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Sunday, February 8, 2015

WNYC: Pride and Losing to a Computer

What Does Losing To A Computer Tell Us About Pride?

Friday, February 06, 2015

00:00 / 00:00
Part 7 of the TED Radio Hour episode Seven Deadly Sins
About Ken Jennings' TED Talk
Ken Jennings has made a career of being the know-it-all. But then he challenged a supercomputer, Watson — and lost. Jennings explains how it felt to have a computer beat him and crush his pride.
About Ken Jennings
Ken Jennings holds the record for most consecutive wins (74) on the trivia game showJeopardy. In 2011 Jennings participated in the IBM Challenge, which featured him and Jeopardy rival Brad Rutter in a match against IBM supercomputer Watson. Jennings came in second; Watson was first.
In 2012 Jennings published the book Because I Said So!: The Truth Behind the Myths, Tales, and Warnings Every Generation Passes Down to Its Kids.
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Source: NPR




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