Saturday, February 28, 2015

Poland: Green Light for Renewable Energy- Warsaw Voice

Poland approves renewable energy legislation
February 23, 2015    
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Poland's lower house Sejm put the final touches on the government's long-awaited renewable energy bill, with a costlier price-support system for micro-installations than the government had sanctioned as governing coalition parties continued to split on the matter. 

The bill, which primarily replaces certificates of origin with a new auctioning system for generation, had split the coalition on 'prosument' clauses mandating price floors for excess power sales by micro-producers who generate primarily for their own use. 

That vote went 227 to 200 against the senior coalition partner PO. All but one MP from the agrarian junior coalition partner PSL joined the opposition. 

The government, which wanted the price of for micro-installations to be set at 210% of the average annual power price from the prior year, will now offer a fixed price of PLN 750 per MWh of energy produced in micro-installations of up to 3 kW and between PLN 40-70 per MWh for installations of between 3 kW and 10 kW.

The government had said that the higher price floors will cause micro-installations to be used as an additional source of income for prosumers rather than a support for producing energy for own means, which had been the goal of the bill.

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