Translation from English

Sunday, February 8, 2015

MY NEW VIDEO: February 7-Tá sé ag cur sneachta- I Run Errands while Local FF's Handle Gas Emergency

Well, when this all started out it was snowing but it tapered off...was out doing all my errands...dealing with having my landline phone not functioning right and going to Radio Shack to get help with my funky back up cell phone-- love Radio Shack, watching it go is like saying a last farewell to the 20th Century as someone I rooting for them to survive somehow anyway

Anyway, pharmacy, pick up some milk..etc etc etc

Observe all the scaffolding as usual and renovation everywhere..

Ha! Look at scaffolding at left here on West End Avenue...West End Avenue is becoming another Boulevard of Scaffolding!

Noticed one plain old place has sign up that it is now going to be the Paris Apartments...very fancy, huh!

Watching my step on the sometimes slippery pavement..

While I did this mundane stuff, our local FF's were running around like crazy and handling things like gas emergencies...I walked over to the Firehouse where both L22 and Eng 76 were coming in...some of the crew looked really bushed..

And got my picture taken with the L22 those Seagrave taken by another friendly FF there...great bunch of people...They must be tired of seeing me taking photos etc.--well I live so close-- will give them a break now, I fear becoming a nuisance or something


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