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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ireland Drawn Into New Cold War?- Belfast Telegraph

Ireland drawn into 'new Cold War' as Vladimir Putin flexes muscles after Russian bombers fly past the west coast

A Russian Tu-95 Bear H photographed by an RAF Typhoon from 6 Squadron at RAF Leuchars in Scotland on Wednesday (MoD)
A Russian Tu-95 Bear H photographed by an RAF Typhoon from 6 Squadron at RAF Leuchars in Scotland on Wednesday (MoD)

The Republic found itself at the centre of the latest muscle-flexing exercise by Vladimir Putin after Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons flew past the west coast.

A diplomatic spat erupted as the Irish Government warned it was “absolutely unacceptable” that the two Tupolev 95s were in Irish-controlled airspace for five hours without notifying the authorities.
The planes were flying with their transponders switched off – meaning they could not be ‘seen’ by civilian aircraft as they passed through the busy airspace, where around 1,800 planes a day travel.
The aircraft were tracked by RAF Typhoon jets for more than 12 hours as they flew from the Norwegian Sea,  along the west coast before banking east and travelling south of the UK.
The Republic's Defence Minister Simon Coveney warned Russian military aircraft “should not” enter Irish airspace without notification but said there would be no “knee-jerk reaction”. He will discuss the matter with the Taoiseach to decide a course of action.
But a spokesman for Russian ambassador to Ireland Maxim Peshkov insisted the aircraft were in international airspace and there was no threat to commercial airlines.
Mr Coveney last night told the Irish Independent: "What happened was two Russian planes, without filing any flight plan or giving any pre-notification, came into international airspace that is controlled by the IAA.
"It should not happen and it did. That is a very busy airspace - about 1,800 planes a day fly through that. The IAA did a really good job in managing it."
He said the matter would be discussed with the Taoiseach, Transport Minister Pashcal Donohoe and Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan as any "knee-jerk" move would not be helpful.
"This isn't the first time Russian planes have flown along the western coast of the EU. We need to deal with this calmly.
"But we will make it very clear ... this is an unacceptable situation," said Mr Coveney.
The UK RAF was involved because Ireland is considered to be within its 'area of interest' in defence matters.
Irish air traffic controllers were notified of the incident by UK authorities at 11am, and remained on high alert until 4pm when the pair of Russian planes flew north.
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RAF Typhoon jets intercept two Russian bombers near UK airspace

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Get a frigging life......spy planes are flying over here all the time, US military strike planes too with the same capability.  The Bears have been flying around the north Atlantic for thirty odd years its just now the proaganda machine wants to make a highlight of it and do a bit of bad press. 
Our planes and the yanks fly close to their territories all the time, we conduct huge miltary exercises on their doorstep.....what do you expect?  
 At least they dont bomb us like the Yanks and Nato did in Iraq, illegally and against all international laws :-) led by the war criminals Bush and Blair..... If they did bomb us,  well, it would be just the same as our actions in Iraq!
So ROI doesnt have an Air Force? Seems they are scamming us for everything these days.

Oops  sorry they have one CN235...........
The reason being they're not the war mongering imperialists that the British and Americans are.  
@Muller11 @Backinbelfast The Irish have plenty of military equipment, they also have a mutual defence pact with the United Kingdom. It was the RAF that tracked the Russian planes as RAF have the equipment and capability to do so.
Tora,Tora,Tora.! Dont mess with the ROI
The country is called Ireland.
@Joe12 As william1 says its the ROI, the island is called Ireland.
@Joe12 It is hard for many in NI to call the Republic "Ireland", because they perceive themselves as living in Ireland, too (and the distinction between "in" and "on the isle of" seems highly uncomfortable to deal with).
@Judyta @Joe12 Most don't call it either Ireland or the Republic of Ireland, they say 'down south' or 'in the south'

Most people actually couldn't care any less nor have the time or desire to sit at a screen and procrastinate about the etymology
They're gonna have to deal with it because the country is not going to change its name for a minority. A group of us are going over to Irelands Capital next week. Looking forward to it, Dublin is a great city.
Good time to go Joe, better exchange rate at the moment between pound and euro.  
I was at the bank yesterday €133 for £100, Happy Days :)
@Joe12 Going to need more than €133...
@belfastsocrates @Joe12  you are soo right stayed overnight in Dublin after arriving from new York before going to derry  the price of drink is disgraceful ,,for a pint of harp and a bottle of coors 10euros 70 cents ( aprox £8 ) slightly better now but not much ,,new York was cheaper and that was with the tip as you get a free round with every forth drink ,,any drunk man in Dublin should be investigated by the taxman  
@Joe12  every subject no matter what it is comes around to the same stupid conversation ,the rights and wrongs of what this or that should be called in Ireland ,
E-cigarettes would be subject to bans on advertising and sponsorship under the proposed law

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