Friday, February 27, 2015

Today in History.-

Historical Events on this Day in History

Events in History for Friday 27th February 2015

Today's Significant Events

1900 - In London, the Trades Union Congress and the Independent Labour Party (formed in 1893) meet, resulting in a Labour Representative Committee and eventually the modern Labour Party in 1906
1957 - Mao's famous speech to the Supreme State Conference "On Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People" expounding Maoist ideals
1980 - Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF wins elections in Zimbabwe
1991 - Gulf War ends after Iraqi troops retreat and Kuwait is re-taken by the US
2012 - Wikileaks begins disclosing 5 million emails from private intelligence company Stratfor

Today's Historical Events

Events 1 - 202 of 202
837 - 15th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
1526 - Saxony & Hesse form League of Gotha (league of Protestant princes)
1531 - Evangelical German monarchy/towns form Schmalkaldische Union
1557 - 1st Russian Embassy arrives in London
1563 - William Byrd is appointed organist at Lincoln Cathedral
1594 - Henri IV crowned king of France
1626 - Yuan Chonghuan is appointed Governor of Liaodong, after he led the Chinese into a great victory against the Manchurians under Nurhaci.
1665 - Battle at Elmina, Gold Coast: Vice-adm De Ruyter beats English
1667 - Abraham Crijnssen conquerors Fort Willoughby (Zeelandia), Suriname
1670 - Jews expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I
1678 - Earl of Shaftesbury freed from the Tower of London
1696 - English/Welsh nobles lay down Oath of Association
1700 - Pacific Island of New Britain discovered
1713 - French troops bomb Willemstad Curacao
1801 - Washington DC placed under Congressional jurisdiction
1803 - Great fire in Bombay, India
1813 - 1st federal vaccination legislation enacted
1813 - USnCongress authorizes use of steamboats to transport mail
1814 - Ludwig von Beethoven's 8th Symphony in F premieres
1816 - Dutch regain Suriname
1827 - 1st Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans
1844 - Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti (National Day)
1854 - Composer Robert Schumann saved from suicide attempt in Rhine
US President Abraham LincolnUS President Abraham Lincoln 1860 - Abraham Lincoln makes a speech at Cooper Union in the city of New York that is largely responsible for his election to the Presidency.
1861 - Russians shoot at Poles protesting Russian rule of Poland in Castle Square, Warsaw
1861 - US Congress authorizes 1st stamped newspaper wrappers for mailing
1864 - 6th & last day of battle at Dalton, Georgia (about 600 casualties)
1864 - Near Andersonville, GA, rebels open a new POW camp "Camp Sumpter"
1865 - Civil War skirmish near Sturgeon, Missouri
1869 - John Menard is 1st black to make a speech in the US Congress
1871 - Meeting of Alabama claims commission
1872 - Charlotte Ray, 1st Black woman lawyer in USA, graduated from Howard University
1873 - Dutch socialist Samuel van Wooden demands law against child labor
1874 - Baseball 1st played in England at Lord's Cricket Ground
1877 - US Electoral College declares R Hayes winner presidential election
1879 - Constantine Fahlberg discovers saccharin (artificial sweetener)
1881 - Battle at Amajuba, S Afr: Boers vs Brit army under Gen Colley
1883 - Oscar Hammerstein patents 1st cigar-rolling machine
1890 - D Needham & P Kerrigan box 100 rounds (6 h 39 m), SF; match is draw
1900 - Battle at Pietershoogte during the Boer War
1900 - Boer General Cronjé surrenders to British in Pardenberg, South Africa
1900 - In London, the Trades Union Congress and the Independent Labour Party (formed in 1893) meet, resulting in a Labour Representative Committee and eventually the modern Labour Party in 1906
1901 - NL Rules Committee decrees that all fouls are to count as strikes except after two strikes
1901 - A General Committee of National Liberal Federation meets and adopts a resolution deploring the continuation of the war in South Africa and condemning the British Government's insistence on unconditional surrender by the Boers
