BBC Pop Up: What does it mean to be Mexican-American?

6 February 2015 Last updated at 01:54 GMT 
More than 30 million Americans trace their roots back to Mexico - it's the fastest growing demographic in the US. 
While the focus of the political debate is on the recent arrivals - especially those who entered illegally - many immigrants have been in the country for generations. Of course, some states in the south west, including Arizona, were originally part of Mexico before they joined the Union.
It is therefore hard to define the Mexican-American experience. People's attitudes, beliefs and even their choice of cuisine is influenced by when they arrived in the US and how connected they stay to their Mexican traditions. 
BBC Pop Up spent January in Tucson, not far from the border, where 42% of the population is Hispanic. Benjamin Zand asked dozens of people to explain what being Mexican-Americans means to them. 
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