Translation from English

Saturday, February 14, 2015

"Hard Times"- again,sent to me by old friend Bill V.

These days preceded me and the Atomic Age, but they're worth a look.

When we're having tough times it's best to look back at history and see what tough times were really like, then we might NOT feel so bad!

This was a mere 80 years ago.... 

Makes complaining about no cell service, high gasoline prices, not enough cable channels, seem a bit ludicrous. If you don't know what the Great Depression was, here's the motto: "Use it up -- wear it out, make it do or do without." This reminds me to be grateful for what I do have..... Start each day with a smile and a prayer ... Then pass it on 

"Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is a mystery.   
And Today?
Today is a gift.  That's why we call it the present."

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