Translation from English

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Corriere della Sera- World of Bribes and Favors

Works great, bribes and favors 
"If you hunt the government falls» 
The link between Wolves and the manager 
The chill of Renzi: "We need clarity"

The entrepreneur says Perotti in-law had found a job to the son of the minister. Pressure for the appointment of amendments

FLORENCE Their bond was so tight that on July 2, when he had to respond to parliamentary questions, the Minister Maurizio Lupi was made to write the speech by the defender of Hercules is pressing, the lawyer Titta Madia. And in order to defend the role of the manager now retired, has actually threatened to bring down the government. Because in reality it was just Incalza the real powerful, able to guide the choices of politicians and businessmen, to influence the choices of men of government ready to run to his rescue when he was in danger the reappointment as director of the Technical Mission Structure, cabin directed by all the great works, from Table Expo via the Metro C of Rome, that of Milan and major motorways, including the Salerno-Reggio Calabria.

In the computer kept a letter sent in 2004 to Silvio Berlusconi for chiarirgli the reasons for appointment as superintendent of Angelo Balducci, proving the existence of a "network" of patronage that has lasted over ten years. It would allow him to get kickbacks from hundreds of thousands of euro, plus the assumption of children and relatives of friends, first of all just the scion of Wolves, Luca, benefited with an assignment to Eni 2,000 euro per month. The minister had evidently not need to ask: coming tailored suits, a Rolex from 10,000 euro for graduation boy, weekend in the beautiful Florentine home of what Stephen Perotti become the alter ego is pressing now and how he ended up in jail. Are the investigations of the police officers of the ROS led by General Mario Parente to reveal the backstory of contracts awarded in recent years. Including recruitment of other relatives 'excellent': the son of former Accountant General of the State Andrea Monorchio, the former parliamentary Angelo Sanza, the nephew of Archbishop Francesco Gioia. 
"There is the government '
Lupi is certainly one of the major sponsors and it shows in late December when it becomes harsh confrontation in the government on the management of Public Works. Writes the judge in the order of capture, "the evening of 16 December, the Minister Wolves called the engineer is pressing and claims the merit of having blocked the amendment with a request to transfer the Technical Mission Structure employed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers: "The other thing that I'm sorry and I'll talk with Ida tomorrow, is this stuff so it is clear that ... that still continue to say that nobody has defended the Technical Mission Structure makes me very i c. .. eh! excuse me, because if I had not called me, if I had not intervened, never mind that the Democratic Party wants to transfer, not entered in the amendment government this thing here. " Minister Lupi intends to defend at any cost the structure up to threaten a government crisis: "I'll go look, because of this thing, I tell you already. But I do not want, that I want you to say to those who work with you that otherwise go to c ...! I get it! But they can not say other stuff!On this stuff we'll be there and I'll guarantee that if the structure is abolished there is no longer the government! You've got it, they understood ?! "." 
Rolex and hiring
Presses pantry favors thanks to Perotti. And so "system" Luca Lupi. The January 30, 2014 "Perotti informs her brother Giorgio Mor who managed to convince executives Eni to start the design work assigned to them, the promises that the" need "to have to employ precisely for this activity a" boy "who will paid by the same Stephen Perotti: "It's a guy who is worth a lot, I saw him, I knew him." The "boy" is Luca Wolves. " 
Note the judge: "Notably, February 21, 2014 Philippe Perotti, son of Stephen Perotti, as a precautionary measure following the publication of an article, send a message to his father Stefano and request to consider away from Luca Lupi Eni yard, and to take the necessary precautions in communications both by telephone and by e-mail: "You have to think to bring out Luca by Eni. We avoid the problem. '" 
Last spring is Franco Cavallo, collaborator Perotti, Solder dresses ordered by the minister and his son, while the manager gives the boy the precious clock. Perotti and Wolves are obviously friends of the family. Note the judge: "On September 14, 2013, the minister warns Wolves Perotti that are coming for dinner:" We should be there around 8 and a half. " Two days later Christine Mor (wife Perotti) tells his sister that he had guests for dinner over the weekend: "All right, finally went away, although it was nice but very challenging. They were in eighth with two bodyguards, then ate from Friday, there was Maurizio with his wife, Frank was with his wife, was Toccafondi with his wife, the first four have slept in the house ... " . 
Alfano and Schifani
Actually Lupi is not the only one to defend the structure and above is pressing.The investigation conducted by prosecutors in Florence coordinated by Attorney Joseph Creazzo reveals the names of others. The February 19, 2014 John Gaspari, grandson of the dc Remo, Adviser at the Ministry of Infrastructure, talks with manager Giulio Burchi Review and confirmation is pressing. 
Gaspari: "It's really something, crap that I'm sick, I even me sick. Have flared all the defense is pressing today, went from a Schifani Alfano, the general contractor. " 
Burchi: "Blessed Perotti who takes all directions of the work of Italy." 
Gaspari: "Yes, yes, Perotti will take everything." 
Actually to talk about their relationships with Interior Minister Angelino Alfano is the same is pressing the phone with a friend whom he says "to have spent the night to draft the government program that the New center was to present and to be waiting for the approval of Alfano and Wolves. " 
The two secretaries
Urges talks with ministers and comes with secretaries. To read the intercepts we understand that it is able to direct their political choices. "Another example of the influence that Hercules is pressing seems to have on the decisions of the minister - wrote the judge - it draws February 28, 2014 when Maurizio Lupi phoned the first and informed him that, following the" sponsorship "of the latter, had appointed Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Senator Riccardo Nencini: "After you've given, you've covered, you gave sponsorship for Nencini we did Deputy Minister for Infrastructure." Wolves therefore calls is pressing to talk to him and tell him "that does not break the c ...". During subsequent calls Incalza noted that the Ministry of Infrastructure arrived two of his fellow socialists referring to Nencini and Umberto Del Basso De Caro. His friend says the appointments: "Congratulations, increasingly covered". Indeed Del Basso De Caro you spend a lot to get it re-confirm. " It obtains advantages. 
"On October 20, 2014 is pressing the reports that it was an amendment that concerns the structure. Del Basso ensures that will immediately make the amendment submitted by the Enza Bruno Bossio. An hour later and sends a text message confirming the deposit. " The rule actually is rejected but his collaborator reassures Incalza "because it will be repeated in the law Stability submitted directly by the government having Del Basso already spoken to the Minister Wolves." Two days after Del Basso sends a text message to Incalza and "asks for help because an amendment to a work of his interest is not the past:" I rely on, as always, to your sense of responsibility and your experience which I absolutely need to carry out the work. '"


