhibition in Hamburg illuminates the "dark side of fashion." Curator Claudia Banz talks about lack of respect, unworn pieces in your wardrobe and sustainable alternatives. More By JENNIFER WIEBKING 20 9

50 years AlpinaThe refined power from the Allgäu

Fine BMW models with a special touch: Alpina is 50 years old. The go-ahead to what is celebrated today, was of course before. More By DIETER GÜNTHER 13

Hundred best universities of the worldis catching up Germany

As always, the usual suspects among the top ten universities worldwide. For surprise two elite universities from one country to the east, leaving the German behind. More By UWE MARX

Henry Maskeegg hunt for the Great

Former world boxing champion Henry Maske hidden eggs not only for children, actor Harrison Ford is allowed to leave with his private plane to the hospital after the emergency landing, and the former weightlifter Matthias Steiner is slimming tips - Smalltalk More 6.
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