Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Policy Announcement: Time for a Big Change in Blog

Blame it on my new dentures or maybe my experiences with the command of the local firehouse..

I have decided my blog is going to take a new direction, because it is getting stale and too confining for me and also for some other reasons.

For instance, I will circulate no more petitions from an organization like -- because they will not vouch for the petitions themselves! And yet they ask others to sign them. What a lot of baloney.

Second, I am placing my own needs and priorities first...which involves a lot of things.

One is money.  I don't have a lot. I have been rejected by members of my own family for this, especially my rigidly Vegan and animal rights loving sister who has said, " David ( dour Scottish husband) and I believe you are mentally ill...which is your problem.. and you do not appreciate efforts of ours to help you ( not  true).

"As to your financial problems, we all ( three kids in my family) had basically the same background and opportunities and so any problems of yours come from your failure to work hard enough and make the most of your opportunities ( my brother makes the same argument but in much harsher terms).

Well, I beg to differ.
 I am the only intellectually oriented person in a family of very materialistic and hard nosed people --who also are, if I may say so, narcissistically inclined...and I don't want to say more except my bro and sis and I have really very little in common. My brother, in fact, announced years ago that " why should I care about anyone just because I am related to them? " He prefers the company of people who collect and refurbish old Porsches like he does...

I sure have problems, which I have wrestled with the best I could and have had both successes and failures. At the moment I have a great support system comprising of doctors, psychiatrist ( for meds and much more), therapist, and some great close friends, who unfortunately do not live in NYC. My close friends in NYC have died or are in nursing homes or otherwise incapacitated for various reasons. 

Finally, my experiences as an unwanted Fire Buff have shown me again that-- well, as my friend Goddard puts it, " Don't give money to people who have more of it than you do "--and why should I waste time with a Brotherhood, which, though admirable, is perfectly capable of taking care of itself, especially when it comes to rich Buffs and their exclusive networking that goes as part and parcel of a NYC Fire Department that has, well,  a long way to go in furnishing opportunities for women and minorities ( I suspect it will always be more or less homophobic because of the nature of the job from what I have seen of it.)

Oh, don't get me wrong, FF's have my full sympathy for what is a very dangerous and incredibly stressful job, but they don't really need me to cheer them on. Same with EMS people. I wish them well but my blog is too bloated as it is and I am going to concentrate on articles and material that just interests me.

Same principle applies to the tech world.  Here again I am mostly an autodidact and did not grow up with computers and computer games. I am interested in them because I am not clinging too hard to a tech past that is going for good ( like Radio Shack-sigh).

Some interests will be of more interest to me...such as tenants' rights in NYC and a whole host of others. And just what I find interesting in its own right.

So, for those of you who have been along for the ride the way things were, I am sure you can find other blogs which will interest you more than mine now. Hope you were entertained and informed by what I have done but the time has gone on to something different. 

Larry Kreger

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