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toomuchXpoiled17 marzo 2015 | 6:44
houston abbiamo un problema...
Enrico SanJust17 marzo 2015 | 6:44
Non voglio proteggere Lupi e non voglio fare il garantista ad oltranza.Come ho detto tante volte APPLICARE LA REGOLINA GIUSTIZIALISTA SECONDO CUI AD OGNI STORMIR DI VENTO SI CHIEDONO LE DIMISSIONI mi sembra un'idiozia.Nel merito, mi sembra che finora tutto quel che ne esce su Lupi siano solo chiacchiere, nel senso stretto della parola:uno che telefona ad un altro e parla di Lupi citandolo, un'altra che dice che ha parlato con Lupi e chiede ad un terzo di procedere.Insomma il gossip piu' completo
alfonso.baroni17 marzo 2015 | 6:43
Altro scandalo per dimenticare i passati...Se non AZZERIAMO TUTTO non se ne esce!!!
Ofelia17 marzo 2015 | 6:42
Buona giornata,@Giggi. Lo sai che se pronunci la parola morale o etica a qualcuno vengono le bolle? Meglio parlare di leggi non draconiane, ma semplicemente applicate. Non c'è bisogno di un'altra legge, tanto per perdere tempo e non fare niente, basta applicare ciò che già esiste. Se si tratta di corruzione, si va in tribunale, se si tratta di sospetto riguardante ministri che sono lì per mandato, ci si dimetta, come si fa nei paesi civili. Un po' di semplicità per favore. Ciao, con stima 
Lettore_522381117 marzo 2015 | 6:42
Peccato che siano proprio i politici a gestire le sorti di questi sistemi
Lettore_184686717 marzo 2015 | 6:41
Mi indigno contro corrotti e corruttori tutti, anche contro noi piccoli cittadini delle mancette, dei furbetti del quartierino, dei lavori senza fattura per evadere l'IVA. La corruzione è radicata nella nostra cultura tanto da portarne vanto e venire apprezzati. Qui c'è solo tanta ipocrisia
Giggi.L17 marzo 2015 | 6:41
Ciao Bruno, felice di ritrovarti. Certamente esistono delle eccezioni, appunto ho detto "quasi" sconosciuta, ma sono rare: Errani è una di queste. Se ci pensiamo bene, per farsi eleggere i politici spendono un sacco di soldi per la campagna elettorale, e in qualche modo devono recuperarli con gli interessi. Come? Rubando...

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