1906 - France & Britain agree to joint control of New Hebrides
Father of Psychology Sigmund FreudFather of Psychology Sigmund Freud 1907 - Psychiatrists Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud meet for the first time in Vienna
1908 - Sacrifice fly adopted (repealed in 1931, reinstated 1954)
1908 - Star #46 was added to US flag for Oklahoma
1912 - Lord Kitchener opens Khartoum-El Obeid (Nyala) railway
1919 - 1st public performance of Holst's "Planets"
1919 - American Association for Hard of Hearing forms (NYC)
1921 - US female Figure Skating championship won by Theresa Weld Blanchard; US male Figure Skating championship won by Sherwin Badger
1921 - The International Working Union of Socialist Parties is founded in Vienna
1921 - The Fascists incite a riot in Florence, Italy
1922 - US Commerce Sec Herbert Hoover convenes 1st National Radio Conference
1922 - G B Shaw's "Back to Methusaleh I/II" premieres in NYC
31st US President Herbert Hoover31st US President Herbert Hoover 1922 - US Supreme Court unanimously upheld 19th amendment to the US Constuituent - women's right to vote
1924 - Belgium's Theunis government falls
1925 - Hitler resurrects NSDAP political party in Munich
1925 - Test Cricket debut of Clarrie Grimmett, who took 5-45 & 6-37 v England
1927 - For 2nd Sunday in a row golfers in SC arrested for violating Sabbath
1929 - Turkey signs Litvinov-pact
1930 - Bouvet Island declared a Norwegian dependency
1932 - Explosion in coal mine Boissevain, Virginia, USA (38 dead)
1933 - The Reichstag, German parliament building, destroyed by fire; it was set by the Nazis, who blamed it on Communists
1933 - Jean Genet's "Intermezzo" premieres in Paris
1935 - 7th Academy Awards - "It Happened One Night", Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert wins
Actor Clark GableActor Clark Gable 1936 - Willy den Ouden swims world record 100 m free style (1:04.6)
1937 - Bradman scores 169 in 5th Test Cricket v England in 223 minutes
1938 - Britain & France recognize Franco government in Spain
1939 - Belgian government of Pierlot falls
1939 - Borley Rectory, "the most haunted house in England", destroyed in a fire
1939 - France recognizes Franco's regime in Spain
1939 - Supreme Court outlaws sit-down strikes
1940 - Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14
1941 - 13th Academy Awards - "Rebecca", James Stewart & Ginger Rogers win
1942 - 1st transport of French Jews to nazi-Germany
1942 - Battle of Java Sea began: 13 US warships sunk-2 Japanese
1942 - J S Hey discovers radio emissions from Sun
1943 - The Smith Mine #3 in Bearcreek, Montana, explodes, killing 74 men.
Actress and Dancer Ginger RogersActress and Dancer Ginger Rogers 1943 - The Rosenstrasse protest starts in Berlin
1945 - Battle of US 94 Infantry
1946 - 4th "Road" film "Road to Utopia" premieres (NYC)
1947 - Paul-Emile Victor French polar expeditions organized
1949 - Chaim Weizmann becomes 1st President of Israel
1950 - General Chiang Kai-shek elected president of Nationalist China
1951 - 22nd amendment ratified, limiting US Presidents to 2 terms
1955 - Betty Jameson wins LPGA Sarasota Golf Open
1956 - Female suffrage in Egypt
1957 - Mao's famous speech to the Supreme State Conference "On Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People" expounding Maoist ideals
1957 - Premiere of only prime-time network TV show beginning with an "X": "Xavier Cugat Show" on NBC (until X-Files)
1958 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1959 - Chicago Cards trade running back Ollie Matson to LA Rams for 9 players
NBA Point Guard Bob CousyNBA Point Guard Bob Cousy 1959 - Boston Celtic Bob Cousy sets NBA record with 28 assists Boston Celtics score 173 points against Minneapolis Lakers
1960 - Oil pipe line from Rotterdam to Ruhrgebied opens
1960 - US Olympic Ice Hockey Team beats USSR 3-2 en route to gold medal
1961 - The first congress of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation is inaugurated.
1962 - South-Vietnam pres Ngo Dinh Diem's palace bombed, 1st US killed
1963 - Mickey Mantle of NY Yankees sign a baseball contract worth $100,000
1964 - "What Makes Sammy Run?" opens at 84th St Theater NYC for 540 perfs
1964 - The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over.
1965 - "High Spirits" closes at Alvin Theater NYC after 375 performances
1965 - Dutch Marijnen government resigns
Baseball Legend Mickey MantleBaseball Legend Mickey Mantle 1965 - France performs Underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1966 - Ice Dance Championship at Davos won by Diane Towler/Bernard Ford GRB
1966 - Ice Pairs Championship at Davos won by Belousova & Protopopov of URS
1966 - Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Davos won by Peggy Fleming of US
1966 - Men's Figure Skating Championship in Davos won by Emmerich Danzer AUT
1967 - Antigua & St Christopher-Nevis become associated states of UK
1967 - Dominica gains independence from England
1967 - Rio de la Plata Treaty
1969 - Gen Hafez al-Assad becomes head of Syria via military coup
1969 - President Nixon visits West Berlin
1970 - NY Times (falsely) reports US army has ended domestic surveillance
1971 - Doctors in the first Dutch abortion clinic (the Mildredhuis in Arnhem) start to perform aborti provocati.
1972 - US President Richard Nixon & Chinese Premier Chou En-lai issued Shanghai Communique
1973 - American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota
1973 - Dick Allen signs a record $675,000 3-yr contract with White Sox
1973 - Pope Paul VI publishes constitution motu proprio Quo aptius
1973 - White Sox slugger Dick Allen signs 3-year $750,000 contract
1974 - "People" magazine begins sales
1974 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1975 - CDU-politician Peter Lorentz kidnapped in West Berlin
1975 - US House of Representatives pass $21.3 billion anti-recession tax-cut bill
Chinese Communist Revolutionary Mao ZedongChinese Communist Revolutionary Mao Zedong 1976 - Final meeting between Mao Zedong & Richard Nixon
1977 - Judy Rankin wins LPGA Bent Tree Golf Classic
1977 - Keith Richards gets suspended sentence for heroin possession, Canada
1978 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1980 - 22nd Grammy Awards: What a Fool Believe, Streisand-Diamond duet
1980 - Israel & Egypt exchange ambassadors
1980 - Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF wins elections in Zimbabwe
1980 - Terrorists occupies Dominican embassy in Bogota
1981 - Greatest passenger load on a commercial airliner-610 on Boeing 747
1981 - Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder record "Ebony & Ivory"
1982 - Dan Issel (NBA-Nuggets), hits on 63rd consecutive free throw
1982 - Earl Anthony becomes 1st pro bowler to win more than $1 million
1982 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1982 - Wayne Williams found guilty of murdering 2 of 28 blacks in Atlanta
Musician & member of the Beatles Paul McCartneyMusician & member of the Beatles Paul McCartney 1983 - Eamonn Coghlan of Ireland set indoor mile record of 3:49.78
1983 - Jan Stephenson wins Tucson Conquistadores LPGA Golf Tournament
1984 - Carl Lewis jumps world record indoor (8,675 m)
1984 - WRC-AM in Washington DC changes call letters to WWRC
1984 - Worker's union leader Billy Nair freed in South Africa
1985 - Farmers converge in Washington to demand economic relief
1985 - Mauritania's new constitutional charter published
1985 - US dollar is worth Ÿ3.9355 (Netherlands)
1986 - The United States Senate allows its debates to be televised on a trial basis.
1987 - "Washington Week In Review" 20th anniversary on PBS
1987 - Donald Regan resigned as White House chief of staff
1987 - Mike Conley triple jumps world indoor record (17.76m)
1987 - NCAA cancels SMU's entire 1987 football schedule for gross violations of NCAA rules regarding athletic corruption
Olympic Sprinter and Long jumper Carl LewisOlympic Sprinter and Long jumper Carl Lewis 1988 - Ayako Okamoto wins LPGA Orient Leasing Hawaiian Ladies Golf Open
1988 - Bonnie Blair (US) wins Olympic 500m speed skating in record 39.1
1988 - Gulfstream G-IV goes around the world 36:08:34
1988 - Katarina Witt (GDR) wins 2nd consecutive Olympic figure skating
1989 - German war criminals Aus der Funten and Fischer freed in Holland
1989 - Venezuela is rocked by the riots of Caracazo.
1990 - Exxon Corp & Exxon Shipping are indicted on 5 criminal counts (Valdez)
1990 - No-one elected to Hall of Fame for 2nd time in 3 years
1991 - Ben Elton's "Silly Cow" premieres in London
1991 - Gulf War ends after Iraqi troops retreat and Kuwait is re-taken by the US
1991 - Noureddine Morcelli set 1500m mark at 3:34:16
1991 - Singer James Brown is released from prison
1992 - Larry Smith named 9th Commissioner of the CFL
Golfer Tiger WoodsGolfer Tiger Woods 1992 - Tiger Woods, 16, becomes youngest PGA golfer in 35 years
1993 - PBA National Championship Won by Ron Palombi Jr
1994 - 17th Winter Olympic games closes in Lillehammer, Norway
1994 - Maronite church near Beirut bombed, 10 killed
1995 - Car bomb explodes in Zakho, North-Iraq (54-80 killed)
1996 - Mark Waugh scores 126 in World Cup against India
1997 - "Last Night of Ballyhoo" opens at Helen Hayes Theater NYC
1997 - Singer Sade (Helen Folasade) arrested in Jamaica for disobeying a police officer
1998 - Apple discontinues development of the Newton computer
1998 - FBI arrests 10 most wanted suspected serial killer Tony Ray Amati
1998 - NE Patriot David Meggett arrested in Toronto on sex assault charges
1998 - Britain's House of Lords agrees to end 1,000 years of male precedence by giving a monarch's first-born daughter the same claim to the throne as any first born son
Rapper Puff DaddyRapper Puff Daddy 1998 - 12th Soul Train Music Awards: Puff Daddy, Whitney Houston win
1998 - 14th Soap Opera Digest Awards - General Hospital wins
1999 - Olusegun Obasanjo becomes Nigeria's first elected president since mid-1983.
1999 - Korea International School is founded by Soon-Il Chung. It is currently directed by Ann Clapper.
2002 - Godhra train burning, a Muslim mob kills 59 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya
2002 - Ryanair Flight 296 catches fire in London Stansted Airport. Subsequent investigations criticize Ryanair's handling of the evacuation.
2002 - 44th Grammy Awards: Walk On, Alicia Keys wins
2003 - Former Bosnian Serb leader Biljana Plavsic is sentenced by the U.N. tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, to 11 years in prison
Singer-songwriter Alicia KeysSinger-songwriter Alicia Keys 2003 - Rowan Williams is enthroned as the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury.
2004 - Former BPMC general secretary Ordrick Samuel launches a new party in Barbuda, Barbudans for a Better Barbuda.
2004 - A bombing of a Superferry by Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines worst terrorist attack kills 116.
2005 - 77th Academy Awards - "Million Dollar Baby", Jamie Foxx & Hilary Swank win
2007 - The general strike against Lansana Conté in Guinea ends.
2007 - The Chinese Correction: the Shanghai Stock Exchange falls 9%, the largest drop in 10 years.
2007 - Mark Messier's #11 jersey is retired by the Edmonton Oilers
2009 - Statistics Finland informs that Finland's gross domestic product diminished by 1.3% in the last quarter of 2008 from the previous quarter
2010 - Central Chile is hit with an 8.8 magnitude earthquake.
Actress Natalie PortmanActress Natalie Portman 2011 - 83rd Academy Awards - "The King's Speech", Colin Firth & Natalie Portman win
2012 - Wikileaks begins disclosing 5 million emails from private intelligence company Stratfor
2013 - 20 people are killed in a market fire in Calcutta, India
2013 - 17 Afghan militia are killed by Taliban insurgents in an attack in the Andar District
2013 - Pope Benedict XVI presents his farewell address to Vatican City
2014 - Republic of Crimea announces a referendum & ousts its regional government
2014 - Arseniy Yatsenyuk appointed Prime Minister of the Ukraine
2014 - Chaos erupts after the Swedish Public Employment Service mistakenly invites 61,000 people to a job interview in Stockholm
265th Pope  Benedict XVI265th Pope Benedict XVI 2014 - US Republican Governor Jan Brewer vetoes a "religious freedom" bill that would have allowed businesses to turn away gay customers
<< 26th February — Historical Events on this Day —28th February >>

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